oioiiooi ago

The log in our eye is the Patriot Act passed after 9/11.

hikoo ago

This makes me want to download the video but I 100% prefer my mass murder in the fictional realm so I'll buy GTA5 instead.

getshanked ago

Is anyone surprised this is happening with such a virtue signalling fem gash in power?

QDPie ago

10 years ago I was jonesing to move to NZ. I knew people from there and they waxed eloquent about its beauty and rolling hills, wonderful people, etc etc. I was working on jobs and a visa. Had my money saved up. Got into an accident and that pushed everything back about 5 years. Now I think I was saved by angels. So happy I'm in the good ol' US of A. As bad as things were becoming under Obummer, they are already worse in all these former British Colonies. Talk about Brave New World! No wonder they filmed The Hobbit there. It's another world all together!

thomastheglassexpert ago

Yes Kiwi is nanny state that's why I left back to USA. I adore the people and their government is for shit,

Cooking_with_Alf ago

If you are in New Zealand. Download it.

thebearfromstartrack ago

No shit? So...destroy the lives of the citizens in favor of the FOREIGNERS? Sounds EXACTLY like treason to me (anyone with a brain?).

BumFightChamp ago

I bet the police have copies of it. So now will they put themselves in jail?

Sierrastarship ago

How come i can't upvote comments on here?

UnknownAlias365 ago

This is why encryption is important. Encryption is your digital savior in times like these.

crazy_eyes ago

If there's someone that you really don't like in New Zealand I know how you can easily get rid of them now

RampancyLambentRaven ago

More internet censorship and anti white and gun rhetoric to come i'm sure. It will get so bad for New Zealanders. Good job Brenton Faggot. Now NZ has to overthrow their government.

Scheming_Merchant ago

Are you retarded? That was his goal. To show just how tyrannical the Western governments have become. He wants to ignite civil war so that the native people will actually fight to retake their homeland from (((them))) and their Muslim attack dogs.

Aufag ago

The shooting was organic

SerialChiller ago

Why are they desperate to suppress the video? There must be something in that video which points to the masterminds or sponsors of this event - and (((they))) don't want that bit of information discovered.

More importantly, it must be some clue that people in NZ can recognize, which is why they want to clamp down on locals viewing it. Maybe a location marker or something, which non NZ people are unlikely to recognize.

Do whatever you can to make sure the video gets analyzed six ways from sunday - there's got to be some clue in there.

MrShekelstein ago

Pig Hunting season comes early this year for NZ.

NosebergShekelman ago

I ain't gonna lie: I watched the vid and became excited and happy as hell!

Scheming_Merchant ago

I was reluctant to admit this to myself, but then I realized how many countries were built by this sort of purging and rebellion.

WatchRyder ago

And I thought some of the EU countries were scary for this type of shit...

Fateswebb ago

Doesn't it seem that parts of the cabal have given up on the United States and are trying to retreat and take up stronghold in NZ? Are they trying to make a new base of operations?

Will they split off into different smaller countries, like NZ China, and Israel? Or concentrate on focused power?

Octoclops ago

NZ is one of the countries most likely to survive nuclear war. I think the elites plan (possibly only as a last resort) to let the nukes fly and hide in NZ. Of course they would hang for their crimes if they did that today. So the purpose of this may be to go full North Korea and clean out everyone but the sheep.

TrueAmerican ago

I never got a chance to see the video, is it still viewable anywhere?

Aprioned ago

Man, the MOSSAD went all out on making this guy look like a channer, the remove kebab and the eurobeat. This shit is almost too insulting.

yellowthread ago

Yes. Figure out how to find things, and to determine which ones are real. It's a skill you will need as the censorship ramps up even harder.

WatchRyder ago

Best Gore maybe?

Feral_Human ago

I don't care about the video, I want to see the shooters manifesto.

crazy_eyes ago

FoundingUncle ago

Looking at the information from the New Zealand Mosque Shooting, it seems odd the guy would target a womens' and childrens' service. (Most Muslims divide their services into Men, and then Women and Children.)

Could the Muslims have switched the times to confuse him, in effect using their women and children as human shields?

Are there any indications from the web sites or from signs outside the mosques?

Also, there were reports of illegal firearms and caches of explosives in the mosques. Does anyone have a source for that?

Thank You

Sitnikoff ago

"Sharing objectionable material"? Anybody can raise objections about any material; therefore your announcement deserves 10 years in prison, Mr. Cop.

TrumpCantRead ago

Why are yall obsessed with this video lol

yellowthread ago

Because politicians said we can't have it. I should go save it out of principle, even though I have no desire to watch it again.

