fluhthreeex ago

she got some white dick and decided to shut the fuck up and forget all about it

ZOGDOG1488 ago

They basically say they HATE white people, literally HATE. But that is not HATE speech! Only whites can be hateful bigots and rayciss!!!

Fuckyounigger ago

Anyone who disappears is now probably part of the deep state

blognova ago

this is everything about money... as always

imdrowning ago

look at sarah jeongs eyes, ones way bigger than the other, I think she has downs.

Also I think she hates whites because one fucked her and chucked her nasty rice puss

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Try saying "fuck black people" or "fuck jewish people" and see how well that goes over

Rudy_Paine ago

I admit Im a white goblin. Now can I see your horizontal "slant eye" snatch

Tubesbestnoob ago

Anti whites need to be dealt with

thebearfromstartrack ago

Can't wait until the worm turns on these pieces of shit.

Fuzzychickens1 ago

Sarah’s post makes it clear she thinks whites are more advanced.

She compares them to Morlocks.

RustyFender1 ago

She went back into prostitution.

Goys-R-Us ago

Sarah Jeong is pisssed that her old boyfriend wouldn't marry her. Nothing but a bitter spinster with a dried up cooch and a chink, er chip, on her shoulder.

Doglegwarrior ago

If civil war 2.0 kicks off the asian one will be kept under ground as a sex slave

NosebergShekelman ago

lol I'll have three or four of them under my neighbors floorboards

Hamuraiii ago

they all need few shotgun blasts in the face.

Thereunto ago

If "white" is a distinction based on fair complexion, many non-Caucasian groups are also "white".

NosebergShekelman ago

They dont see Hispanics as white until they are booking them into jail or reporting about them on the news. Then all of a sudden they're white

Thereunto ago

"Predisposed to being inside"

Or clothed, or in developed infrastructure.

SchwiftyJew ago

Privilege for me and non for thee.

YamaMaya ago

Why is it always the ugly unfeminine women who act like this? Oh wait hahaha.

TransAthelete69 ago

I keep telling my children that only women too fucking ugly to attract a desirable mate are ALWAYS BITTER ABOUT IT.

ButtonQuail ago

The same goes for men.

TransAthelete69 ago

The ugly faggots are mad at the same people the ugly women are mad at. Attractive males, mostly because the feminists hate fuck them and then whine to the cucked soy boy best friends.

Snicklesnork ago

These people are RACIST . I thought Americans were supposed to be TOLERANT. Such utter hypocrisy.

Rothbard_Block_Hoppe ago

I think its got to the point in which I think racism is completely fine. If they are racist to us, we can be racist to them. If they call you a racist, just say "whats wrong with that"?

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

My (State employed, white female) boss came out yesterday morning talking about a song she loved that essentially blamed white men for all the world's problems. Even spouted off a few lines. Not a good time to be a white man - it's chic to hate us.

herbalism ago

I think white men should just completely withdraw from society. Don't go to work, don't pay taxes, grow our own food, and sit around all day collecting welfare. I wonder how long the minorities and women would last...

Schreiber ago

white female boss

Told ya letting them out of the kitchen was a mistake.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

Look at arabs, they're fine, no self-arab haters,

Well except the daily threat of suicide bombers...

But yes we've let feminism overrun our society to a detrimental degree. I don't know that full Sharia for women is the answer though.

Schreiber ago

Not full sharia.

Just traditional women role. Look at medieval europe for example. Or even nazi germany.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

I read your whole post, Herr Schreiber, and I still take issue with you holding arabs up as a model society ("they're fine").

If you wanted me to read only the last sentence, you probably should have written only the last sentence.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Schatz is Jewish. JStreetPAC, which supported him, called him a "strong voice for the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement," and a supporter of the Iran nuclear agreement.[5][6]

FSA-got-aleppo ago

pro Israel

Pro peace

Pick one

waterniggas ago

they mean Pax Judea

1Sorry_SOB ago

called him a "strong voice for the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement," and a supporter of the Iran nuclear agreement


qualityusername ago

America has an obvious racism problem.

NosebergShekelman ago

Yes. The white goyims have become hateful Nazi's and we must round them all up and put them into FEMA camps until we can figure out what to do with them. Non-whites are sick of the hate from whites. As a fellow white person it makes me ashamed to be white oy vey It must stop!! Shaloms and praise israel

Dragon40 ago

Nothing happened to either of them, naturally.

hedgefundhog ago

Glad to see Voat is taking a strong moral stance against spewing hate now lol.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

I can't stop laughing. How a very smallinority drives them so imsane, and seems to cause broken car horns.

Shotinthedark ago

Fuck you kike nigger fag!

AinzOown ago

It's the double standard he's pointing out.

hedgefundhog ago

Sure it is

8_billion_weiners ago

So bewilderingly hypocritical isn't it.

hedgefundhog ago

They should shut down the people in OP for hate speech.

NosebergShekelman ago


hedgefundhog ago

Glad to see Voat is taking a strong moral stance against spewing hate now lol

TheGrandMaster ago

They probably all got extra shekels from the Jews for speaking against white people

Schreiber ago

They're just doing their job.

It's all about the retirement fund!

Thuleman ago

Why don't these people just move to where there's no white people? Everyone's happy.

Maroonsaint ago

They think when white people are gone they’ll be able to keep this machine running. They’re too stupid to realize we built it. They couldn’t even maintain what’s here by themselves. Animals

MexasVet ago

Oy vey! You can't call us out like that! I need to set up a GoFundMe for the trauma!