SearchVoatBot ago

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Rikhart ago

Fucking hell, this is much worse than I thought by now...

mralexson ago

This is pathetic

LibertarianForChrist ago

Stop whitewashing black people!

ardvarcus ago

White people need to just admit flat out, without shame, that niggers and sand-niggers do most of the violent crime. It's the truth, and we should never be afraid of the truth. The Jews have conditioned us all to be afraid to state the truth about anything. Break the conditioning.

Wiserman ago

Yeah, to find a criminal you have to show as much details as possible. Can't see anything with pixelation. There is a reason why people have to go to court in person. It is so the judge can see what color they are. We can't live in a world where anonymous trolls send internet messages, leaving the question, "Are you black?"

boekanier ago

Swedes again, the cuck champions, not surprised.

YouAreASlave ago

I can't believe jews would do such a thing.

Vrblpollushin ago

Fucking pieces of shit race traitor fucking cocksucking bitchfucks

Smokybubbles ago

It is disheartening to see so many examples of lies given to the public due to ideology and power seeking. Malicious corruption is prevalent everywhere, and most people don't want to see it because it is disturbing to realize.

webster_warrior ago

What is the clinical term for the pathological corollary ? Anyone happen to know ?

Titanbikes4ever ago

That's Fucking evil

DayOfThePillow ago

First Link (Dead)

Second Link (Dead)

How are we meant to share this with dead links?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago


DayOfThePillow ago

I checked and had nothing, whoever made the meme should have archived that shit first.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/news comment by @369693936.

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Chap ago

Swedish Women, will be one of the first to tell you they can’t tell the difference between the white man, and the coloured men. Then they will accuse you of racism, and probably have you arrested and destroy your career. If not, they will probably just have you arrested on fake rape charges and that works too. Talking to one of them, is like grating you teeth, it’s not pleasant.

Thus, the headline translates too being something like this, minus the “coal burner” talk. As that’s basically what a Swedish Woman is, a professional “coal burner”.

“Swedish women admit to long standing practice of “seeing white” to colour, coloured people, accused of being criminals by the evil white man in they’re minds and in the media as white too.”

Well they’re you go. White women cant tell the difference between a white man and a black man. But a black woman can. And an Asian woman can tell an Asian man apart too from a black man and the white man too. It’s institutionalised reverse racism, and it’s blatant, even the coloured women can see it. The constant virtue sings along and physiological statements in the media. It’s not good. It’s gone beyond the point of safe return.

Thus, I think it’s got to the point where the women this year are going to have a gender race war. These do occur and are noted in many history books as being the point where a civilisation collapses. NASA did a study, and civilisation has already collapsed over 14 time, in the last 11.000 years. But then those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. White women are systematically and institutionally reverse racists, and I think the coloured women are going to wipe the floor with them. If I remember correctly, you’d think would, wouldn’t you, as it cost me so much, but if I’m right, by the end of the year, Sweden’s population will have more than doubled. They agreed to this, as they do, to prove they’re not racists basically and to spite they’re own children really. But anyway, but the end of the year over 11 billion new Chinese Muslims will have entered Sweden. They wanted this, so I gave it to them. I get feed up of being baited. So sometimes I will allow them to destroy themselves, instead having to waste my time on them. Like attrition, on the battlefield, I only save those that are loyal to me.

White women would sell they’re children in shop windows to the coloureds for money and kicks, but I alas won’t. See the difference between us yet? One has to be responsible, they do not. And now they have been seen to do this, systematically, they will carry this reputation where over they go.

The Chinese Muslims, will take they’re lands from them, and they’re sons. The nation of Sweden will be no more. The flag will cease to exist. All in one year, this year.

Institutionalised reverse racism, and physiological warfare. Sweden won’t be missed

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

The white women is the biggest traitor to the western civilization. They are nothing but thots. And I bet they enjoy being called white trash by muslim rapists

Cant_Call_It ago


Stop using nigger language.

JastheMace ago

Only the dumb lefty globalist commie women

CRO95 ago

Don't forget that your statement is exactly what (((they))) want you to think, to make females repulsive to males. Our birth rates are low enough

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

You are right. I will have to find a women to mate with ,but it will be Impossible in the World of State enforced Cuckoldry, Feminism, and Single Motherhood thanks to the (((United Nations))).

