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slevin_kelevra ago

Thanks, but no thanks. Why can't we just deport them LIKE THE FUCKING LAW SAYS?

Oh_Well_ian ago

hate to tell you... but Dems changed the law and what is happening is all by design.

That is why the President is angling with the military option as a matter of national security.

So.. if we have to keep them SEND THEM TO DEM DISTRICTS

RockmanRaiden ago

So camps then. Big ass, Arkham City style internment camps so the subversives can each each other. They won't even notice when the fences go up and checkpoints established.

MoreAnal ago

The camps are already built. Several facilities that can hold 50k+ illegals have even been built under trump with that specific intention/designation. Gee I wonder why we’re spending billions on building living quarters for illegals instead of a wall to keep them out.

OP thinks the president is fighting for his interests. One of many hopelessly naive niggers.

slevin_kelevra ago

Where are these camps located?

MoreAnal ago

I’ve been looking for these articles for hours now. I will keep looking so don’t shit on my claim yet.

I remember very clearly several articles from about a year ago talking about a dention center being built to house either 70k, 72k or 76k ‘immigrants’ somewhere in the north west as well as another that was for 56k immigrants I believe being built in another state, and then there was a third in California. I remember there being several articles about this and at least 2 of them mentioned all the facilities being built. I pointed these centers out before on voat with an old account.

I’m going to keep looking until I find these articles and will get back to yiu

RockmanRaiden ago

If you're talking about the FEMA camps, they've been preparing those for the better part of two decades. Way before Trump.