Kekalicious ago

Why are they obsessed with censoring it?

SerialChiller ago

Something in that video can be traced back to this guy's handlers/sponsors - and they don't want to risk someone in NZ seeing the video and recognizing it.

Kekalicious ago

Well the Streisand Effect will be the downfall. Too many of us have it and will shit-post it with throw away accounts. I cant wait for the edits with kill counters.

TrumpCantRead ago

Good lol.

Rellik88 ago

So US Goats! Upload this all over NZ social media. NZ will charge you. US will extradite you. Then go backup (He who must not be named) in prison.

yellowthread ago

I don't think US will extradite their own citizens over that. Is there any precdent for extradition over free speech?

Heer_me_roar ago

I doubt that the US would extradite you for sharing a video

FoundingUncle ago

They are enforcing Sharia Law.

Is it time to.discuss regime change?

111_onlythetruth ago

fuck you assholes. the world must not be kept from knowing why this happened. we are not fucking mushrooms you can feed shit and kept in the dark. your war has begun and the US is close at hand.

NosebergShekelman ago

If one thousand goys did this all at once I would be on the first flight out to Tel Aviv!!

voatusernamevoat ago

Time to remove all those fucknuts from power. Seems like they're giving him the acceleration he was looking for.

Baichu ago

The shit is flying people. The censorship this year, will shock us all!!!

ardvarcus ago

This is kind of insane, but I suppose we can't expect the libby leftists to act in a sane manner about anything.

A_M_Swallow ago

Does New Zealand have jury trials? Such draconian laws only work when the judges are paid by the government.

WatchRyder ago

Sometimes jury trials are in name only alas.

tastelessinvective ago

I don't get it. Why are they so adamant about censoring it? You'd think it might even work in their favor because it shows a white guy being bad. Why is it imperative that it be censored?

ExplodingHead ago

They are afraid it might teach/inspire people

SerialChiller ago

Something in that video can be traced back to this guy's handlers/sponsors - and they don't want to risk someone in NZ seeing the video and recognizing it.

Kalergi ago

Who r you thinking?

SerialChiller ago

I have no idea, but I suspect there is something they're afraid will get people to start connecting the dots.

NosebergShekelman ago

Because when whites watch it they feel a huge sense of justice/immediate result to problems. We can't be having the goyim to rise up. Its time to put more stuff in the water, food and alcohol oy to the vey

Heer_me_roar ago

it shows a white guy being bad

That's your opinion

DeadFox ago

It's akin to Isis early Isis propaganda, the footage makes them look badass, and alot of fed up, disenfranchised people will sympathize with the "bad guy" especially Tarrant, he's a meme lord as well, he did up his gun to look like a csgo skin, that looks cool to people.

Witsend ago

Because there is no blood.

mleczko ago

it shows it can be done

TrumpCantRead ago

What can be done?

mleczko ago

the video

satisfyinghump ago

Although your thought pattern is sound and typically youd be right but this specific event, the way this man behaved, outweighs that whole "white men are evil" mantra that is being shoved down our throats, by a much MUCH bigger danger to the 'deepState' and the status quo they are trying so desperately to set. This mans behavior wont br viewed as a "bad white man" example but instead it may be seen by others as a "this mans behavior is an option for others to take, in response to what is happening in the world".

He has become someone that may inspire others... and they cant have that.

DeliciousOnions ago

They know conditions are perfect for others to follow in his example. They are at the beginning of the breakout and are trying to throttle it down desperately

TrumpCantRead ago

Well yeah duh. Lol of course they don't want more murder. Why is that bad? You a fan or something? Should you be investigated?

Scheming_Merchant ago

Murder is an option when it's for the greater good of your people, and the whole planet. One man killing foreign invaders is "terrorism," while 100,000 men doing so is seen as rebellion. See the double standard?

DeliciousOnions ago

Hah! That's not true. they want plenty - they just have to make sure it's sandniggers who do the murdering, to whites.

ardvarcus ago

They are terrified other white men might agree with Tarrant.

Scheming_Merchant ago

Precisely. Tarrant is absolutely right. We are being replaced. And we aren't being replaced by individuals on a similar intellectual or moral level, no, we are being replaced by unevolved, barbaric, subhumans who make perfect Jewish attack dogs.

