solvire ago

Just means God is good. 2 weeks later most people had forgotten about it.

You are stretching.

hankylanky ago

So... anyone who says "God is good" within two weeks of a political attack halfway across the globe is automatically awful?

Thelegend27tons ago

"Allah Akbar" means "Hail Satan" in my country.

Trousersnake1488 ago

The first time i heard muslims yelling allahu akbar, was in the spring months. a bunch of guys dressed in white came running at us. they were mowed down by the machinegunners. it was retarded and my first firefight. the green has started to grow so the contrast of the lush vegetation, white clothed bodies covered with red blood was striking.

I now think that, after recruiting in the winter, the jihadis basically convinced the 'most dedicated' of their groups (probably the guys they didnt like) to attack us that way so they wouldnt have to deal with them lol

16822436? ago

For those wondering Allahu Akbar translates as: My God is superior to your god

Whiteflourguy ago

People don't care about this, They would much rather see some made up racist attack on some poor black folk just minding his own business. As for me I wake up walk outside and scream DIE YOU FUCKING NIGGERS DIE and nobody ever gives me any credit or puts me on TV. Maybe I should buy 1 of them MAGA hats?

The_boz_man_cometh ago

God IS great.

canbot ago

Blame the incompetent morons who ran against her and lost.

Mortifera ago

That's fucked up.

nomadriders ago

She's an obvious troll, Muslim distraction from the ((( real issues ))).

jthun2 ago

no, she's pointing out jewish power

she has more balls than all the white men in congress combined when it comes to the jews

Musaab ago

I love that she is in Congress. She is a symbol of our expanding power in the west. We are slowly taking over everywhere. ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!

Rudy_Paine ago

How'd you like a greasy pork sandwich served in an ash try worthless bitch

Thin_White_Duke ago

Dirty ash tray

zebrongous ago

Absolutely wild. People definitely should lose their jobs if they make a tweet that is insensitive. DietCokehead1 when you are done with the green hair dye can you pass it over? Definitely see why this triggered you, snowflake.

Hirion ago

She also calls out jewish lobby for buying support for Israel. She's more useful than the majority of kosher-servatives.

adolfshrektler ago

The greatest thing this sandnigger has done since being in office is bring awareness to the AIPAC issue

StanTheTRex ago

Which they've probably used to truple their fundraising. Never miss an opportunity to exploit a tragedy or controversy for financial gain.

Hirion ago

Meantime, kosher repuicans perceived as the true patriots are colluding with jews every day.

AR47 ago

What is it you think you know about Benghazi? What you pieced together or what you saw in a movie?

You want to know what happened as a result?

Hillary took responsibility for the lapses in security.

For the first time since I was born in 1979 we lost an ambassador of the United States on foreign soil.

Lastly the aftermath.....

The lybian amassador told Hillary he was sorry....not the president at the time. Lol shows how shit worked to them. Of all placed Twitter was flooded with pro American messages ....ain’t that just in the feels? You can wake up and before your decaf coffee, with soy milk, and organic cane sugar you can see how another’s nation praise is so strong after an ambassador, and three men died defending off so many men that wanted to chop their fucking heads off when only moments before the attack everything was fine.

The us response wasn’t to do anything but talk. Sure maybe some guys were cought and interrogations occurred, but we didn’t go in there with the force and might of the American military and fucking destroy them like we should have.

This entire thing was a sham from the start and shows how much of a sack our leaders have.

Baconmon ago

Real terrorists in our political system.. Well you know, besides the tons of jews that are already in it..

foxyfux ago

she already got silenced lol

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

The U.S. Congress is actively pursuing the white genocide agenda, and otherwise does not represent their interests, and this is a goood example of that.

You can't reverse white genocide with votes. Better to focus on how you can.

petevoat ago

Was she tweeting about the attack? Don't get me wrong, she's a twat but need more evidence of anti Americanism than this.

Gorillion ago

Motherfucker, if any muslim is living in your country and saying "life is good", that's a bad thing for you. Let alone a ranking politicker mud.

Musaab ago

I'm a Muslim. Born and raised in the good ole US of A. And guess what? #LifeIsGood

And guess what else? ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!

Cant_Call_It ago

Are you waiting for your orders? Genuine question.

Musaab ago

Maybe I give them...

something_went_wrong ago

need more evidence of anti Americanism than this

Lol. Ok dude. What more do you want on a silver platter?

geekpuk2 ago


Sandniggers say that when they were angry, sad, startled , happy and drunk.

Gorillion ago

You know what she meant, cunt.

zebrongous ago

Yeah but she insulted Israel this week and add to that DietCokehead1 is obviously triggered and has had their feelings hurt by a tweet so obviously she should be removed from her job and politics. We can't violate DietCokehead1's safe space.

altident ago

Yeah, it literally means "praise god."

This is like someone pulling a 13 year old tweet from Donald Trump that says "praise god" and saying "he tweeted this 20 days after the California earthquake."

CrudOMatic ago

Nice try, Mo'habib.

SolidFoundations ago

No, it literally translates, "Allah is greater." This is very different to 'praise God.'

altident ago

It's not "very different," it's splitting hairs. For sure, obviously sand niggers shout it before killing someone, but that's not it's only implication. Give me 20 minutes and I can find you a thousand tweets from moderate Christians that say "god is great," and I'd bet at least half of them happened within two weeks of some tragedy. This post is bullshit and means nothing.

