Naked_Dave ago

I fucking love you goats

RodnamPosren ago

I’m the tard that’s going to purposely miss the joke (because this humor is so overdone it’s giving me cancer) and say the problem in this approach is living to appease others.

People are stupid. You’re stupid, I’m stupid, we’re all stupid. We don’t know what’s best for ourselves 90% of the time, let alone what’s best for another person. Why then would you let the whims of others dictate your actions?

Living by another’s arbitrary rules just for their fleeting approval? That’s there is the TRUE CUCK, boi.

Keeping on the straight and narrow, developing a sense of self that’s not herd mentality is a thankless grind. People always complain, no matter what, because that’s what they always do. Fuck ‘em.

The bright side is when you can stand on your feet and speak your mind, the whiny bitches scatter like the cockroaches they are. Because the only thing that evokes a stronger emotional response then their disdain for the “other” is their insecurity when they see you living without self contempt. They can’t see themselves living without self hatred and your living example shines a light on how low they are. You only hate in others that which you hate in yourself.

Don’t take on other peoples baggage. You have your own shit to deal with it, so deal with it. Don’t be a pussy, be humble & know thyself, and don’t show off either, faggot. Just know it satisfies the soul when selfish asshole comes up to you and say “can you hold some of my emotional baggage” you say “nah cunt I’ve got bigger burdens to handle.” The cunts need to hear that, it’s good for them, and the world needs you to be that dude.

edgydude69 ago

Fucking incels. Not worthy of woman’s only gift = incel. Women say it without realizing how badly it reflects on them.

CaptnObvius ago

Its the left, its impossible for them to be happy, I think that is what defines them, perpetual whiners and victims.

cantfindthistune ago

We live in a society

Ghetto_Shitlord ago


muhgainz ago

I did not expect a smuggie to be so on fucking point right now. OC?

FightingTheDarkArts ago

Anyone that would assume because you're a white male you've always had it easy is literally a mentally ill person who is a full blown delusional schizophrenic. Any attempt to have a conversation with them and you're going to get hit with a blitzkrieg of ridiculous straw man arguments that would take you at least half an hour to dissect. You are also dealing with their schizophrenic responses. Yes, I mean literal schizophrenia where they become immediately upset and mouth shit canned responses and retorts to things you never said.

If someone refuses to see the world where white men work construction all the time, work in factories for 10 bucks an hour to make the candy and soda you gorge yourselves to death on, build houses, build roads, where they are often most of the homeless, even in areas of large cities that are predominantly black, where they are often most of the war casualties, where they often have their children taken away, where they have to work their ass off or fall of the edge of the earth then it's just not a case of them not paying attention; it's a case of them willfully and actively REFUSING to look at what is in front of their face everyday. Their mental illness runs so deep, the negative illusion they live in everyday is so powerful that they can literally walk around everyday, see things everyday and ignore it all and just believe their echo chamber. This is how you get people who are tenured college professors that go out and start arguments with white men on a construction site, post it on social media and believe that society, as a whole, will support them and demonize the men out there risking life and limb to build a nice, comfy office for them to sit in or a home to live in.

Do not engage the mentally ill. It drives them even more insane, more depressed and it's the worst thing you can do to them. You don't stare into the mouth of madness. You will simply become like them. Talking to these people will MAKE YOU A RACIST. Engaging them in insane arguments will cause you to think like them if you do it long enough. These people are so lonely that all of these attempts to destroy other human beings simply because of the gender/race they were born is because they hate their own life and it's the only way they can connect with people. They don't have families and if they do then they're miserable. The only way they feel 'at one' with any part of society is when they're causing someone else pain, fighting with someone else or ganging up in a group with other crazies like them to fuck up someone's life/career and even go after their family. Most of them should be in mental hospitals.

If you see some homeless guy on the street that is 6'4, rubbing shit all over his face and screaming at you about how the pigeons are going to kill us all, you don't engage him. The danger there is obvious. Due to the fem nature and weak physical appearance/cowardice of most of these people, we don't see the obvious threat. We are annoyed or get angry. This is your nature betraying you. Don't let them wrap you up in their world and if you have to deal with them smile and say things like "It's great you care" Or "good for you." and "oh that's great" and you keep moving or change the topic. It takes practice but believe me when I say there is nothing more satisfying at work or with family.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Privilege has more to do with being a catered majority. Being a minority sucks wherever you go, especially if you're a minority who can't build their own no go zones and instead turn public housing into a primate exhibit.

FightingTheDarkArts ago

I think that's how 'privilege' was looked at 20 or 30 years ago. I think that's why you didn't see a huge outrage when AA spots were rolled out in corporations and colleges across the country. Like anything with good intentions, we're seeing now where it got us. It's one thing to give a minority a couple hundred points on SATs or to take kids from poor neighborhoods and not require them to complete the same amount of extra curricular activities outside of school that is expected of a kid that was born in better circumstances but now what do we have? We have morbidly obese black kids born to wealthy parents screaming up and down the hallways at Harvard and Yale despite the fact their tuition, books and living quarters are paid for. We have black kids whose native language is English but whom can barely speak English in a debate club at Ivy League schools screaming over people about killing all whites. I could drive downtown this afternoon and 2 dozen smarter minorities, all of them smarter, able to speak better and that have more self control than these minorities their putting through college. It's literal destruction of our higher education system. You can't build anyone up by giving hand outs and encouraging the worst of us to breed.

allahead ago

There is no such thing as white privilege. People work and build their entire lives and they want their work and their accumulation of wealth to be passed on so it can be used in the same way in which they chose to live their lives. They do this by having children and leaving their ideals, morals, and possessions for those children. Those children are their legacy and they earned them through hard work.

