thebearfromstartrack ago

Racism is a GOOD thing (unless you're a nigger parasite)....Wear the badge PROUDLY!

samuraichococat ago

I give you. Semetic-supreemicists and semetic-oppression

Use them wisely

Mortifera ago

Similar to a hate crime charge being attached when a white does something to a nigger. They have to tack on that additional punishment just because they're niggers.

goatboy ago

I am also are rare exception for this term. When someone applies it to me it is called: penis envy!

captive ago

As if there weren't specific reasons that people hate jews. Couldn't possibly be a logical reason for it. No. It's just "antisemitism".

culofiesta ago

People look out for those closest to them. That's human nature but that's not what Jews are doing. They use their people to attack everyone else and make the world shittier. if they kept to themselves it wouldn't be so bad but they constantly fuck with everyone.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Actually when it's against whites its called "reverse racism".

Which makes zero sense from any rational perspective using non-ideological definitions of the term racism.

culofiesta ago

I don't think nepotism is a bad thing. I'd much rather put my friends and family first. Most people would say the same

but the hate for nepotism is selective. See the cheers about Black Panther being an almost all black cast vs the #oscarssowhite crap

culofiesta ago

When people hear for the first time that Jews have a controlling majority in banks, politics, and the media it's usually received with skepticism.

This is the best red pill for normies. The only response I've heard is 'so they work hard and look out for each other'

Then why do whites get attacked for doing the same thing?

Schreiber ago

Nepotism is great. I'm a successful businessman because I look after my business relations, proteges, employees, etc regardless of who they are. As long as they benefit me and display loyalty to me I will always try to benefit them on the expense of random people who I don't know.

antiliberalsociety ago

How does defrauding gofundme donors make you any better than those jews?

KryptoKoins ago

I Guess Free Speech is no more if you can't state the obvious without fear of being looked up.

edwardbernays ago

Yeah, and good luck with those (((verifiable sources)))

FuckredditKenobi ago

Where do I find some Jews to confront?

GoldBackedDinar ago

a racist form of racism, impressive liberals

Inaminit ago

If palestinians are semites also... Are the jews being anti-semitic?

eyeswide0pen ago

I think it's time to start addressing the growing anti-semitism problem in the jewish community.

zebrongous ago

Race? Is that all? No, you can't criticize their country either.

Remember this: while your children are being taught that white nationalism and a white state is wrong and racist, they are also taught that not saying the exact opposite for a Jewish one is racist. They are being taught that they do NOT deserve the same things as others do because they are white.

In so doing, the Education Department embraced Judaism as an ethnicity and adopted a hotly contested definition of anti-Semitism that included “denying the Jewish people the right to self-determination” by, for example, “claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor” and “applying double standards by requiring of” Israel “a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.”

Just from this week in the Shit York Times - so remember folks while you're throwing your full support behind Trump and his cronies he's throwing his support behind people that would make your children lesser beings - and teaching them that they are in school.

Schreiber ago

while your children are being taught that white nationalism and a white state is wrong and racist

Only if the white nationalism version has "anti-semitic" parts. "Zionist white nationalist" type such as Richard Spencer, Tommy Robinson, Donald Trump, Orban, and all those east european presidents including Putin and jews in his inner circle has gotten more support from Israel, than their "liberal" pro-diversity progressive oppositions.

zebrongous ago

Nah the reason they're buddies with those guys is that those guys are militaristic types (not Peterson but he doesn't really fit in in your list as far as I know) and when push comes to shove they need people to do their fighting. That's all. You think that if shit went down Israel would ever send military help TO them? Hah!

Schreiber ago

Nah, the reason is far simpler than that.

Because right-wing jews do exist and are the ones supporting them (usually financially).