The truth be told I am not a pure breed white. I am a white skinned mestizo. I have been mocked for my skin color by several dark skinned Latino niggers in my country, all the shit talking Latino niggers basically said that dark men were stronger than white men, muh big dark donger and yo tiny white meat and all that trash talk but I couldn't come up with a trash talk comeback, even some of the fucking niggeress latinitas were getting a kick out of me for being white looking. Ironic those nigger latinos are probably the same ones to cry equality when immigrating to the first world. Hell, Imagine If I had been a poor true White male(Blonde,Blue,Pale) I bet they would have been even more aggressive towards me.

I may not be Anglo/Germanic but I sympathize with all the Anglo/Germanic males out there because I have faced anti-white sentiments and we are probably facing extinction together even white skinned mestizos are in fucking danger kek. I have to find a white looking mestizo female and nothing else. I know that race mixing is bad and that Anglo/Germanic women are for Anglo/Germanic men only and mestizo women are for mestizo men only, but many shithead niggers world wide don't respect this. They only care about short term self gratification, because they are mere animals. I wish I could stop race mixers but I would get fucked over by the hoards of latino mongrels screaming "rasist no one is pure we are all mixed one the human race" at the top of their lungs.

I wish I had my own Latino Nationalist Forum but then again Latino mongrels do not grasp the concept of Nationalism, Purity, and Race. So here I am worrying for my long lost cousins in Europe.

Chap ago

They have they’re rapists kids here.

And the rapists have visitation rights to they’re rape baby too. What do you think they do with the baby of a white? And a product of rape? More baby’s and chain migration.

The women all get paid benefits to be single mothers, rape victims or not. It’s a cottage industry here selling they’re children on street corners and on the internet.

If we say anything they call us racist, and pedophiles. So, I’ve learned not to show concern. Too many niggers and coal burners to argue with now.

We did a study and in something 16 years the island will be majority black and Muslim population. So in 16 years the white women will have handed the British nukes and defensive and offensive systems to the immigrant.

Parliament doesn’t exist even now, it’s a total lie, fabrication, and false democracy. The island has had to be out on black alert, the highest level of alert you can get and be run from nucular underground bunkers already running of reserves. So fuck knows how they think we’re even going to last 16 years.

But yeah, in 16 years the white girls give the coloureds the nukes, and the wip hand officially. We’re the global minority and soon to be the island minority now. I hope history teaches other races and civilisation that’s come after mine has gone the error of my ways, and to never allow a white woman or coloured to be your equal, because they don’t really ever even try, they just want money, and dominance over you.

Since the wind rush importation, White Women have imported the coloured man, and now fully replaced the white man, all with the white mans money. They label all the white boys with mental health problems and call the white males peodphiles and racists, to destroy our careers, all so they can give them the keys to the nukes. That’s they're game plan.

When the Muslims get the nukes here, they will use them against Israel, you know it will happen. We made Israel, and they destroyed it. We made Belgium too, so they will probably go for that afterwards.

Coal burners with nukes.. Destroying the world, near you soon.. No, not in the cinema, but in reality

The white girls here at 16 are legally making porno movies now. Deficient themselves on they’re future husbands for money. These sort of psychological statements and this massive industry they feuded is what has destroyed this islands way of life. It’s everywhere.

crazy_eyes ago

lets put a monkey in a room with a pig until the monkey rapes the pig and see what results

Chap ago

You can take the blood of a monkey and put that in you, if your in the right blood group.

And you can take the heart of a pig and put that in your chest when your heart fails, and that will work also without any rejection in every “human” being on Earth. That surgery isn’t that hard, but then heart surgery is pretty straight forward anyway. Triple bi-pass or not. We’ve been doing that here since 1964, and still do to this day. Putting pigs hearts in people.

The missing link, is the Pig.

You didn't know that did you? It’s just that I found you mocking if anything, so thought I’d try to educate you better on it. Medically speaking and genetically speaking, your half pig and half monkey. That’s why we can take blood, and they’re organs and put them in you. Don’t try it with other animals though. It wouldn’t work, and I’d take offence and probably make your species extinct. (Don’t worry I’m just playing you, but I can do so, if I see fit)

I’m a genetic engineer. I have to know what I’m doing. It’s called being responsible. Try it some times. And get the sexual cogitations out of your head.

Your a product of rape, living in a rape culture. Half pig, half monkey. There are only 8 types of you, as that’s all the blood groups I have left.

Why, what did you think you where mere mortal? A man? No, theres been no men on Earth for a long time, only children amongst men.

