Pattern_Blind ago

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.


lordvain2 ago

If you have ever read the book The Stand by Steven (Alcohol) King, you will realize this guy is just like Randall Flag. He carries pockets full of fliers from ever militant group in his pockets to spread chaos. He is about deception and evil. He is on nobodies side. There is some metaphysical shit going on, in case you can't see it. Captian Tripps can't be far behind.

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

Makes me think of the joker from Dark Knight; startlingly similar philosophy.

elitch2 ago

THey really want us to believe that this was a mossad false flag.

It was not.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Are they that scared?

I am curious as to what happened in France this weekend, are the protests still going on? We are about to hit a new quarter, and mass protests have been going on in a major european country.

Not good for the economy, especially one that is still in recession like the eurocucks are.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Are they that scared?


elitch2 ago

Fuck the economy.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Oh yes. The economy is the only thing keeping the derp state alive. The moment it crashes in the EU, is the moment mass chaos hits.

all those thugs, thought police, laws, restrictions and controls cost money. tons of it. When that money is gone the system collapses.

one of the prime contributors in the EU is trying to leave, and another is having mass protests. they are in trouble.

elitch2 ago

On top of that, White men are largely excluded from the benefits of having a strong economy (which we don't have anyway. we don't manufacture anything, any more.).

Fuck it, fuck them, time to hang the traitors.

VanilluhGorilluh ago

The black sun is straight up occult and you're saying there couldnt possibly be another occult symbol involved? Looks to me it was hidden in there on purpose.

loldude ago

its a satanic symbol. not very secret either.

All symbols with astrotheolgical meanings are satanic.

sugamari ago

ya i got to agree with...jesus i cant agree with a dooshbag named ifuckdolphinseveryday... satanic is evil. the truth is theopposite. you do the math for fuxxaches.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

All symbols with astrotheolgical meanings are satanic.

"I've been brainwashed by kikes to think nordic runes are satanic." @loldude

loldude ago

Ill be praying for you, in Jesus name.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

kill yourself

loldude ago

I'm already dead friendo. but I do forgive you.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Lol are you one of the poor normies who believes the official holocaust story and that Nazis were satanists?

The narrative has you.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Yes Q+ is Trump. So Qtards stop bothering me.