Thepimp ago

And also because they are calling Tarrant a Trump supporter and attacking conservatives. If you read the manifesto it makes it clear that this isn’t the case.

danielktdoranus ago

Tarrant shot up a mosque, that was also a terrorist cell. That's not debatable in my opinion, as evidenced by this: https://www.imgoat.com/uploads/9adc1e107f/206838.jpg

People have always been tribal and always WILL BE tribal, it's biological. We are confined to a planet of limited resources. As other tribes grow, they will consume more resources and attempt to invade other's homelands for more resources. Ultimately, what you can defend and keep is what you own.

My point is, if the muzzies replace us in our countries it's our own fault, and Tarrant realized this and took one for the team.

What (((they))) are afraid of is other white people realizing this too. They hope that by the time we realize it, it will be too late to reverse the tide. Ultimately if our won governments won't deport these invaders, "ordinary white men" will have to or face extinction and slavery. They are giving the white race no choice.

Thirdplanetfromsol ago

Well said.

TrumpCantRead ago

Well yeah actually. Why would they want more murder?? Lol that's obvious

MaximilianAldorfer ago

Usually government's have to pass legislation and make laws first, and they can't be applied retroactively.

I wonder, since Brenton Tarrant used (((Facebook))) if New Zealand's government will shut it down? Me thinks: NO.

EngineeringReverse ago

Ok goats, iv been hiking for the past 2 weeks. I just heard about this bad motherfucker in NZ. Where can i get the video??

SerialChiller ago

which alphabet agency do you work for?

EngineeringReverse ago


yellowthread ago

Learn how to find things, you need to know this! Censorship never gets less strict!

quinniser ago

death addict has it i believe

BirdLaw ago

Wearing burkas and praying towards Mecca five times a day is as Kiwi as rugby and Haka!

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Upchucktheboogie ago

Whites are like a tow cable, you can stretch, jerk and abused them. The day that cable snaps....the Energy released is deadly

CarpenterforChrist ago

Wouldn't it be logical for his defense to say he perpetrated this event to prevent terrorists from enacting terror upon the nation?

WatchRyder ago

I think someone mentioned he considers himself a partizan and at war so I guess so.

MikeyMo123 ago

Note to self: Don't go to NZ with my laptop.

Shirtlords_3 ago

Note to self: Don't go to NZ with MikeyMo123's laptop.

child_abuse ago

does anyone a link to the video? l would like to see it.

fnights ago

Stuff like that is gold for people who want to control and censor the critic.

secretMEnsfw ago

Anyone have a link to the video?

whambamthankyouham ago

You cannot watch the video because it disproves the 'attack'. You must simply believe.

yellowthread ago

What does it disprove?

whambamthankyouham ago

It disproves the 'attack'. If you watch the video it looks like a TV production. Most of the 'dead' never move as they are seemingly already dead. The lack of blood when people are 'shot'. It's the Vegas shooter all over again.

yellowthread ago

He didn't teabag anyone either, that's how I knew it was fake

gazillions ago

Kiwis better get their shit together

And throw massive amounts of it at their politician's houses.

WagonBurner ago

The Illegal spykey New Zealand of the FiveEyes is leading the way for world gun confiscation? New Zealand is locking down to destroy the evidence that they assisted Seditious Treasonous Persons and a attempted coup on the President of the United States of America. I hope USA ends up owning New Zealand when this is over.

Kalergi ago

Whatcha got?

moviefreak ago


obvious-throwaway- ago

Who the fuck defines "objectionable material"?

I think the Koran is objectionable material, will all Muslims in NZ be imprisoned?

gentronseven ago

They're losing control and don't know what else to do.

They're unhappy that the general public doesn't care if Muslims die.

Heer_me_roar ago


But I'm out today for St. Paddys and a group of guys at the bar did a toast for him

TheDonaldTrump ago

Who the fuck defines "objectionable material"?

I know you're sick of hearing it like everyone else,but the truth is:


edgelord666 ago

why are they so good at being powerful

Chimaira92 ago

They tricked white people into worshipping one of their own too. Jesus the Jew

w113 ago

Their nose allows them to smell shekels

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Rootless cosmopolitans who have a super strong in-group preference and are willing to do literally anything to get ahead. Look into why they were booted from European towns and nations: almost every time it came down to usury. It was unheard of to borrow 1 gold sovereign and then owe back 1.5 sovereigns, so you eventually had violence erupt and the Jews would be exiled for their own safety.

TheMatrix ago

They want to hide the evidence. Video = real time augmented reality scene. Think pokemon go but on steroids.

tastelessinvective ago

Then why release it in the first place you nut?

FrozenFire74 ago

For what purpose though? Are they trying to instigate a global conflict again like WW2?

