boekanier ago

I thought that jews and arabs were sworn enemies. I have to take a closer look at that.

FatPanda ago

Look into this. I have not had the time myself

Fetalpig ago

Apologize to those who cut the check....ever wonder why ISIS,being in Isntreals backyard,why they never attack them and if they do they apologize? Gotta get me a shirt that says Every fucking time.

Octoclops ago

Why wouldn't they apologize? It was a friendly fire incident.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

LoginOrRegister ago

ISIS excuses themselves for attacking their creator...What a surprise.

BurqaFart ago

Our bad. We all look the same.

CantDentTheBrent ago


FridayJones ago

ISIS needed to apologize to the Jews, otherwise their funding from the Jews might have gotten cut.

LightestHour ago

In the Golan Heights, no less...

trevmon ago

our bad bros!

Voatharder ago


Alhambra ago

ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

awakeawareinma ago

Then one day, out of nowhere, I made the conscious choice to hate jews, for literally no reason.

Schreiber ago

]Gotta respect people who walk the talk. Jews have been talking about getting rid of whiteys and I see irl that they have been working on that. Meanwhile whites have been talking about the jewish problem for centuries yet nothing happened after Hitler died. Absolutely nothing other than anonymous threat online... pathetic.

FatPanda ago

The Truth, as it turns out, is Anti-Semitic.

UKD ago

ISIS is a Israeli/US/Saudi proxy army.

Civil_Warrior ago

Us is only involved because of illegal Israeli involvement with corrupt treasonous politicians. Killing a thousand in Washington and Israel could save millions of innocent dead. Kill every last Jew for world peace. ☮️


Fagtardicus ago

world peace


ephesians5_11 ago

There's this time too:

Civil_Warrior ago


Kalergi ago

US of Israel

NotaQjackass ago

ISIS = It's Still Israel Stupid

GarySnyder ago

Jews lie?!?!?! Lol, that should be the real headline.

Wiglaf ago

NOTHING TO SEE HERE PEOPLE fireworks factory explodes in background

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

It's safe to assume that daily mail went "oy vey!" and shut the comments section down real quick considering there's only 1 comment on there.

Civil_Warrior ago

They censored the plug-in to get around that censorship, so do the math. All corporate site comments are Jew gender bending shillfags.

Ifckstacy ago

The same reputable organization that cherry picked 4 out of context quotes and pieced them together to 'dirty dirty smear merchant' SargonOfAkkad as a pedo.

FatPanda ago

Trump suggests who might be financing ISIS.

Civil_Warrior ago

Cool vid thx

FH_Rileys_MaitreD ago

This is according to Jews, though.

ARNP ago

Where else would the news because from?

Civil_Warrior ago

It's pure cohencidence!!!!

14WordsToFreedom ago

That’s fine. That means whether you believe it or not, you’re still an antisemite.

fellowwhiteperson ago

All goyim are anti-semites. It's the Jewish version of original sin and goyim must atone or be punished.

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

using goyim

capitalising jewish


fellowwhiteperson ago

I'm a filthy IE user. The autocorrect is what it is.

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

Take the 20 second effort to change it. And stop calling your people cattle even in the ironic sense.

FridayJones ago

You appear to have accidentally typed "or" where you obviously meant to type "and."

the-rooster ago

Israel threatened to send muslim refugees into ISIS controlled territory. ISIS had no choice but to fold immediately out of fear their homes and way of life would be destroyed.

ThatNiggerGuyAgain ago

Paid for by your tax dollars goyim.

Tired of winning yet?

Plant_Boy ago

Great! Israel is getting along with Muslims, now lets GTFO of there and return all the Muslims and Jews in our countries to the middle east!

kingdomhearts123 ago

geography isn't going to protect you from jewish crime.

stop pushing half measures... we've been at war for 18 years. war is standard. the jews deserve war... not a free hideout.

Plant_Boy ago

You fail to see the plan. Gather then all in one place and then turn the region to glass!

kingdomhearts123 ago

lol Oh i see your plan.

I see your plan quite well. I'm not sure my plan and your plan are on the same side though.

Every layer of complication represents an opportunity for the enemy to insinuate creeping half-measures. Remember that.

Plant_Boy ago

The plan is simple, if you wipe out the religion of Judaism and Islam, I'm pretty sure Buddists and Christians can get along to make something of a new religion where everyone actually gets along!

kingdomhearts123 ago

I'd like you to explain the plan to me in person one day. Can you imagine the fun we'd have?