Not sure why some people think that all jews are pro-diversity and pro-immigration. Most are, but not all. They are only the majority in US and western europe, and unfortunately, we all know that Americans (especially their medias) are the loudest online. All these turds who grew up in urban America always ended up being a leftist. If there's a jew in japan or something asking for diversity, you can be sure that he is born and educated in America, and that is the root of the problem.

zebrongous ago

Never had a problem with Jews in general myself so I definitely see what you're saying there. It's this whole Zionism movement that keeps trying to manipulate and blackmail and censor its way into our lives that I have a problem with.

Schreiber ago

Globalism movement.

Calling it zionist movement would be misleading, because the hegemon mostly reside in New York rather than mount Zion or Jerusalem.

Pro-Israel is actually not really related to leftist cultural marxism. In fact most leftists are pro-palestine and anti-israel.

zebrongous ago

I understand the left and their support for Palestinians - what I don't understand is the right and its support for Israel as Israel actively works to ruin their country. At least on Voat people know what's up :)

Schreiber ago

what I don't understand is the right and its support for Israel as Israel actively works to ruin their country.

In what ways? Immigration? Cultural marxism? Israeli puppet regimes in eastern europe, middle east, and asia aren't pushing for that shit.

zebrongous ago

In what ways? Immigration? Cultural marxism? Israeli puppet regimes in eastern europe, middle east, and asia aren't pushing for that shit.

Yes they are. They completely are. As an example the ADL - a group heavily linked to Israel - says that it is racist to deny refugees from coming into the US. They also say that they don't want to allow Palestinians back into Israel because they are the wrong ethnicity - that it would upset the demographic makeup.

Yet here you are, standing up for them.

Least shithole arab countries? Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc, aka Israel's closest ally.

Oh so a country that finances terrorists to blow up the twin towers and finances ISIS - that is the 'least shithole country' to you? What about the UAE or Qatar, two countries leaps better than Saudi Arabia. Odd how you left them out of your little thing isn't it? Maybe because they don't fit into your shitty narrative.

Least affected by rapefugee european countries? Israel's closest ally Hungary and those neighboring countries who also support "jerusalem capital" thing.

Only the US supports the 'Jerusalem capital' thing. Hungary is a shithole country compared to Sweden. Isn't that what you were getting at before? Let's compare those two - the most pro-Palestine government and the least in Europe. Sweden is MILES above Hungary in every way imaginable.

Most fucked up by globalism country? Sweden, also known as the most pro-palestine country in the EU.

Lol really? Sweden with its high standard of living? What about the US - a country where 50% of your tax money goes to fight wars for cowards and pussies in Israel who can't fight their own wars?

Iran, Syria, etc are literal worst hellholes to live in. Turkey was decent when they were more pro-Israel (pre-Erdogan).

Iran is a great place. Better than Israel by leaps and bounds. Most countries are though - but you're right, Israel is doing better than Syria next door.

Funny how you globalists use all of this rhetoric but can't seem to find a single shred of evidence to back it up. That's what you Zionists are good at doing - at lying and talking out of your ass but it's what also makes you such pussies - because when you're faced with someone face to face and have to put up or shut up you scamper away like the cockroaches you are.

Schreiber ago

What about the UAE or Qatar

Other "pro-Israel country" that does nothing to offend Israel? The only Muslim country that pisses Israel off is Bashar government, Saddam government, Erdogan government, and Iran. Cmon now.

Sweden with its high standard of living?

They were pro-Israel at one point, traditional ally even. Then they get more "muh palestinian feelz" as the political climate shifted to the far left and the rapefugee problem is a recent development, it is a retaliation from Israel.

zebrongous ago

rapefugee problem

Rapefugee problem? Weird thing coming from someone who supports Israel, one of the countries with the highest instances of rape - not to mention that Israelis don't see forcing sex on an acquaintance as rape.

Study: 61% of Men Don't See Forced Sex With Acquaintance as Rape

So if you are really against rape you'd be against the rape capital of the world - Israel - where they literally rape their wives so much that it is commonly accepted that the wives should just take it, even the women there are okay with being raped.

When asked whether they viewed forced sex with a spouse as rape, only 8.5 percent of women and 7.3 percent of men said yes.