It's the childrens' birthright and responsibility to use the things they are taught and the resources they have to continue building within the framework in which their ancestors were successful.

It is not the responsibility of the children to give away what their families have worked for over thousands of years to people from other places with lesser ideals who are not as capable and not as hard working just so those foreigners can have an iphone and shit all over the place.

Fuck jews.

TigoleBitties ago

The privilage of being white is that it's easier to be accepted in our far superior communities and culture because people more readily assume that white kids were raised with the right values. Those communities are not exclusive to whites though, you just have to conform and follow the rules, something which many minorities either refuse to do or are uncapable of doing. Even white people have to conform or they are excluded. It happens to be these types that are pushing the narrative (cause they are dirty hippy socialists with no means to provide for themselves).

allahead ago

I agree, I just don't think the word privilege describes it properly, and has some baggage with it because of jewish propaganda. I think birthright is a better word. Maybe someone has a better word than that, I"m open to suggestions.

TigoleBitties ago

Culture. It's all about culture. People in general don't have a deep enough understanding of all that culture entails and the sjws and collectivists in general dismiss it as the concept doesn't agree with their philosophy.

allahead ago

And to a large degree, the culture that a group has and keeps is caused, or saved in their DNA. I think culture and DNA have been and are selected for at the same time.

TigoleBitties ago

Evidence points to that being very true. They've studied the language development of babies and find that kids of different races use a different set of language primitives as infants, regardless of the parents language, and language is a purely cultural construct. I could go into even more detail of how our brains are in a large part culture computers, where language is the programming language.

allahead ago

As a contrast, it is difficult to form complex thoughts without the proper language. Many extant languages, especially in Africa, are not written down by the native speakers and exist only in the heads of the speakers. Their vocabulary is surprisingly small and they are not able to communicate complex ideas, or possibly even conceptualize them.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Sure there is. Whites are in general far more capable than other people. And there is nothing wrong with this.

LightestHour ago

Increased prosperity isn't "privilege" if it's due to increased capability.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

It’s genetic privilege but the case that this somehow requires rectification is fatally flawed.

allahead ago

I mean there is no white privilege in the sense that it is a made up jewish phrase meant to discourage and disarm whites. Yes, I think whites have done the best job of building civilizations.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

You ARE privileged to be white. By genetic inheritance. It has nothing to do with societal bis and is not a negative in any way. The solution to the white privilege op is to own it.

allahead ago

Fair enough. It's just being framed in a negative context and people need to realize that it isn't.

strange_69 ago

I would not even rape you.

Derpfroot ago


JastheMace ago

I might rape you if it makes you feel better

SearchVoatBot ago

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no-hurry-no-pause ago

We're just doing what they asked us to do.

Sounds like youre castrated, feminized fags.


Itsdone63 ago

Yep, I'm pretty much done talking.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Yeah, someone wants to use that talking point on me, go right ahead. I just check out and ignore them at this point.

Drunk-Driver ago

Good one. I think "white privilege" is gaslighting because it aims to make white people question their thoughts and sanity as if there is something inherently wrong or abnormal with being white.

HeavyBrain ago

It did the exact opposite for me, it showed me that my thoughts are not completly retarded.

Obvy_throwaway52 ago

Definitely so. Also people's inability to parse Hollywood as some jews opinion rather than a reflection of society. This is how they've operated since taking over western media, slowly "progressing" their interpretation of reality and presenting it as fact, which stupid people take into their being and allow to shape their understanding of the world. This is how people normally learn, except in reverse. Movies and television uses to be entertainment, nothing more than that. When it started to be viewed as anything other than that was when we should have known there was a problem.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

just remember you cant have privilege without superiority.

allahead ago

Superiority in a society can be obtained by in-bred, r-selecting, violent, ignorant, fundamentalist savages. True superiority k-selects, then put those r-selectors in the ground.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

Indeed and hilarioisly sad for some white people they so believe they are privileged that they lower thier own sense of self, leading to higher rates of suicide, obesity, etc. They are just as clueless as the people saying, not realizing privilege is to the individual, not society... Much like "social" justice.

Any positive outcome going forward for us will demand we improve, or continue to, the self in regards to morals, conduct, culture, education, health, etc.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you know what's curious? once made this exact comment long ago, but instead of upvoats i got downvoats. me thinks there exist a hidden brigade here. now if only i could figure out what kind of shit they prefer downvoat.

privilege cant exist without some form of superiority. they call it white privilege, intelligence, wealth. glory etc. but fail to realize that in order to gain what we have, we had to be superior to all others.

TheFlameOfTruth ago

And that no one should accept being lesser than thier best. It's like being born smart and intentionally being dumb because you feel bad for those not as smart. One should ask a liberal if a rich black man should give his wealth to a poor white family.

Let all commplish their best and accept the results, no matter the skin color, lest we all crumble to dust.

Momo_Applebach ago

it's not an effective meme

Jaegerjaques ago

What's this, a /leftypol/ meme?

Way too much text nigger.

executiveintern ago

Can't read well? They have classes for that

Jaegerjaques ago

I'm pretty sure those classes teach eloquence and conciseness, instead of verbosity and paragraph spanning sentences.

LightestHour ago

Oh, so you want Memeology 203, where they teach content balance. Conciseness is good for general use, but certain ideas require elaboration to make any sense and/or create a sufficiently strong response.

muhgainz ago

I'm pretty sure the point of the meme was expressing a complex and well thought out idea on the issues affecting manhood.


Those opinions I don't like are violence and symptoms of toxic masculinity!

FSA-got-aleppo ago

I express my emotions by voting Trump