NiggerVirus ago

That's madness

TrumpCantRead ago


Kregan ago

Yeah I dont trust the story after hearing how quickly and swiftly the government moved toward gun law changes. Has anyone heard about early reports of weapons being stored in one of the atracked mosques?

WatchRyder ago

They always go after the guns in countries like that, especially the Commonwealth. NZ hasn't had any spree killing for nearly 30 years and the last one saw the gun rights go kinda shitty in 1990.

Hand_of_Node ago

They're probably talking about the weapons he left behind.

CarpenterforChrist ago

He left one empty shotgun behind. What accounts for the other weapons found?

Hand_of_Node ago

Is there a list? I believe he dropped the shotgun in the hall, and also dropped a mag. Then at the car he just left that first weapon lying on the ground as he drove away.

Go to 12:00 https://my.mixtape.moe/ksxjib.mp4 My first assumption is it's the telephone game of 'journalism'.

CarpenterforChrist ago

After the police arrived, it was reported that weapons were found other than the ones he dropped in the video.

Scheming_Merchant ago

He started shooting up a second Mosque, which happened after Facebook took down the stream. Apparently, he ran out of ammo and a Muslim dude attacked him from behind, grabbing his empty gun and attempting to shoot him. Seconds later, police tackled him. Tarrant has got one helluva guardian angel.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Good to know. Thank you for the extra information.

TheSeer ago

If there was a cache of weapons, though, would they tell us?

Hand_of_Node ago

Telling us the moslems had weapons would be a hate crime in their eyes. It would be like they were justifying the attack.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Of course they will... they were slowly boiling the frog before... now the frog has fought back they can no longer wait and will just rush everything they had planned anyway. That was Tarrants plan... accelerationism... now we are all forced to act.

meglomaniac ago

Sure looks like they are making pushes for gun control and popular vote in the US.

walrushippo23 ago

That's messed up!

meglomaniac ago

Its going to spill over into the US. You can already see it on reddit etc, people calling for T_D to be banned, and all right wing speech banned etc.

9-11outsidejob ago

Yeah. Reddit's constant censorship is highly upsetting, but clearly, their admin cares for nothing but the shekels. He would rather suck New Zealand agent cock than fight for free speech and expression.

Gulf ago

Will just push more people forward just like that dude/God among men.

Heer_me_roar ago

Goddamn right

Pwning4Ever ago

You're not even allowed to post his manifesto on Reddit. Site rules.

Kalergi ago

Should post Kalergi Plan.

meglomaniac ago

Should post the unabombers manifesto and see if it gets blocked.

MaximilianAldorfer ago

Well either we get our free speech or they try to censor us and initiate an acceleration, either way we win. Please go ahead and censor normies more, that's working out very well for Facebook and Twitter, both of whom are hemorrhaging users.

jclss99 ago

Not to mention it sends those people to even more right wing places like this. lol See how that works out for them. I keep thinking country can't get too much further divided, but left just isn't letting up.

dirt_reynolds ago

So it worked then?

iDontShift ago

no if you watch the video you'll see bodies already piled up before he got there.

ThyCultOfQ ago

Wouldn't it be a shame if competent hackers started targeting NZ websites and replacing the entire things with just the video.....

lord_nougat ago

Or better still, saving the video to government officials computers and then having them arrested!

UnknownAlias365 ago

Why yes, it'd be a shame! A tragic, tragic shame! Let's hope that never happens!

iDontShift ago

just show the part with the bodies already piled up before he got there.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

This is the exact proper response.

Oglop ago

They just pulled Sky News off air, its one of the largest media companies in the world and they just blocked and censored it? He was in different place, Mi5 investigates? DELETED https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3100582 reddit conspiracy archive http://archive.fo/FVmzD News : MI5 was last night investigating New Zealand gunman Brenton Tarrant over possible links to far-right extremists in Britain.

The 28-year-old's travel across countries including Turkey and Bulgaria are today being probed as the aftermath of the Christchurch massacre continues.


North Korea, Pakistan, Turkey, Eastern Europe, France and elsewhere.

Ankara on Friday said it was investigating Tarrant's multiple visits to Turkey, and who he might have met while he was there. The Bulgarian government has also said it was looking into Tarrant, who apparently visited the country late last year.

Tarrant's 74-page manifesto said he first began considering an attack in April and May of 2017 while travelling in France and elsewhere in Western Europe.

London's Independent newspaper said he allegedly met right-wing extremists during a visit to Europe that year and declared allegiance to a group he called Europeans. Tarrant also claimed he contacted an anti-immigration group called the reborn Knights Templar.

