Captain_Hamerica ago

So hard to read that article when they have the content of a tweet followed by a replica of the tweet, followed by the content of a tweet followed by a replica of that tweet.... Sometimes they even do a bit of their own reporting between a tweet and its replica.

Durm ago

Those are from Twitter and actual Twitter embeds. Its Twitter code, like an embedded youtube video, not a replica. Its twitters mess.

FapMasterPro ago

It's sad how old actresses have to whore themselves to get work in Hollywood via virtue-signaling and deep-throating.

Kregan ago

Goddamn somebody get this bitch some dick to calm her down and shut her up. I could almost hear her screaming and crying through her tweet. Grab her right by the pussy like a bowling ball and throw a strike.

BentAxel ago

She went full retard making multiple tweets.

Never go full retard.

Durm ago

Hey I recognize that hysterical mixed caps case lowercase attempt at bold typing. I knew she must be on Voat.

@novictim is @thebearfromstartrack is Debra Messing. It all makes sense now. There are sooo many good quotes. I had to pick just one each for bear and victim.

Debra Messing Sept 12 2018

And LAUD the effect Trump has had. Out of DESPERATION & PANIC for the DESTRUCTION of the Soul of our country. But you don’t want to look at THAT part of the equation. Because then you’d have to admit you were dead WRONG running around bellowing that HRC was more dangerous than

novictim 0 points (+1|-1) 11 days ago (edited 11 days ago)

Oh dear. Think about what you said. In a perfect world there would be people of any particular hue helping to achieve great things. BUT YOU ARE INSISTING (I'm guessing here because you used an ambiguous term, "mixed") that this utopian fair society would have to have people of different colours NECESSARILY, by mandate. And that is the BIGOTRY you show with absolutely no self recognition of it. Smug? You bet I am smug. I see things with clarity while you blindly stumble about looking for praise. In the fair society we seek to achieve we all become the minority (or majority) of one, as individuals.

thebearfromstartrack 0 points (+0|-0) 18 days ago

SHOW me my misinformation and stupidity HERE. Just cut and paste (can you do that?), and we can address your concerns. I ASSURE you I speak truth, and I use FACTS, though I am sometimes being facetious. I am NOT a child, My views come from DIRECT experience, and KNOWLEDGE of history. SHOW me where they conflict with what you THINK is truth. I will PROVE to you that you are WRONG. Get worse? The nigger war is ON. You'd better get used to that idea, and the fact that niggers make TONS of STUPID assumptions about whites because, they (you?) are, in fact, INFERIOR intellectually, to white people. Hollywood and pop culture seems to make niggers delusionally believe that they are superior. You are going to learn differently. You have been kicking a monster that, when provoked enough will stomp you all into oblivion (no more second chances). Cancer of the species. Parasitic and ungrateful. FATAL combination of stupidity.

novictim ago

I RESEMBLE that comment!

Durm ago

You do. This is one of those times where comments do resemble that comment when people say that.

novictim ago

Guilty as charged, my good man!

Durm ago

I was so excited to post all of that, but you two have been more excited than most about it.

I was pretty bummed i thought it was pretty funny. But now I feel better. I'm glad you both got some amusement out of it :)

novictim ago

Ok. Debra Messing:

I mean how else are you able to walk out on the street. Convince yourself that that this CATASTROPHE of a President who you said was better that HRC IS NOT ripping children away from parents seeking asylum, holding children.

What a cunt. But she is just another traitor bitch of the MSM/Hollywood treason factory. She is just a useful idiot for the Cultural Marxist dirt bags that thought they had the entire system under their fucking thumbs only to find that they were just delusional, that the majority of the Western Public and US Voters actually like the idea of Nation and Capitalism.

And look, I resisted Caps!

novictim ago

I admit that you did lose me on the significance of "debra messing". Gotta look that up. But ya, the caps is lazy shit I do. I should be taking the clicks to use the italics option rather than the uppercase. I'll keep it in mind. Thanks for the style critique, though.

Durm ago

She said a bunch of fuck you publicly to the actress lady from Bull Durham, over Trump, yesterday in twitter, so people were looking at her tweets and is how I ended up making these posts.

novictim ago

Got it! I have never plugged into Twitter or Facecunt so I am often a little slow to these memes and fresh provocations. Right now I am trying to find out about this latest Q "Great Awakening" censorship crap at reddit. I would never go to Reddit for a Qdrop so I am not all that concerned but I see the message the Left is trying to send. Meh.

Durm ago

I never go onto faceunt for myself.

thebearfromstartrack ago

NOT Debra Messing. Diametricly OPPOSING viewpoints (one thing). Sometimes I over do the all caps, but I just use if for emphasis to make my point, usually I mean what I type. TOO BAD there isn't a "sarcasm" indicator...color?

Durm ago

Good morning. I tried to doxx you over here also

thebearfromstartrack ago

What is doxx? Is that why I was banned, then unbanned from banhammer a few days ago? For disrespect of church elders? Who are the church elders? How did I disrespect them? Perhaps Im BETTER than they are.

Durm ago

They do that all the time to everyone. They banned me for no reason for saying I was imitating a furry or something. Then was put back.

thebearfromstartrack ago

So what is doxx? Documentation?

Durm ago

Similar I think. I'm not really sure anymore.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I'm sure of nothing pretty much. I still have my STUPIDITY though. So, what else can I do but be STUPID?

Pubiclouse ago

Messing needs to understand everything she mentioned also included Obongo yet no faux outrage over these illegal immigrants and their anchor babies. America is separated because of the left but I do agree with the bitch about fighting foreign wars for Israel. I love how it's rich limousine libtards living in gated communities with armed security defending illegal immigration, sanctuary cities and basically globalism with their virtue signalling. I'm all over the place but fuck both them retarded cunts.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Two paid actors read their lines and then receive their SAG paycheck. Shouldn't this be in the celebrity verse?

newoldwave ago

Sarandon is a liberal weenie

Diggernicks ago

Lol this bitch is furious.

Durm ago

X post as is apparently not quite effed up enough for v/NewsFromLoonyBin. I don't see how...