Tallest_Skil ago


You're brain damaged. Jews control both parties. Jews control all presidents. Jews control 100% of the judiciary. Nothing has ruled against jews for half a century. No president has gone against jews for a century.

Tallest_Skil ago


You're brain damaged. Thanks for admitting you fall for the jewish false dichotomy.

only have the executive half the time

They have it 100% of the time and have since 1913.

and half the judiciary.

They have 100% of the judiciary at both the federal and state level. You know fucking nothing.

Tallest_Skil ago

They already have.

whiskeybent ago

Yep thats what it looks like. We have sick people running the government

whiskeybent ago

I figured over a decade back that there was an active market for fetus parts once I learned what planned parenthood etc really is. This is making politicians and some others rich. How much lower are they going to take us

SearchVoatBot ago

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kestrel9 ago

Interesting comment following that article:

Plus this week, Friday will be Huge !

Should a seated President jail someone that attempted his Assassination, or a Former President that planned to Nuke the Yellowstone Super Volcano Caldera, or someone that sold email password to China and CC copied all 'to and from' messages including those highly Confidential, or blame a former President for planning 911 False Flag attack, or expose Planned Parenthoods first Amputating tongues for silently shipping in bulk, or expose Democrat history of Decades of Projecting blame while committing War Crimes, or end 19 Year War in Afghanistan ( Longest War ) then Syria against Last Night's Congressional Vote to keep status quo, or 'take a knee' and quit being President !

"Planned Parenthoods first Amputating tongues for silently shipping in bulk.."? I had not heard of that one, wonder if it's true.

Okay they do sell baby tongues on their 'menu'

The evidence produced at the hearing, which Democratic House members fought to keep from being released, was damning. There was an abundance of marketing materials from fetal tissue brokers targeted at abortion clinics, advising them that harvesting and selling the organs of the unborn was "financially profitable" and "a financial benefit to your clinic." One fetal tissue procurement company even had a ghoulish e-commerce website with a menu of fetal body parts, such as hearts, tongues, and even scalps, that could be ordered. The unborn organ trade was undeniably lucrative—a single fetal brain could fetch more than $3,000. https://www.weeklystandard.com/mark-hemingway/abortion-for-profit

If any pro abortion person here who balks at the quote, remember that the Weekly Standard (maggot neocon rag) is the 'right side' accepted 'fact checker' group for Google/FB etc. Soros maggots represent the 'left side'. Don't have that source handy.

Rhetorically speaking, we could probably build a wall of body parts considering how much death the Democrats support, between abortion world wide, organ harvesting by cartels, drug deaths, and endless wars.

Pattern_Blind ago

That can be ordered away by the next person in power. Need something permanent.

Just do the fucking Emergency Powers already and take back the government. Stop Obamas emegencies at least. Do fucking something! Showing up in 2020 minus a wall and your friends and children in jail is not fullfilling your promises. No matter how you spin it.