Hungary was a shithole, but living standard is getting better, the Israeli backed Orban regime has been extremely effective.

Lol odd that you say Hungary was a shithole but now with the refugees it is getting better. Weren't you saying the refugees were bad before?

Sweden was at the top, but crime rate is soaring like no tomorrow and more and more savages that will ruin the country demographics eventually.

Sweden with the better living standard than almost everywhere else on Earth? Is this the Sweden you're talking about?

You know what is funny about this? You've obviously gotten all your information from the media. You're one of those women who just sits at home and watches the news all day and then gossips about it later, I bet. All of your comments seem to come straight out of some CNN broadcast. Maybe try thinking for yourself buddy?

See it's simple. If you wanna exterminate a group of people, the last thing you want to do is to let them print money and own all the banks on earth. Money makes the world go round, and those who control wealth control everything. Everybody has a price, if the jews pay the amount, anybody will turn into a good goy.

Well I don't think this way. Sad that you do - but I'm guessing that maybe your mother or someone you loved is a whore that does things for money - maybe you were a result of your whore mother fucking for money and now you think money is all that matters. But it isn't.

Not everyone has a price - you just need to look outside of your family.

Durm ago

Not really Semites as the people were there already with an existing civilization when they came. Is all a lie.

The Samaritans who are the group they are most famous for being their hosts during those times, were attacked by the Jews of the time. Christians are far more Samaritan as starting in that civilization and more with the Samaritan people they the Jewish ever were. The good Samaritan was a Christian story told by Jesus. The Jews participated in destroying the Samaritan temple. Samaritans still exist, and are not Jewish. Yada yada yada...

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

Also, it's islamaphobia even though Muslims are Semites.

CalmRules ago

You know what i am sick of? Whinning little cuckified far right mongoloids complaining about everything. Now watch as one of these retards gets a high from shriking larp. They feel like big boys, when in reality most voaters are basement dwelling retards.

videocodec ago

The modern jew is a doppelganger trying to steal the white identity by breeding with them then eliminate all other whites. It's normal to hate and try to get rid of parasites that are trying to kill you.

heretolearn ago

no such thing as racism. call it what it is, opinion. every race has them. and it's ok.

Fuckyounigger ago

That’s because jewish is not a race haha and they admit That with this fact

lipids ago

We call that the MSM. It's already a huge problem.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Which is why I say to choose your audience. You can use men's to convey the message if thata your thing and just,back,it up when asked. You have,to find,your,own way of,sharing. Besides long talks are,making,a,comeback in the podcast world

PewterKey ago

I'm making the habit of using Anti-semite accurately with non-jews. Say somthing bad about palestine, Anti-semite. Talk shit about Saudi Arabia, Anti-semite. Joke about kenyans or somalia, Huge Anti-semite. Suggest anything in Syria, absolutely Anti-semitic.

Just define the word accurately and lump jews in there with the true semites.

recon_johnny ago

Being stupid here, so forgive me.....what do you mean by calling that behavior anti-semite? What's the true definition? What shows up in the searches are "those who spoke the semetic language", and they all point to Jews, not the other ones.

PewterKey ago

It's like Hispanic, it's about speaking a semetic language. Hebrew is one (a zombie one), but so it Arabic and a bunch of smaller languages in the middle east and part of africa.

SoGlorious ago

Actually there's a term for racism against white people too. It's called "government policy".

8_billion_eaters ago

Hitler..... ahhh nevermind.

The next war... WW3 if you want to call it... will involve the Jews. And those fuckers will win again.

We have to use their same tactics and start planning for WW4

CaptnObvius ago

The average person has an IQ of ~100. You can't educate a potato.

albatrosv15 ago

That's where you are wrong. Look up "iq country map".

PraiseIPU ago

The very definition of i.q. scale is 100 is average.

If the test only tested physics professors. It would average to 100. If you only tested 8 year olds. It would average to 100.

