NNdmt ago

Member for 1.7 days (((InternationalGoy)))

Steinmacher ago

Nor sure if you know this... but you're not supposed to watch that video... 😉👌

24601_JeanValJean ago

Oh FFS, it's the journalist explaining things again.

QuestionEverything ago

HEY GOY! Delete your video! AGAINST THE LAW TO LOOK!

10 years, 100 years, 10000 YEARS penalty goyim!

Approved ago

You can clearly see that they are shoes with light-colored soles and blue tops when the gunman enters the mosque for the second time. Watch when he walks into the mosque the second time. They're multi-colored shoes; not bare feet and not socks.

ardvarcus ago

What the fuck is with these assholes, falling all over each other trying to be the first to call the latest incident a false flag or a hoax? This shooting was real, and it was done for a purpose. The man who did it wasn't insane, he was angry. Everything he wrote in his manifesto makes good sense. He sacrificed himself for you dumb fuckers who are calling his sacrifice a false flag.

Civil_Warrior ago

It was staged

MaunaLoona ago

I looked at the video. Shoes are pink on the way in. They are blue on the way out. Then after he comes back from the car, the shoes are pink again on the way in. Can't see shoes at all on the way out again.

The video I have is so low quality that it's hard to say what's going on.

T101genisys ago

Nice 20 hour account, stupid.

Kirbyrambo ago

Looks like he had his socks on==>got shot==>gun man leaves area ==>another rag head slips by and takes his socks==and then the gun man comes through again==and films him with his socks gone. Dune coons being dune coons.

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

The chick that got smoked outside in the street looked real enough.

iLuvJews ago

The one that got shot in the head twice and left no blood?

Fakest one of them all.

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

Cute, dipshit, real cute; spend an hour on BestGore and learn something.

iLuvJews ago

lol, downvoting me for pointing out the obvious?

Just proves my point even more, shill.

NPCGator ago

Huh, interesting. Does seem his shoes are gone in the second still. Something else that strikes me as strange, where's all the blood that should be leaking out of that guy onto the carpet in the second photo? he got blasted by a shotgun then shot with an AR, he should be bleeding like crazy.

Anybody remember the white helmets? the faked gas attacks? these people with the help of the MSM are pros at faking shit for the normies.

andrew_white_forever ago

Member for 20 hours dropping ice cold Jewish takes.

Doglegwarrior ago

I heard there was a clip on the ground but i have not seen evidence showing it was there before he went in.

Musa ago

Leather socks are a common sight among those people. Perhaps they look different because of the shooter's strobe light?

HAESisalie ago

I just looked at the video, and my copy isn't the best, but it looked like he was wearing sneakers, the old fashioned kind like Chuck Conners (or whatever the name was) with white soles and blue canvas tops. The soles were smeared with blood as he tried to crawl away.

Honestly it looks legit to me.

InternationalGoy ago

Yeah, on review, I think the same.

Thereunto ago

X number of hours after the event, "fake fake" videos are an open vector for narrative manipulation. Modify an original to introduce inconsistencies that cause viewers to question the videos validity. Make them subtle enough that no one recalls correctly whether they were there on the first viewing.

midnightblue1335 ago

There's a pretty simple explanation for this. The top image was taken at a moment when the shooter's rifle had a strobe light pointed down near the dying guy's feet. The flashing light sort of washes out the image.

The second image is taken from a moment when there was no extra light source blinking on the feet of the dead man, so his shoes look different because of different lighting.

This is like the initial murmurings of the "mystery magazine" which was dropped at 6:50. People were saying "there was a magazine already in the mosque, planted in the hallway underneath the bulletin board!" The reality is you can hear him drop it and bounce across the floor at about 6:50 when he spins to his right to shoot the guy in the room on the right.

Warnos44 ago

You guys are retarded if you buy into this being the same corpse. The positioning, lighting, door way layout in the hall, all different. Fuck off you gullible asshats, especially you, "international kike".

InternationalGoy ago

What if it doesn't matter?

Kek must come before Shu.