SolidFoundations ago

It is different, "splitting hairs" is inaccurate. One is stating supremacy, the other is a statement of adoration.

Christians do not state, 'praise God,' with the same militant ideological intention of establishing a caliphate by power, 'hook or by crook,' like the muslims mean when they say, "allah U akbar."

It is itself a statement of the desire for the domination and usurpation of the world, especially the infidels, by allah.

If you think they are similar, you neither understand islam or Christianity.

I do however agree that the link between Ilhan and Benghazi is a stretch. Still, screw Ilhan Omar.

altident ago

Still, screw Ilhan Omar.

Agreed, but you're comparing moderate Christians to extreme muslims. While the path of Islam certainly leads toward domination, its ignorant and short sighted to claim that all Muslims, especially western muslims, think that they are on that path. While I doubt that many of them would do anything to fight it should Islam become a dominant faction in the west, a moderate Muslim saying "God is great" does not have the same militant meaning as it does an extreme one.

SolidFoundations ago

Your persective on muslims is a typical western perspective based on little experience with muslims from the rest of the world and throughout history.

I'll give you the claim that 'moderate' muslims in the west may mean different when they say, 'allah u akbar,' however they truly are the minority, the few. Islam is in principle and practice, a religion of domination by force. So called 'moderates' are radicals who just don't know it yet. They are weak muslims who prefer social acceptance over true allegiance and devotion to allah. As more muslims come into the west you will see moderate islam disappear and it will be replaced by archaic, satanic, paedophilic, rapey sand niggers who will stop at nothing to establish the global caliphate. This is the primary goal of islam.

The primary goal of Christianity, is very different. You should know this.

I think you might like this book – "Ten Years' Captivation with the Mahdi's Camps: Essays on Muslim Eschatology, 2005-2015" by Timothy Furnish.

Also check out: 'Sex, Lies and the Caliphate. By the same author.

The truth is that islam has always been violent and will again be violent. The only reason Islam has been less catastrophic in the 20th-21st century is because the Ottoman Empire was destroyed during WW1. The belief was, from the beginning of Islam's militant inception up until the fall of the Empire (another word for 'Empire' would be, 'caliphate'), that muslims would establish the caliphate around the world. Many muslims truly believed that allah was with them during WW1 and that the 'Mahdi' (the islamic messiah figure) was coming and the caliphate would begin to spread even further than it ever had before.

Unfortunately for them the caliphate was destroyed and with it the faith many muslims had placed in allah and the Mahdi. However, many muslims around the world now truly believe that their time is upon them again. Their foe, the great satan, the West, will fall and they believe the caliphate will come again and the Mahdi will rise.

Make no mistake, today's 'allah u akbar,' is a call for domination and war. Any muslim who says otherwise is either braindead, not a real muslim, or lying.

altident ago

Literally nothing you said contradicts what I said. I have agreed that Islam in general is violent, and that many western Muslims live in ignorance of that. And here we are talking about a phrase uttered by a western Muslim, which is my entire point.

SolidFoundations ago

No, because who I define as a western muslim and who you define as a western muslim are very different. Ilhan Omar is not a moderate. You may still think this is hair-splitting, but until you begin to recognise that there is no such thing as a moderate western muslim you will not understand.

Western muslims are either fundementalists (believe in all the koran and the hadiths), or not muslims at all. There are not different branches with some being moderate and others being extreme. Sunni, Shia all the same.

If you think I agreed with you, you should read a little closer.

altident ago

Western muslims are either fundementalists (believe in all the koran and the hadiths), or not muslims at all.

Still haven't contradicted anything I've said. Just because you and I know that "moderate Muslims" aren't real Muslims does not mean that they don't call themselves Muslims and also say things like "god is great" on twitter.

If Ilhan isn't one such ignorant Muslim, and is in fact a militant fundamentalist, I'd invite any evidence that supports the idea.

SolidFoundations ago

Okey dokes mate. We will see. Fair enough.

psimonster ago

"Alhamdulillah" means "praise God". "Allahu akbar" means "God is great". But yes, they say both all the time, most notably in their prayer ritual.

SolidFoundations ago

Thank you. I'm sick and tired of reading/hearing people say allah u akbar means praise God. It means nothing of the sort even though they use it constantly.

Hirion ago

Jews are scared of her since she mentioned AIPAC's buying support with that jewish money. Even Donald shabbos goy Trump called her antisemitic and wanter her to resign.

DurkaMuhammadJihad ago

Can confirm, am sand nigger. We also say it when marrying family members, raping children, and fulfilling suicide bombing contracts paid by Jews.

madhatter67 ago

I think Allah might have an issue with them praising him when they are drunk

But yeh that tweet doesn't mean much

SolidFoundations ago

Plenty of evidence of drunken mullahs, imams and sheiks. They are a bunch of hypocrites that reserve all the pedophilia, ecstacy, alcohol and women for themselves while preaching for insane levels of abstinence and suicide for their demonic satan Allah.

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Is that the one married to her brother?

something_went_wrong ago

It seems the default answer to that common question when prefacing a discussion about any muslim US representative or senator is "yes".

HitlerDinduNufin ago

I bet her parents are related too.

mightnotbearobot ago

Is she from Alabama?

HitlerDinduNufin ago

Worse, DurkaDurkaStan

DietCokehead1 ago


DFW ago

Yup, she's the one. You'd think she was an Arkansas Clinton.