You must be white. Asians have higher i.q.s and understand the concept.

KikesDidJFK ago

It's hard to tell if you're trolling or just failed statistics 101.

PraiseIPU ago

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.

PraiseIPU ago

The average person has an IQ of ~100

That's where you are wrong.

You said captobvios was wrong. Then argued a different point.

Feel free to keep looking like a dumbfuck though.

albatrosv15 ago

Oh man, not this logic again.

PraiseIPU ago

Fall into what? Facts?

albatrosv15 ago


PraiseIPU ago

word·play [ˈwərdˌplā] NOUN the witty exploitation of the meanings and ambiguities of words, especially in puns.

Fair enough.

CaptnObvius ago

I was referring to the U.S., sorry, I should have been more specific. But you're right, it goes from a high of 108 in Asia down to below retardation level at 59 in Africa, no surprises there.

Arrvee ago

The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr

The dictionary dates racism only to 1935

The Jews have their own word because it predates the word "racism" by over 50 years.

ardvarcus ago

The Jews pioneered the concept, so to speak. As they pioneered so many other horrible destructive ideas, such as psychiatry, communism, affirmative action, and modern feminism.

eronburr ago

It's a ruse, don't be a dope. They want you focused on how you see one type represented other than yours rather than the true game of the fact "anti-semitic" DOES NOT EQUAL "anti-jewish" DOES NOT EQUAL "anti-israel".

Did you know Syrians are semites? No because we're letting them REDEFINE the inverse definition of semites.

DON'T BE FOOLED, this is how you rewrite history, you reprogram those that will write books and edit the history books next!!!!!!!!!

Acerphoon ago

Actually memes and being ridiculous do work better than a long discussion with facts and evidence.

The average liberal has the attention span of a toddler at a petting zoo.

Azamuku ago

Same tactic the Jew Media uses. Flood the means with the same propaganda. If you hear it all day, every day, Some will start believing. Same way school and organized religion works.Regurgitate till it becomes believable.

Acerphoon ago

As sad as it is, this is the truth. In my country we have 'schools against racism' and that kind of propaganda. And if someone doesn't take part in those kinds of school events, they'll get punished (except if they are sick).

Memes against these kinds of shennanigans work better than huge piles of studies and books.
Like, let's be real, even if it's sad to say, but the vast majority of people won't read the 'decline of the west' with it's 1500 pages, the works of aristotle or plato.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

It doesn't matter though.Vast majority of people are followers, as long as their future leaders read it, that's all that matters.

That's why Jews corrupted the colleges first.

And that is why we should not focus on the size of our movement, but on attracting as many highly intelligent people as we can(It's a bonus if they also happen to have a lack of (((conscience))), as a lot of blood will have to be shed very soon)

Atomized_Individual ago

Not normies

FapMasterPro ago

Sounds so niggerly.

nament ago

I'm pretty sure it's because they pretend to be white when it suits their agenda. "As a white person I think white culture is toxic and needs to be eradicated", then in the next breath "I'm not white I'm jewish.". Anyway, if they let it be called regular racism then they lose their position to subvert from the inside and they can't have that, the dirty kikes.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

This is going to make a fine sticker.

Simonsaysgoat ago

I have pointed this out so,many times but it never seems,to,make,any bulbs light up

GenRipper ago

That's because people fell for the Jews aren't a race meme.

Schreiber ago

It is technically a race, but the fact that you only need one jew great great great great great grandma to technically be a jew, it is not really a race in some sense.

Unless you think a 99.9% subsaharan gene + 0.1% jewish gene like you see in these Ethiopian Jew make them a jew more than a nigger.

Glory_Beckons ago

Try asking, instead: What is semitism?

voatbakescookies ago

there's no such thing as racism or anti-semitism. ppl only care if you fuck them over or help them out.

recon_johnny ago

It does for some. I'm a walking example.