Splooge ago

I rewatched my copy of the video. It's definitely a different color on the way out.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/Conspiracy comment by @Rotteuxx.

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Master_Foo ago

OK, so let me get this straight. You are proposing that, for no reason at all. The director of this movie was like, "OK, guy laying there acting dead. You are doing great! It's time to swap you out with someone else for no reason at all."

Rotteuxx ago

I just re-watched it myself, the sandnigger died without shoes on & no bare feet on his exit from the mosque.

But by all means, only trust your own eyes.

Master_Foo ago

I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm just trying to figure out exactly HOW it happened. We may have other explanations and I don't like jumping to conclusions. See my other post in this thread.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

His mom came in and thought his feet looked cold. Then left. That's the only possible explanation.

Master_Foo ago

Some autistic person actually had another look at the video. It turns out every time the camera is facing the soles of the guy's feet it's red / white and when the camera is facing the top of the foot it's always dark / blue. And the shooter goes back and forth many times.

So, I think the obvious conclusion is obvious. Its either Sasquatch or aliens. The best proof I have of this is the potato quality of the video. Whenever Sasquatch or Aliens are around the codec always drops the video quality to "Downs Syndrome" level.

InternationalGoy ago


It's standard protocol in staged attacks to add little inconsistencies as psychological warfare against the intelligensia. So when the smart people notice these inconsistencies, they are demoralized by becoming aware of how gullible the people surrounding them are. They give up trying to inform people as a result of being exposed to so many inconsistencies accepted by the public.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

New account... but the most insightful comment on the whole site in the last 72 hours.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

The fun part about this one, is that the inconsistencies are so glaring, but anyone creating a video to analyze them will see the video removed from the Internet very quickly.

Crackrocknigga ago

user for 22 hours

Nice try Rabbai!

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Doesn't matter how old the account is, fucktard. The point he made is not only valid, but spot-on..

Crackrocknigga ago

Sorry I insulted your Rabbai Schlomo!

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

Address the fine Rabbi's argument, boomer edgelord.

Crackrocknigga ago

I refuse to faggot, because there is no evidence I've seen so far to suggest this is a false attack and he has provided none.

Doglegwarrior ago

Dude 9/11 is the biggest shit post mind fucking lie with obvious bullshit

NosebergShekelman ago

Iranians did 911. America needs to do a draft and invade Iran soon. shaloms

Doglegwarrior ago

Lol! I am assuming this is a joke and sarcasim if so very funny if serious you are obviously retarded.

NosebergShekelman ago

We must [protect israel at all costs----no matter how many goyims it takes.

midnightblue1335 ago

So what you're saying is, the shooter left the building, and the "dead man" quickly removed his shoes and threw them somewhere before the shooter returned, and then laid back down in the exact same position (in his pooling blood from the several bullet wounds he has) just to fuck with us?

No, I don't think so. Skepticism and suspicion about this kind of event is good. But sometimes, things happen exactly the way they happen.

Instead of fixating on silly shit like this, we should be more interested in his trip to Pakistan 6 months prior to the shooting, where he had a great time and says "The Pakistanis are wonderful people". Did you know that the muslim sect that was hosting Tarrant in Pakistan IS A RIVAL SECT TO THE MOSQUE THAT TARRANT ATTACKED FIRST? Now that is conspiracy fuel.

One might speculate that he went to Pakistan to train to destroy the enemies of his Paki friends.

Also, the Mossad spy ring that was uncovered a few years back in Christchurch adds more fuel to the conspiracy fire. Look up "earthquake in NZ unearths Mossad spy ring". Earthquake caused a car accident, and the driver was an Israeli who had like 6 passports for himself on him, all with different names. He and his 4 spy buddies were sent back to Israel.

It is believed that these spies were trying to infiltrate NZ intelligence software for some nefarious reason or another. Now, Tarrant is no Mossad trained killer, but all these strange coincidences really make you think...

badruns ago

Tarrant is no Mossad trained killer

How do we know this? For all the fuck we know this is a recruitment video because mossad is running out of ISIS fighters. There is far, far too much effort spent on optics for my liking.

midnightblue1335 ago

I meant he doesn't have the skills and doesn't display the concepts a trained professional does.