Plant_Boy ago

It's pretty simple, Muslims and everyone who has an Israeli passport or who has visited Israel more than once, or claimed to be a Jew on any social media platforms, ship them all to Middle East and make like Nagasaki or Hiroshima 2.0, but with Russia and, if they'll join us, China.

Tactically place all ground zeros equally distributed across the middle east so the region will be super heated to create a glassy plane. The big problem with this is it'll seriously lower the windshear of the region so the spread of radiated particles will be quick and far. Secondly the Med might suffer some irradiation as well, poisoning Italy, a country that is great.

However, if we encourage Israel to build a wall completely surrounding it then we could just flood the region with some heavy chemicals that would just lie in the boundaries of the wall...

kingdomhearts123 ago

yea i heard you the first time.

i think you're a kike. If you have to keep someone alive to move them somewhere, you're keeping them alive.

SparklingWiggle ago

Any measure to get this show moving along is a good measure.

kingdomhearts123 ago

look.. one day during the tribulations we can all discuss this in a physical environment. we'll put a pin in this until the half-measure transportation zionists and I are in the same physical environment and then we can have a nice little debate.

Plant_Boy ago

You obviously haven't seen my history of posts if you're calling me a kike.

What would your plan be?

kingdomhearts123 ago

yes you're very convincing.

the human skull is 1/4 inch thick... that's my plan.

SparklingWiggle ago

So just bashing in their heads? Not that I'm against it but it's not very efficient. It will take a lot of head bashers and to be candid, what is lacking at the moment are people willing to sacrifice themselves to get the job done.

kingdomhearts123 ago

gosh it sure will be a natural impossibility to get my plan done. war never happens on this planet! the people are so liberated and gentle!! where can I possibly find violence here on this planet that has, up until this point, been so non-violent???

my morale is significantly lowered!

SparklingWiggle ago

I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm suggesting I don't understand how it can happen.

kingdomhearts123 ago

you don't know what a pogrom is?

or you just think a pogrom means transportation?

If you don't understand historical precedent, that's not my problem.

SparklingWiggle ago

You may have mixed me up with someone else at some point. I just looked through this chain and don't see a mention of pogrom. Yes, I know what it is. They haven't worked in the past as a final solution. It really has been a half measure to get them to move along to another country. They need to be moved along to another plane of existence.

Plant_Boy ago

People tend to not care if it's not happening on their doorstep.

You might get some objections with your method.

kingdomhearts123 ago

yea. from zionists.

that's why we need to be in the same physical environment to discuss your zionist half-measure "hideout" plan.

to note objections.

Plant_Boy ago

Would love to but I have a thing against meeting strangers from the web unless I know them really well.

Timmy2 ago

Why, that's not at all suspicious.

Schreiber ago

To be fair, all of you voat tough guy are probably docile sheep irl pacified by jewish shekels.

Everybody has a price.

Sosacms ago

Well Isreal was buying their oil, so... Pretty straight forward.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Jews and Arabs are both semites

mememeyou ago


Jews 'opened the gates of Toledo' to Muslim Invaders.

Jews funded the invading Muslims: (TARIK IBN ZIYAD):

The Jews funded the Jihad against Europe

711-718AD - The 'Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain'

coincided with the Middle Ages in Europe, is a period of Muslim rule in much of the Iberian Peninsula during which, intermittently, Jews were generally accepted in society and Jewish religious, cultural, and economic life flourished.

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Revelations2_9 ago

Orthodox Jews are permitted to pray in Mosques and Muslims may pray in Synagogues, both are prohibited from entering a Christian Church.

mememeyou ago

wow, didn't know that. Makes ya wonder about the motive of Jews leading the charge to rebuild Notre Dame

Government_AI ago

This is their way of "metaphysically" letting us know exactly what's really going on. They know the public is so dumbed down they won't link all the information together

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

so If US troops are fighting Mooslims for Israel and Mooslims are fighting US troops for Israel what is the true purpose of these wars? genocide of the alpha males in the US so that the males left are so faggot beta they will start a commie revolution

Trousersnake1488 ago

Maybe. But maybe not, o got redpilled in Afghanistan and have years of conbat/insurgency experience that I pass on to as many buddies as I can.

blackguard19 ago

The word "Jews" is right there in the ISIS flag.

FSA-got-aleppo ago

It just shows who pulls the strings

TrevorLahey ago

Never piss off the folks that work in payroll...