One extremely large mistake was allowing them to take our right to form Militias.

doubleanalbypass ago


jewlie ago

We forget the boomers fucked everything up and accept everything they see on TV as fact.

Divine_Intervention ago

If the constitution is so great then why has it allowed for our current state of affairs? It's not that great as it allows for such an out of control federal government

You watching too much CNN and not reading enough. The founding fathers knew and anticipated that unscrupulous evil people ( just like the Dimms and globalist) would try to pull a fast one on the people to invalidate protections of the Constitution. It is why they insured the citizenry would ALWAYS be armed, and also have the power to rise up and kick out a corrupt government.

There is nothing wrong with the US Constitution, but we have had some very corrupt and partisan persons put on our USSC for the sole purpose of upending portions of our Constitution. They have made laws by their written decisions that have nothing to do with the intent of the Constitution. Anchor babies is one such example. Trying to take power away from the President and the executive Branch is another example. Activist judges and a corrupt FISC all put into place by 5 former treacherous past presidents is what caused these way-off misinterpretations of the written Constitution. And to insure there were not misunderstandings of what was meant, our founding fathers made sure to explain their intention in accompanying documents and writings. There is no confusion, just an illusion created by the Dems. They are EVIL personified, always have been, and always will be.

Pwning4Ever ago

Immigrants don't make America great, the Constitution and Capitalism make America a great.

Here_Comma_Suk_Dd ago

If the constitution is so great then why has it allowed for our current state of affairs? It's not that great as it allows for such an out of control federal government. Ut allowed the states powers to be usurped. And it is powerless to stop the criminals in charge now. Freedom is your answer.

due ago

It's still the best document ever devised by the mankind for a just government. Your criticisms of the current state of the federal government is valid. It is out of control. But can you imagine this beast without the strong chain the world the beast by it's neck? Just amplify what we have by 10 folds.

The Constitution is still the greatest document devised by men in estabilishing a just government. We are not gods. We are all fallible. But this document is definitely something special. You can tell the document is a work of the special stock of humanity that had a deep and lasting understanding of human nature. The Constitution is one of the main reasons why the United States is special and it was able to withstand most radical changes and existential threats from everywhere for last 3 centuries.

Tiptop88 ago

The articles of confederacy was better.

TrumpNPC030 ago

Man right wingers on voat are so based.

Orange man good.

Libtards bad.

SearchVoatBot ago

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MrShekelstein ago

pantsuit pussy sad shes never going to be president.

heyjon ago

This TrumpNPC handle keep posting the same shit. Why do the creators of these NPCs have such simple scripting? Reminds me of automated systems from the 70s. Amazing then, but child's play these days.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago

That's exactly how it works. The founding fathers were Freemasons, a group whose sole purpose is the spread of (((universal humanitarianism))), aka multiculturalism and diversity. They would have loved to see the hordes of nonwhites flooding into the U.S.

subtext ago

What is the Naturalization act of 1790