Perhaps the most egregious example: he spent an absurd amount of time in the hallway. In infantry training schools, hallways are called "funnels of death" and you are taught to NOT stand around in them. In this scenario, there was a little alcove in the hallway with two doors (perhaps restrooms?) which a professional would have moved into in order to reload his weapons. If any armed resistance entered the building while he was standing in the hallway, or in the main room within view of the front entrance, he's a sitting duck. His clumsy handling of his magazines is another indication.

Could he be an MK-ultra style brainwashed killer? Sure. But he has no formal training in combat. I believe he was "trained" while he was in Pakistan.

Don't forget that the muslims he was hanging out with in Pakistan, the ones he says he really likes, are rivals with the first mosque Tarrant shot up. I'd wager he was "trained" during his "vacation" in order to perform this attack. Seems like gang warfare.

badruns ago

Gang warfare does not explain the ridiculously heavy focus on optics, nor the "beating you over the head" amounts of narrative.

InternationalGoy ago

From what I understand, he didn't have a problem with non-Whites living in their own countries.

The Mossad thing is something we should be concerned about, because this attack follows the Brevik model. Country does something to piss off Israel, Israel threatens them, activates terrorist cell in their country.


buZZLima ago

So its isreal staged the massacre to provoke Muslims into wars with us?

Makes sense. Fucking kikes never stop provking wars... we must remembers, All wars are bankers wars!

InternationalGoy ago

The Jewish playbook usually works like this. They pretend to be allies to two parties they want to get rid of, then do false flags and incite conflicts until the two groups fight, eliminating population on both sides while Jews stand on the sidelines.

I think the Israelis promoted immigration of Arabs into the Western world to set this situation up where either Whites would be eliminated or fighting their wars for them. The Jew Bush Jr. certainly followed this scheme. Provoke White hatred against Muslims using fake Muslim Al Qaeda as the patsy, then use White USA to attack Israel's targets in the Middle East.

I don't think they really thought that far ahead about the outcomes though. If Muslims take over the Western world, they'll have access to untold weaponry, including nukes. Because Muslims are taking over White countries faster than the nuclear warhead stockpiles become unuseable, they're having to put White society on life support for a while by getting Whites to defend their countries from Islam.

I also don't think they took into consideration what would happen if they brainwashed Whites with Soviet propaganda to this degree, making Whites and non-White neo-Soviets a unified enemy against them. This neo-Sovietism we call Globalism today is now threatening the continued existence of Israel as an ethnostate, putting Jews in the same situation as Whites. So now the Israelis have to try to undue the brainwashing they caused, to a degree.

Master_Foo ago

OK, that's a fair theory. I'll add it to the list.

But, what about other possibilities? So, let's say this isn't a conspiracy. Let's say the shooting is real. So, the shooter goes in. Ruins everyone's day. Goes out to the car to get more ammo. But while he is doing this, the guy on the floor, leprechauns teleport in and change this dude's socks?

How do we tell the difference between your theory and the leprechaun theory? I'm not saying your claim isn't valid. I'm just trying to work out all the possibilities here.

drstrangegov ago

Here's an interesting little tidbit about casings that don't hit the ground. You'd think you'd see at least one skitter away....but they seem to just disappear. If video manipulation was being used, any number of bizarre inconsistencies can be attributed to someone not being completely on top of their game in the editing department. No leprechauns needed. https://www.instagram.com/followthewhiterabbit_official/p/BvIBtkRgnFL/

Master_Foo ago

Yes, I agree that your statement here is logical. I'm not trying to debunk your theory. I'm trying to eliminate all the OTHER possibilities that would cause doubt on your statement.

You are correct that leprechauns aren't needed. But, that doesn't rule out the possibility of leprechauns. You get what I'm saying here? We can't JUST disregard leprechauns without good cause. That's just lazy investigation.