I fucking HATE...with every fibre of my being....the Jews. And now...I'm looking for them. I see them in the news, on videos, on websites...and I'm throwing out "the Jews did this, the Jews did that, the Jews are encouraging degeneracy, the Jews are fucking Western society, etc, etc, etc".

Simonsaysgoat ago

Your at the stage where one,is aware that everything,has been,subverted by jews and can,now,pick out the subversion in real time. Your more advamced in your,awakening,than beginers which,is why it's,important to start slow

Wang_Tang ago

first unnecessary........ellipses... then these,stupid,fucking,commas. I swear boomers get the rope too.

voNIKONov ago

Are trying to send a hidden message with your usage of commas?

mightnotbearobot ago

Jews can be of any race.


you can be jewish, as in the religion like Christian (the best one). But you can't just be jewish the RACE. The hooked nose kikes. you can't be a gentile, then convert to judiaism and then grow a big kike nose. see the difference between race and religion….

mightnotbearobot ago

Well I guess you are free to have your opinion.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Wrong, they can be any religion.

mightnotbearobot ago

So they can be any religion and any religion? I see.

Simonsaysgoat ago

What? No they are a race of inbreds who got really good at subversion tactics and use it as a,mechanism for,race survival. Look into Kevin macdonald. They can be any religion because its the bloodline that,matters.

mightnotbearobot ago

So you are saying that Jews are a race? But Judasim is also a religion. So you can be Jewish and Jewish.


yes, duh, its called Judaism. a Jew-ish practicing Judaism. simple concept.

dias17se ago

No, jews are a race, by blood, and must have jewish descent, white people like trump grandkids are just honorary goys.

Pattern_Blind ago

I have noticed that the the Wild Jew likes to also wear the disguise of “whitness” although I am confused on how a “semite” can be considered “white”. Much of the Wild Jew ways confuse me as human. Sub Human Parasites have adapted in ways unimaginable to the human race, nature is as deadly as it is beautiful.

Day 1488 of Voat Island Jew Watching.

shlomoshekelberg1488 ago


"racism" is one of those loaded made up terms that is based on a false premise, anyways. like "gender" or "hate speech". i don't know any "racists" (myself included) that thought one day "you know what? i have spontaneously decided to dislike that person or group of persons for literally no reason other than the color of their skin". there are always reasons and usually they are very good ones (behavioural, intelligence, cultural, etc).

the closest think i could even think of to the way the term is usually used would be something like in-group preference, in which one group or tribe dislikes another group simply for being the out-group. but even there are sound biological and strategic reasons for why humans have evolved to be that way and it's not really about skin color. so as far as i'm concerned "racism" doesn't even exist and i challenge anyone to prove it does.

tldr; if someone calls you a racist don't deny it. either say thank you, or what is your point?, or explain how it's a false premise. just whatever you do don't play (((their))) game. never ever apologize.

speedisavirus ago

Uh, it's racism too. And it's referred to as such. It's just a more specific label to the racism. There are labels for other racism as well but they are less easy or fluid in conversation.

elitch2 ago

SHut the fuck up, you lisping cuck faggot.

Gas the kikes.

speedisavirus ago

I take it you will be first in to the showers?

elitch2 ago


You fucking halfwit.

Datgoyoverthere ago

Oh wait rabbi, how can it be racism if Judaism is a religion not a race? the juggling act you kikes have set yourself up to maintain is about to come falling down. How many plates can you fuckers spin at once?

PeePeePooPoo ago

Shut up Shlomo

Acerphoon ago

speedisavirus is a JIDF shill. If there is a thread about jews and speedisavirus is in there, there is a 99.9% chance that he will defend the jews from whatever criticism there is.

sir_andy_of_bad ago

Yup, confirmed Jew in an argument from quite a while back, I'm sure there are other long term goats here who gave gotten them to admit it. Then they just conveniently deny deny deny for several months before slipping up and admitting again.

speedisavirus ago

You know, except I'm not a Jew. Everyone with functioning synapses are not jews. It must be quite the life being that low IQ.