One day somebody of your generation will have to rise to the responsibilities of the past. Well that’s what they say. I doubt you lot. It’s like you’ve ever only learnt from the tv and believed it’s lies wholly. People like me who don’t, and know otherwise, don’t care too much what you know, and what you don’t. It’s not your place to know anyway.

What you speak off is eerily familiar to the human monkey hybrids we did at the beginning of the year. So we where better prepared to create all those genetically engineered and enhanced Chinese’s kids, they are now starting to ban.

Don’t go telling everybody though. That they’re product. Let them believe in god and stuff, you know.

I will stop playing god one day I’m sure, and my creations will never even know of me.

I haven’t finished making man really, I would like to finish his eyes. Mans eyes come from the newt, that climbed the riverbanks here over 700.000 years ago. They haven’t evolved even slightly since then. When I finish mans eyes and he see the beauty around him. I will leave and be happy.

Have you ever created a life form before? Even something like a new species of plant perhaps? I also like making microbiological life, some times more than man. Did you know there more living organism in one tea spoon of soil than there are “humans” upon its surface? It takes hard work and determination, not just several hundred thousand years of evolution.

I will soon be growing crops on Mars, with a new species of human to do so. But hey what you don’t know doesn’t hurt you does it. That all 8 blood groups are being left behind . You all had your time, and as they say, out with the old, and in with the new.

Oh, and I’m not the messiah. I’m a very naughty naughty boy. Lol 😝

crazy_eyes ago


well i have created children, so there's that

edistojim ago

Doesn't matter. Everyone already knows its niggers, sand and regular.

GassyMcGasface ago

I wish you wouldn't say this is a Swedish thing, this is a Jewish thing.

DrShitlord ago

Ever heard of the Bonnier family? 80% of newspapers sold in Sweden, there's your explanation1. .

GassyMcGasface ago

No and don't care about Muslim nations. Your women voted for it, continue to support it, so happy allah snackbar to you.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

It is cause the water is turning the white men gay and the white women into thots

MuricaPersonified ago

That one will never get old.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Read my comment again I edited it.

J-woke ago

There is open war against white people. It's just that we are not fighting, only they are.

The_Ghost ago

A one-sided war is typically termed a genocide. But white genocide is a conspiracy theory, amirite?

J-woke ago

It isn't a genocide because we aren't defenseless, it is a war where we would have an enormous advantage and quick victory, if only we started fighting.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

and some coal burning people are joining their side.

Base311 ago

Coal burning traitors are white trash and dead already.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Oof. There goes 90% of the white female population.

Base311 ago

Don't trust the Jew propaganda. They exaggerate to demoralize.

drhitler ago

Source, fuck your jpg journalism

TheDonaldTrump ago

[RAPE: Is ethnicity relevant in cases involving Muslim rapists? Cases in Western Europe/Australia only:

Nigerian [50% Muslim] paedophile Opemipo Jaji was “obsessed with little white girls”

White British Schoolgirl's Testimony: Muslims Threaten Children With Violence & Rape Outside School Daily

Muslim rape-gang in Telford smuggled white girls through the back window of their takeaway because they didn’t want to be seen with white girls [1] & [2] and told them to “suck my sweet chocolate cock”

Rotherham Muslim rape-gang member Umar Razaq called his victim a “white bitch”

Oxford Muslim rape-gang “exclusively wanted white girls to abuse”

Lebanese Muslims led by Bilal Skaf gang-raped white Australian girls, calling them “Aussie Pigs”, telling them “we’re going to fuck you Leb-style”, “you deserve it because you’re Australian”, and asking them if “Leb-cock tastes better than Aussie cock”.

France: African raped white women to "Fight racism."

Iranian immigrant doctor who groped patients said “Western women open their legs to easily”

Girl A in the Rochdale case “was singled out because she was white”

White Australian girls complain of constant racial-sexual harassment by Lebanese men.

Group of Lebanese Muslim gang rapists from south-western Sydney hunted their victims on the basis of their ethnicity

Mufti Shahid Mehdi who said “Women are not entitled to respect when they walk around without a Hijab. They are to blame when they are attacked” rapes a Danish woman, then accuses her of being racist.


The editor-in-chief of the Swedish tabloid Expressen has already admitted[1] that the rumored practice of "White pixelization"[2]-the coloring of Brown or black accused criminals that are made to look White in media pictures—had been policy for years, until he said it would stop in 2010. Google translations: [1] https://tinyurl. com/n337j7a [2]

All of these assaults, reports NRK, were carried out by "non-western immigrants to Norway."

