Doglegwarrior ago

This is how i felt after going to reddit and looking at reddit comments about owen benjamin. (((They))) are attacking him and deplatforming him and smearing him. Owen is not perfect and has had some fuck ups but the guy admits them and apoligizes and tries to honestly explain why he did what he did or said what he said. Very few celebraties or famous people would do that.

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, they are.

And, you know, since you missed the rest of the quote, we don't forget either.

You're still a dumbass old man.

I_am_GOAT ago

Aren't you that faggot who pulled a gofundme scam? Doxed yourself with a cringey picture of you posing with your sidearm? Maybe I'm wrong...

antiliberalsociety ago


I_am_GOAT ago

bookmarked reported

TexasVet ago

It was not a scam. You just fell for the character assassination perpetrated by antiliberalsociety. That makes you just another weak minded asshat.

I_am_GOAT ago

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Im sorry. I'll stop being a meany.

TexasVet ago


antiliberalsociety ago

Yet you can't prove your side...

TexasVet ago

What is there to even prove. I have freely admitted buying the rifle with the excess funds. Everything else you keep bringing up is irrelevant. Its just vindictive petty bullshit.

antiliberalsociety ago

You say it isn't fraud after I proved it is. You claim I lie, so fucking prove it already.

TexasVet ago

You didn't prove shit you liar. Every penny donated past the original 500 goal was mine to do whatever I wanted to with. There is literally nothing to prove. Nothing. If you are saying that it was fraud to ask for the help at all then it falls upon you to prove that I wasn't in need at the time of the gofundme. Not me.

TexasVet ago

No I am saying that the EXCESS money above and beyond the initial goal of 500 was mine to do whatever I wanted to with. So even though I had found employment I was supposed to keep the gofundme money separated somehow? To be sure it was used only for food and nothing else? How do you even know what was being used for what anymore. The gofundme money and my income started to all blend together by that time. You have no case. This has become nothing more than an obsession. You do not care anymore what is wrong or right. All you know is that you hate me. You are consumed by hatred. Unfounded pathological hatred against someone that has never done you wrong. Once again I urge you to either let this go or seek professional help. You have serious issues.

antiliberalsociety ago

Yeah, problem is you didn't put rifles in the description. Amount doesn't matter, you lied about where it was going. You lied about being unemployed. You didn't shut it down once the goal was reached, only when I pointed out your fraud.

TexasVet ago

Prove that I lied about being unemployed. Prove it.

antiliberalsociety ago

It's in the post you keep ignoring and I keep posting. Don't ignore the fact you defrauded donors by lying about where the money was going. Address this first, THEN we can move on.

I_am_GOAT ago

I love my popcorn salty, thank you for your service.

veteran88 ago

There are a few ways we could stop our enemies from lying forever.

TexasVet ago

The Day of the Rope looms large. Vengance comes sooner than they think.

I_am_GOAT ago

Like how soon?

TexasVet ago

Hard to say for sure. When the dam bursts we will know. All I know for sure is that the white man is at a breaking point. It cannot go on like this much longer.

antiliberalsociety ago

Quit fucking alluding to civil war you Zionist shill. You give the left all they need to shut us down ya fraud.

antiliberalsociety ago

Says the fraudster

kiriyama999 ago

This is why I think they have the hero in Hollywood movies spare the villain at the end even after all the horrors they commit, like its honorable to let monsters go. They were programming us to spare them.

trevmon ago

also why jews created a religion that tells us to turn the other cheek, very cucked

Wazhappenin1 ago

Never lose hope! My goal this year is to develop faith. Faith is what separates victors from the defeated.

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

Redpill everyone you know on the KIKES

TheTrigger ago

This is true. Despite all odds, any time I've gotten to a breaking point, about some difficulty, and told myself, "No. I will resolve this. It might as well already be fixed, since I'm gonna get it done either way." The outcome was never failure. Sometimes compromise, but never a loss. Faithful resolve is a powerful thing. The Knights Templar were mightily feared because they fought as if filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and had no fear of God's enemies.

Wazhappenin1 ago

The Knights Templars. The Vikings. Romans, Visigoths the Celts, the Picts etc. faith was essentially part of their mental fabric. Killing people's faith is essentially a psychological weapon used to demoralize and uninspire you.

The rise of psychology and psychiatry with their questioning of self motive and scrutinizing reasons and latent ideas behind every personal action is essentially psycho scrambling our brains.

Also too much learning. We can learn forever online with all the info. But that won't help us in a battle against anything, but faith ! We have all heard the stories of how faith have gotten people through hard times. Nationally the boomers and Us Xers haven't gone through hard times. Individually perhaps , but not as a people.

So belittling faiths role or spritualitys role in a mans life during good times may stymie our efforts to survive during the coming bad times.

Atheist, agnostic, believer and other- I believe can all have faith.