matthew-- ago

Californian leftists are extremely white. Are you sure you want them entering Texas?

antiliberalsociety ago

Since you keep running away from my questions...

  • In your house fire that allegedly claimed everything you owned, homeowners insurance would have covered the damages. If you now live in a trailer, where did the insurance money go?

  • Why on your Facebook are your followers predominantly black, Mexican, or muslim?

Just look at them

You mean to tell me they're all right wingers?

It's like you want the left to have an easy target on us...

sguevar ago

FB page no longer available btw.

antiliberalsociety ago

It requires a login, sorry I should have specified

sguevar ago

Ah ok ok, well since I closed my FB a while back I am stuck.

ArmourFou ago

No Italians then.

kalgon ago

It's not that simple, unfortunately

You don't want to invite millions of leftists, fucktons of them among whites unfortunately

Then you have the shapeshifters capable of parading as white "caucasian" when it suits their needs

But I see what you mean

antiliberalsociety ago

His Facebook is mostly muslims, blacks, and Mexicans for his followers. He's a fraud. See my other post.

Mistr_MADness ago

Asian immigrants seemed to work out ok

thebearfromstartrack ago

For the time being YES.