Norwegian MP: Blondes Dye Hair Dark to Avoid Harassment From Immigrants

Muslim paedophile Azad Miah called his victims “White Trash” [1] and said “In My Country Age Doesn’t Matter” [2] [1] [2]

Muslim immigrants interviewed in Sweden say “It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl”

Pakistani who raped white girl told her “this is how it is in my religion”

“Asian” men are 5 times more likely to be groomers than white men in Britain.

Racist Muslim gang attack in Bolton, called the victims “white trash”

Black rapist in France asked White women their nationality and religion before raping them.

Saudi Muslim cleric says the 72 virgins in Paradise are white women with wide eyes.

UK: Child sex abuse case concludes - (Muslim) foreigners pimping out young White British girls

UK: Oxford grooming ring was race-hate gang rape

UK: 9 muslim men rape 631 white girls in 5 year period

Muslim rape-gang leader Shabir Ahmed said in court “It’s not just them who are racist, we are racist too!” and blamed white community for not looking after girls

Judge concludes “You preyed on these girls because they were not part of your community or religion”

Katie Taylor was groomed by Muslims who said they "couldn’t be seen with her because she was white”](#s "Just paste it directly!")

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

What Jewtube removed the videos' as always

celestial-skylord ago

There was also a case in Sweden some time ago where the Police wanted help finding a criminal and they published a picture but the Media REFUSED to publish the picture without pixelation. Like "this pixelated person is wanted by the police". How fucking dense do you have to be to work in the media in Sweden.

Improbablyanasshole ago

They aren't stupid, they're evil.

HoneyTrap1488 ago


l0ng_time_lurker ago

"Expressen" is owned by the Bonnier Family. Sorospedia entry about said family: "...The Bonnier family is a Swedish family, originally of Jewish descent,[1] who since the beginning of the 19th century has been active in the book industry and later also in the mass media industry. They own the media group Bonnier Group, with the largest owners being Åke Bonnier and Jonas Bonnier. The group has 175 companies in 18 countries...."

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Every. Single. Time.

Adriansun ago


HeavyBrain ago

Its not about getting something done, its about virtue signaling, even when there is no one to hear it. Thats what an addiction is.

canbot ago

How dense do you have to be to trust the media.

teamviewer ago

There are a lot of boomers who have no clue the levels of propaganda there are. My parents are two casualties in this war and it has made me bitter and angry at the media. They came after my blood and conquered them. I pray for the day they're all hanging from ropes or bleeding from head wound bullet holes in their executive offices. The older generations are gone, we must have babies and raise the new generation to be stronger and aware of this info war.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I feel the same. There isn't no where safe from kikery. I bet Europe is like only 25% true white by now(excluding race mixers and older people) and America must be 1% true white

LazyJello9 ago

Imagine being that cucked that when you describe the fugitive you say things like "he was last seen wearing a green jacket and blue pants. He was middle 30s and approx. 170cm tall"

No mention of race,hair colour, skin colour, eye colour.

irelandLost ago

They do that in Ireland for missing persons. So a coon goes missing, his family want him found, only about 2% of the population are coons and so their skin colour is by far their most noticeable and distinguishable feature, yet they won’t mention it for fear of being waycist. It’s better that the missing coon die a slow and painful death for want of finding than to ever allude to the fact you notice different peoples have different levels of melanin. 🤡🌍

HeavyBrain ago

Thats how you know he is not white, also whites get their Picture, adress and social media passowrds published.

LazyJello9 ago

Sad but true. Time to take a page out of reddita book - no criminals should ever have personal details released. Race, gender, age, height, clothing choices ideological beliefs etc.

You commit a crime, you become a criminal and the law protects your identity. That's the smart system.

worthlesshope ago

I think this is happening in USA too. I don't pay too much attention to USA news, but I swear I remember hearing only description of clothes and no description of race when looking for a suspect.

HeavyBrain ago

Well because of all the racisims and ophressununs POC cant possibly change their cloths. duh. Thats why giving what the prep is wearing is more than enough, and dont you try and destroy my argument by saying that they still could steal new cloths because that would be racist.

crazy_eyes ago

unless they are white

PenisSmith ago

The paper up here in NJ refuses to put race in the description.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago


Psilocyber ago

Unless there's an opportunity to portray a white person (preferably male) negatively, then race is all that matters.

LazyJello9 ago

Lol I'm.not sure who is more cucked.. America or Sweden..

Either way it's 1st and 2nd place for them.