bareknuckles ago


SquarebobSpongebutt ago

And of course the women are saying men should just grow up and get over the chance of being falsely accused because it is more important that women take over the world than men not chance their lives.

slaver469 ago

Good. This is a good thing. Maybe they’ll learn that there are consequences for intruding into the world of men and acting like little kids.

Lemore ago

Well, the jewish plot seems to work great!

WhiteChickens ago

I don't talk to women at work, it's that simple.

I don't just say no, I say fuck no.

WhiteChickens ago

I think this is great, any time you need to have a 5 minute meeting with a female, you get a panel of men to sit in.

Every time, they will realize it's because they are gigantic children that no sane man wants to be alone with.

Saturday405 ago

I'm an 80's kind of guy who used to have no problem complimenting a woman on her new dress or her new hairstyle. Now I don't even speak to any of the women at work. "I like the new hairstyle" is now sexual harassment.

I image there's a lot of older women out there that notice the change in male behavior and miss being treated like a lady.

Honey_Pot ago

So, guessing this is out?: "Does the carpet match the drapes?"

Colonel_Questionmark ago

Bwahahahahaaa! Where were these “older women” when their feminist sisters were busy brainwashing the younger women?

Saturday405 ago

Dunno but there are still quality women out there.

shitstartercarter ago

In most lines of work why even hire females. They do 1/2 the work and expect double the pay. Literally every fucking woman I've ever worked with ever.

vtusr2 ago

Yes, they should just fire all the female employees. I bet most (if not all) are jewesses anyway.

TXRepublicMovement ago

The top financial product sales reps at my investment firm were always beautiful blonde women. They brought in the money.

Diggernicks ago

No wonder youre such a huge niglet.

Investment fags are fucking cancer.

TXRepublicMovement ago

You're stalking my comments like an obsessed fan

BeingUseful ago

You should meet some technical recruiters. They all tend to be super fucking hot as well as touchy and flirty. When you're getting a percentage of a six-figure salary for placing someone in a position, you tend to turn up the charm, so to speak.

It's gotten even wilder now that programmers have become a rare commodity. I've had several $150 dinners expensed by these folks trying to charm me in to switching jobs. And I'm just a regular old senior programmer. Can't imaging what's going on with the rock stars.

Of course, those guys tend to be beta spergs. So probably not nearly as lurid as I'm imagining.

dalik ago

Yep, attractive women dominate in sales.

Same reason why male athletes get paid a lot more for playing the same sport, it brings in more money.

TopTierCIAShill ago

Sorry dude. If it isn't trades or doing physical labour it isn't work. There's no difference between the clicking of excel and the clicking of WoW. The main difference between a WoW player and an Excel clerk is that there's a higher likelihood of the WoW player being able to do computer related shit, even as basic as HTML and CSS

LightestHour ago

The main difference between a WoW player and an Excel clerk is that there's a higher likelihood of the WoW player being able to do computer related shit

Also math

slope ago

Beta males will pay to watch women play wow on twitch. Its all about the hypothetical potential for sex/mating with the woman, even if the probability is low. Male clients will buy from an attractive female sales rep driven by the urge to mate.

TXRepublicMovement ago

Call it what you want, they were getting thousands in bonuses for each client.

shitstartercarter ago

That's why I said most lines of work. So many guys fall into that age old trap giving hot women money when they know those women aren't going to sleep with them. It's like paying a hooker and getting nothing in return.

nothingoriginal ago

Why even have female employees? They're dead weight.

basedmangod2015 ago

im just saying im a dude and ive never once had to worry about me too becuz i dont harrass people in the workplace.

YugeDick ago

That's the benefit of working in a male dominated industry. Congratulations on not acting on your gay impulses toward that effeminate Puerto Rican guy laying brick.

StanTheTRex ago

A false accusation would ruin your life just the same, and that's what these men are worried about.

basedmangod2015 ago

except it won't becuz false accusations are exceedingly rare becuz the false accuser doesnt really have alot to gain. every accusation deserves to be investigated and then either acted upon or discarded based on its merits.

StanTheTRex ago

You are exceptionally naive. The accuser stands to gain millions in settlements, and the only investigation that will be made is on how much negative publicity and loss of profit they'll get it they don't fire the accused immediately.

And learn to spell like an adult.

basedmangod2015 ago

and you are using jew doublespeak, what accuser has profitted from their accusation when the accusation wasnt credible?

StanTheTRex ago

In my opinion their credibility is put in question when they accept a settlement.

Fox News made multiple millions of dollars settlements but we'll never if the cases were credible because the cases never went to court so not all of the evidence is known.

basedmangod2015 ago

thats a perfectly legitimate point however i would counter with, if someone offered you 32 million dollars to keep your mouth shut youd probably do it, especially if it meant not torpedoing your whole career

StanTheTRex ago

Absolutely, I'd be at the bank before the ink dried on the check

But I'm also certain that there are people out there that see these settlements and decide they're going to try to get their slice of the pie and make false accusations. We don't hear about them because the settlement buys their silence. Many people are scum with no scruples and will do anything to not have to work.

Companies don't care about credibility, if buying silence is cheaper than the market hit they'll take then they'll make a settlement, and too bad for the poor guy that got falsely accused, fired,and got his good name ruined.

Even Congress does it:

lanre ago

It's ok, because he's done nothing wrong so I'm sure he doesn't mind. Probably has no problem with the NSA spying on all his communications either, because he "has nothing to hide".

Omnidempotent ago

The problem is that the definition of harassment keeps changing.

basedmangod2015 ago

no the fuck it doesn't, like this isnt hard dont make inappropriate advances on your employees if you are worried about me too it probably a good thing youre worried

SmokeyMeadow ago

This week I'm working a temp contract at a big insurance firm. I got to listen in on a bullying and sexual harassment test that management was making the regular IT guy complete. Hole-e-shit. I'm glad I don't work here full time. I honestly couldn't tell what was supposed to be bullying and what was harassment. At this point, ladies, you might as well not even have a vagina when you come to work, because I will go to puritanical lengths to avoid falling into a sexual harassment trap.

TXRepublicMovement ago

Yea, stay out of ((( corporations ))). Work for a small company or for yourself.

Sheetz ago

No having sex with white women goy! All relations between white men and white women must be sterile, for safety.

rndmvar ago

The seams are coming apart. Keep pulling feminists, and you'll have women only work places. AKA nunneries.

SocksOnCats ago

Women-only workplaces already exist. And, as predicted, many of them have already utterly failed.

Base311 ago

Like Sweden's government?

SocksOnCats ago


SmokeyMeadow ago

Here's a classic story of a failed all-female office. Sorry for the direct link to Dailyfail, but the archive is blocked on this company network.

harmlessgryphon ago

Here's an archive link. It's amusing because the story is already 10 years old.

Evidence is not evidence, apparently.

ALIENS2222 ago


SocksOnCats ago

Thank you for correcting my mistake.