Also, see my Mandela Effect theory elsewhere in this thread.

drstrangegov ago

You've been drinking too much green beer.

Master_Foo ago

OK, dude. What if the guy who got shot was on vacation visiting from the future? What if in the future they have invisible shoes? So, these shoes have a power saving mode that detects if the wearer is dead and automagically shuts down the cloaking chip? That could explain what is going on here.

drstrangegov ago

Word vomit.

InternationalGoy ago

That's another advantage to placing inconsistencies in a staged event. If they lose control of the narrative and it causes the wrong effect, they can kill the story with unrestrained speculation by pointing out the inconsistencies so that everything based on the event, like policies, can be easily overturned.

Master_Foo ago

My goal here is to CONSTRAIN the speculation by ruling out other possibilities. Help me out here.

So, another possibility that we need to rule out is, maybe there are two universes and the Mandela Effect is in play. In both universes, everything happened exactly the same. But the only difference between the two universes is the guy who got shot in Universe 1 was wearing socks and in Universe 2 he wasn't wearing socks. The shooter goes out to the car to get more ammo, and the Mandela Effect kicks in. The guy who was shot in both universes is swapped with his doppleganger from the other Universe.

You have to admit, this scenario is something we are going to have to account for if we are going to be taken seriously.

Fibbideh ago

implying sand niggers didn't steal his red shoes.

Splooge ago

And then replace them with blue ones?

Fibbideh ago

Those are socks

Splooge ago

I dunno man, maybe I'm jaded, but they look like shoes to me no matter how many times I rewatch the segment.

And I hate to say this, but regardless of what the actual reality is/was, a storm is brewing and everyone needs to sack the fuck up before it's too late.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

There's a link to the actual video in /v/watchpeopledie

Stephen89 ago

I enjoyed it

Splooge ago

Me too, but I don't understand why that sub has it -- I didn't see any people die in the video.

iLuvJews ago

lol, exactly.

Also, why can't I see the voating arrows in this sub/verse?

goforkyourself ago

Looks like shoes to me. Blue tops, red bottom or such. As someone that was at the entrance and possibly about to leave or just got there, they would have their shoes on. They would have been just taking them off or putting them on at that location.

Glory_Beckons ago

Snapshots for proof:

Red soles: 6:49

Blue tops: 7:10

Red soles: 10:37

Blue tops: 10:39

No mystery here. Unless someone thinks mudslimes have developed some sort of secret nano technology to automatically materialize and disintegrate shoes at the entrance of their mosques, and these are glitching out because he's lying right on the threshold or something. I've said too much. This message will self-destruct in 10... 9... 8...

Splooge ago

Imgoat is giving me security certificate warnings.

Glory_Beckons ago

The certificate just expired yesterday. You can safely add an exception. Hopefully disco will renew it soon so that's not necessary.

Alternatively, imgtc gallery. It's in reverse order. So first image is 10:39, last is 6:49.

Splooge ago

Yeah, I've already done so, just pointing it out in case other goats think it's on their end or whatever. Cheers for alt-link.

Samsquamch ago

Yeah I'm not seeing definitive proof of bare feet either. I see blurry red and that's it.

midnightblue1335 ago

Yep, it's just shoes. The first screenshot in this submission is at a moment when the strobe light was flashing on them, which will distort the imagine a little bit.

The second image had no such strobe light, giving you a clearer view of what the shoes looked like.

Rotteuxx ago

The strobe light moves away from his feet towards the left in the video right after he goes down and there's not much difference in color.

FecalDemiurge6000 ago

I was really thinking it was slippers with different colors on each side. But if you go frame-by-frame, you'll be convinced otherwise. It's definitely bare feet the first time around. Definitely not bare feet on the second pass.

The_Venerable ago

Lookling like a false flag more and more every day. No wonder they don't want anyone looking at it.

materialismo ago

Here look at the MLG version all you want https://vimeo.com/324586942

Disdain ago

The response time alone raises enough questions, let alone everything else wrong with it all