He planned not only the two-site murder rampage but also the manifesto and a social media campaign, which included his newly created Twitter account, full of links to white supremacist and anti-immigration postings.

The manifesto also said he chose to make his attack in New Zealand to show that nowhere in the world was safe. https://www.vietnamnews.net/news/259987566/new-zealand-mosque-suspect-appears-in-court Tarrant had worked as a personal trainer, according to the Australian Broadcasting Company. The news organization reported the manager of a gym where Tarrant was employed said he began traveling overseas in 2011. Manager Tracy Gray said Tarrant traveled to Europe and Asia, including North Korea. A photo published online by ABC shows Tarrant in Pakistan in 2018.

.Britain's MI5 investigates man charged after Christchurch shootings: Report https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/111345270/britains-mi5-investigate-man-charged-after-christchurch-shootings-report Brenton Harrison Tarrant, 28, appeared in Christchurch District Court on Saturday morning. He faced one murder charge, but police say more are likely.

Tarrant was believed to have met extreme right-wing groups during a visit to Europe two years ago, security sources told UK paper The Independent.

He reportedly started to travel about 2011 after the death of his father, heading to Turkey and Pakistan, as well as the Balkans.


The gym's owner, Tracey Gray, described him as a hard-working trainer but said he appeared to have been changed by his travels in Europe and Asia - which social media posts suggested included trips as far afield as Pakistan and North Korea. Advertisement

"I think something must have changed in him during the years he spent travelling overseas," Gray told national broadcaster ABC. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/christchurch-shootings-new-zealand-attack-brenton-tarrant-11350994 "Somewhere along the lines, experiences or a group have got a hold of him," she said.

kestrel9 ago

I posted archives to your reponse here: https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3100582 and added info about multiple people and suspected other locations involved (train station back pack explosives), the IEDs on a vehicle, the FVEY connections... http://archive.is/eblHi

ardvarcus ago

Tarrant also claimed he contacted an anti-immigration group called the reborn Knights Templar.

I got the impression while reading his manifesto that he was naming this group just to fuck with them.

Banned4Truth ago

He was disavowing his associations ahead of the press before they could spin it. In other words, trolling. The entire manifesto was a troll. The massacre was a troll. Everyone has been trolled.

Camulos ago

There is a newish White Supremacist group called Knights Templar that has nothing to do with the shitty evil old one.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I mean he mentioned Candace Owens as inspiration for the attack but said she was a little bit "too extreme" for even him.

the dude was memeing hard.


He was definitely memeing hard. I wonder how many people read the manifesto and didn’t get the entire navy seal copy pasta in the middle.

I wouldn’t doubt if a lot of the stuff in the manifesto went way over the heads of most “main stream media” and other leftists people who read it, if they even did.

ThyCultOfQ ago

There was an Australian news channel reporting on that copypasta as if it was legit... saying he claimed he was ex special forces and had killed before... not shitting you look for it and you'll find it

jclss99 ago

"See, even ex-military don't need guns"

MaximilianAldorfer ago

Who are these "Europeans" you speak of? LULZ.

Sheeitpost ago

The dangerous hate group known as Europeans, you didn't know? Pff you must not be educated...

thereare4lights ago

Good thing they're soon to be extinct!

Sheeitpost ago

Yeah, those genes that conquered the world many times over they're all low T now and understsnd their priviledge, they'll totally cave. Those Europeans heh.

TheTrigger ago

declared allegiance to a group he called Europeans


Thirdplanetfromsol ago

Guys I think Tarrant was the hacker known as "4chan"

Sheeitpost ago

Holy fuck this timeline. Al Jazeera was saying one of the victims said before being shot "I pray for you." and CNN said New Zealand has very lax gun laws compared to other Western countries. Propaganda is out of control on this lol.

ThyCultOfQ ago

I can't believe I just read that....

gazillions ago

Tarrant was Isis.

Quit posting your space eating bull shit jihadist screed. He was no white anything.

Stephen89 ago

He was a Q Patriot. The video was to wake people up to the coming storm. Wwg1wga. Find out more on v/QRV

TheSeer ago

Since ISIS was created by the West too...

gazillions ago

Isis.wasn't created.by anyone. It's existed for 1600 years.

The white genociders in the israeli/western government just used them.

Camulos ago

Islam isn't even 1600 years old you goofy kike.

LDIP ago

Proof or bullshit. Did you read the manifesto?

Oglop ago

I don't know what he was doing, he was also in Turkey and North Korea, ISIS are sunni mohammedans, he was spending time with Shiite? did he shoot up a Sunni mosque?

ndrsrd ago

Sharia law.