Pleasestopraining ago

"I won't have people reporting news! Not on my watch."

meridian27 ago

What actually happened is that Shep's boyfriend called and wanted to know if he could squeeze in a blowjob during the commercial break, so he cut away to get his party started. The idea that Shep, has a narrative that he is sticking to in wrong and very discriminatory,

pimplepeter ago

This shit needs to be spread to the frenchies so they can get even more angry.

Simpleusername ago

Shepard Smith the faggot.

Snicklesnork ago

S Smith is so globalist. He is also a sniveling progressive. Wasted air.

abasketofkittens ago

fuck tv

I_am_GOAT ago

It must be really nice having the means to sit on your ass all day looking for shit to post on social media. Need me to throw you a couple shekels on your patreon? You know for groceries and guns and sheeeit.

antiliberalsociety ago

Kek <----------




Titaniumman ago

Shep is currently fighting charges of unwanted sexual advances from a guy that said he was awaken with Shep on top of him trying to shove his tongue down his throat, and he didn't stop after the guy told him to.

rektumsempra ago

"Even the Nazis didn't dare to destroy it."


pimplepeter ago

virtuous christian nazis. lulz.

wt1984yb ago

Controlled opposition.

wasteroftime ago

He's going to have a hard time not talking about it now with someone having burned down Notre Dame

Goys-R-Us ago

Sheppard Smith takes it in the ass. What else do you need to know?

meridian27 ago

With or Without lube?

Goys-R-Us ago

IDK, you'll have to fuck him to find out.

BurqaFart ago

Jew producers yelled SHUT IT DOWN in his ear. Shep is just a droid taking orders.

pimplepeter ago

and dicks in the ass

bloodguard ago

Not surprising. Except for maybe Tucker Carlson Fox News has been creeping left since Roger Ailes was pushed under the bus.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey Shep is a good little goy. Its rumored that he likes getting his butthole pounded by tweens

fritz_maurentod ago

"Not on my watch".

Frankenblock ago

Vile scumsucker

Titaniumman ago

That would be Cum Sucker !!!!

TheKalergiFan ago

and it's posts like this that make me love Voat because I don't feel like I'm crazy.

my coworkers all asked me what was going on, I said it was probably burned on purpose, and all I heard was, "THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE"

fucking normies man.

Mumbleberry ago This is the true nature of OP

Improbablyanasshole ago

Once I had a guy tell me that the Holocaust definitely happened because he did a report on it in high school.

Fucking normies.

pimplepeter ago

Muh anne frank.

Snicklesnork ago

Heads in sand.

pimplepeter ago

Correction... heads in sandniggers.

shrink ago

Part of the big demoralization problem of Weimar Republic is that the people were disconnected from each other. They all had what they believed to be socially unacceptable thoughts, but they kept those to themselves, so they never had any idea how many people actually agreed with them. They were depressed and discouraged because they felt like some of the few sane people in an ethically upside down world.

You can rest assured that there are many, many, many people whose immediate thought about this was foul play by a bad actor. Especially with the yellow vests currently going on in France, you can bet there's a massive surge in anti-Islam sentiment in the back of everyone's minds, even if they don't want to give voice to that suspicion. The media will spin this exactly the way we'd expect them to spin it, but that will not stop people's suspicions.

JustAnotherUser ago

Can confirm, lived in France for almost 10 years, the French have a very strong distaste already for the Arab community (North African territories). They're the cause for a lot of violent crime and everyday harassment in big cities, and start fights over literally nothing at all. The French people are very much awakened to what resides inside their nation.

Charilko ago

This video ought to be a massive red pill

olieman ago

He's just your run of the mill progressive, radical homosexual.

con77 ago

fucking faggot piece of shit

Joker68 ago

If you're watching FOX during the day or the weekend you might as well watch CNN

Titaniumman ago

You got that right, I wish that the successful conservatives would ban together and start a real conservative network. Between Limbaugh, Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham, Levin, Dobbs and others they have the business connections, the capital and the talent to make it work,' Think about it, If Fox lost Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham and Dobbs alone they would be quickly be racing to join CNN at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to ratings.

ItsFappening ago

Levin already did, ya dingus. LevinTV became CRTV, then merged with The Blaze.

meridian27 ago

The Blaze is owned by Glenn "cry me a river" Beck. Hardly the kind he was looking for.

derram ago :

French Official Speculates Islamic Terrorism on Shep Smith - YouTube

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