Putzmiester ago

The sanctuary city shit is going to be our undoing. Once they are not allowed to do that anymore that is when all the illegals scramble out into the country. They are already there, but soon all the other pacos and Julios are going to come FLOODING into the countryside, vote Democrat and get gibs without paying taxes there too.

The only thing that will stop it at this point is violence. Be it at the golems are at their leaders...

Drakgan ago

Texas! Take notes you pathetic disappointment!

Asashio ago

Isn't this basically making it illegal to break the law?

knightwarrior41 ago


theoldones ago

why was it even legal in the first place?

Dortex ago

A better question is why you've been begging for child porn. Repeatedly. And again for good measure.

Putzmiester ago

Oy very! Only the chosen people are allowed to do that, right rabbi.

Dortex ago

That's actually basically what his response was. "It's okay when i beg for CP".

theoldones ago

read my rebuttal: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3142969

go the fuck away.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Getting yourself in a lil trouble again? Jesus can help with that. God bless!