samuraichococat ago

We should give the jews what they want, revive the nazi party and exterminate them, td hsn purge Europe of its leadership and any non-natives

Doglegwarrior ago

I got something to say to them.

Shut the fuck up you parasite hook nosed shapshifiting rat people and go fuck your self. When we get shirts this time it will be red shirts bcause we want your rat blood to add to the color!

Newmemba ago

Birobidzhan is the first modern jewish homeland

videocodec ago

How do you say "gas the kikes" in French?


Every. Fucking. Time.

Fetalpig ago

Oy vey... the goyim know.

Shekelstein6M ago

What's bad for the goyim is good for the jew, and what's good for the jew is bad for the goyim.

RugnarCream ago

Always do the opposite of what Jews say.

ProudBoy1 ago

I just try to do what Jesus says.

jthun2 ago

great, he called them the synagogue of satan

ProudBoy1 ago

They can still repent and receive salvation.

RugnarCream ago

Any coincidence they hate Jesus as much as Hitler?

Rawrination ago

At least that makes a great default position. Start there and do your own research to figure out if they are using a fancy reverse psychology trick or not.

RugnarCream ago

Very true. Some would call it a rule of thumb and a good one at that.

jollux ago

The comparison occurred to me as well, for different reasons.

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ardvarcus ago

Anything the Jews dislike, I wholly support.

speedisavirus ago

Then you are stupid and easily manipulated by them

Schreiber ago

Careful with that argument. There are definitely jews against immigration so...

If you live in eastern/central europe would that mean that you will support immigration? Because, you know, the jewish msm there and the jewish elites say immigration is bad.

jthun2 ago

where are these jews against immigration???

point them out to me. How many newspapers do they own that speak out against immigration?

we're talking France, dummy. Not Eastern Europe.

Schreiber ago

we're talking France, dummy

That's not what you said.

You said "anything the jews dislike" not "anything the french jews dislike."

It is obvious that french jews want to destroy france. Everybody knows that shit.

Rawrination ago

False dichotomy.

Jew Dislike = Our default position should be support.

Jew Like Does NOT = hate ourselves.

Jews are a people group. There can be decent or seemingly decent people from any group. The group as a whole is hell bent on every sort of evil though so when the group , especially the satanic bastards that lead it, is for something, you should default to being against it.