analfaveto ago

I dont want chocolate milk. I want milk.

healthy ago

Gotta start some extreme cockblocking. Take it to the streets and show no mercy!

thebearfromstartrack ago

Parasites WILL kill the host if not stopped.

ardvarcus ago

It's only a problem because white women as a whole are indoctrinated to be productive men-like citizens on birth control their entire lives and have every financial incentive to split up their family or just not have a family at all.

"Indoctrinated" is the key word in this quote. Whites not having children didn't just happen, it was made to happen after decades of relentless indoctrination.

SChalice ago

It was made to happen because of financial reasons. Wealth has been eroding from the middle class to the upper class.

notenoughstuff ago

That perspective and direction is far too isolated. For instance, If one group barely have enough children for replacement, and other groups outbreed them in the same country, the other group will end up with many more votes and much more influence that way, which in turn can be used. You could then take other actions and the like, but there are also multiple other issues and challenges.

One thing which I ponder: Is it common for children in a given family with one mother and one father to have considerable variation in "genetic quality"? For instance, one child in the genetic mixture gets a relatively large amount of generally "bad" or "poor" genes from their mother and father, resulting in lack of rightness and will, poor health, ability, intelligence, ability, care, etc., and another child gets a relatively large amount of generally "good" genes from their mother and father, resulting in good amounts of rightness and will, good health, ability, intelligence, etc.? For if so, that is a considerable argument for families on average having much more than 2 children on average (though still with proper investment in the children and effective overall protection and shielding of the children), such that chances are good that at least 2 will turn out well. That should work well with at the societal level having competition and requirements regarding various important properties, especially fighting for the group and the world, general ability, health, cunning, etc. Though this latter part at least in some ways does make a considerable number of assumptions (such as no Jews).

bourbonexpert ago

this. theres no need for pics or jokes or anecdotal stories........race mixing is white genocide.

fuckmyreddit ago

Hey you goofballs can say what you want, but my daughters marry white men, so my common sense must have gotten through to them.

And I will NOT punish a child because the mother decided to have a black child. I won't be good pals with the mother because she's the problem.

If I had forced my daughters to only date whites they would have rebelled. Instead, I brought them up in a good neighborhood with no slumsters.

Atkho ago

The problem is not race mixing as much as it is browns having at least 3 times as many kids. There will always be pure white but will 2 billion blacks let us live? The only way that could sustain though is through automated food processing from farm from store.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Kinda preaching to the choir here I suspect. The question is what can be done about it. The main concern is not even necessarily any prospective extinction scenario. It's what happens to people when they lose the power and security formerly possessed by them through numbers as they become outnumbered by people dissimilar and often hostile to themselves. This provides unknowns but it is safe to say that becoming a minority isn't a good thing. It can lead to political instability and warfare easily along with being abused and kicked around that tends to cause those things.

Old men have little to worry about though. They'll be checking out soon. Or maybe they do as they may worry for their kids or grandkids. Rich dudes may think they can buy themselves out of it. They may for a time. The rising tide of color keeps rising though so the security money secures is not unlimited.

In general most whites living today can probably largely ignore the issue and live their lives as individuals. Just push the problem off on future generations. That is what there are of future generations.

fuckmyreddit ago

Hey McCarthy, that's a very sensible observation.

I'm closer to check out time so I will never see the extinction of whites, but I'm thinking you younger people's should move to New Zealand and start a commune. You could raise sheep and babies. That's what I would do if I were 30. Pool your skills and your money and become the last of the white race.

Fairteapot ago

All the (((rich scum))) have bunkers in new Zealand. If ww3 starts that will be target #1 for sure.

prairie ago

Mixing clean drinking water with creek water just gives you more creek water.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Its funny how some of us don't get along but when it comes to coal burning we all pretty much agree that its disgusting and traitorous. cheers, niggerfaggots

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

..Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth

NiggerDestroyer1488 ago

We white men should cut to the chase and simply exterminate the negroid infestation. These are the only measures that will have long term success that our children can enjoy the fruits of. A world without Jewish influence and negroid animals roaming the streets would be a world blessed by God almighty. Women must also come back under our subjugation. No longer shall we tolerate the feminine cry for a false freedom. Only in servitude shall they find true appreciation in life. We must show dominance, as we know that women are infantile and base in their selection of men. Unfortunately this also means the extermination of those who tarnish their genetic legacy and their offspring. No mixed race homunculus shall be allowed to roam the Earth again. The white mans extraordinary capabilities will lead a new generation into technological and societal developments beyond our dreams and they can live in peace.

notenoughstuff ago

We white men


[talks endlessly about extermination and slavery]

Projecting again, Schlomo?

throwawayplease ago

Calling everyone a Jew is a jewish trick, dumbass.

notenoughstuff ago

But I have not called everyone a Jew. I have demonstrated how you in particular with very high probability is a kike as well, see for instance this thread:

Pawn ago

Nice trick, shlomo.

throwawayplease ago


lesshateplz ago

Nice trick, shlomo.

Pawn ago

Calling everyone a Jew is a jewish trick, dumbass.

lesshateplz ago

Projecting again, Schlomo?

Pawn ago

Nice trick, shlomo.

throwawayplease ago

Boy was I right when I said I found the nut job.

notenoughstuff ago

Mr. Shekels, if you are going to seek to humiliate me, you ought to be able to do better than that. Seriously:

I can give many more arguments and sources for anyone interested regarding the genocidal and slave keeping/slave trading tendencies.

Regarding the name Shekels:

Tubesbestnoob ago

How many have you removed so far?

KEKjudo ago

I was in an incredible depression for many years. No girls liked me. I was at my wits end more or less. And was doing some incredibly self-destructive behavior. I met a Filipino girl, and she saved me. I’d even go as far to say she was my angel, when no one else cared about me. I guess I’m contributing to white genocide then?

fuckmyreddit ago

@KEKjudo You are absolutely fine with your Filipino sweetie. Flips are very close to white. They are often half Spanish and are usually Catholic, so marry that girl and have many babies. Raise them white and they'll be alright.

I think that raising your kids in the typical European traditions is what makes them civilized human beings. You will have beautiful babies. If she's the right girl for you, raise some beautiful little Jesus loving babies.

Octoclops ago

I guess I’m contributing to white genocide then?

No you're clearly too beta to have kids anyway. You can rest easy.

KEKjudo ago

Wish you’d say that to my face so I can strangle you with your own intestines

Octoclops ago


KEKjudo ago

I wonder how many men you’ve killed

analfaveto ago

You sound like a loser.

KEKjudo ago

Big man

CassandraKilledMe ago

Gotta get out there and fuck homie.

sore_ass_losers ago

I think a lot of white men might still be looking for 'the one'; it seems blacks just want as many 'baby mommas' as possible.

Pawn ago

Niggers dont think as far as "the one", they just think as far as their immediate needs, never seeing into the future further than 30 minutes. To them, they are horny, so time to fuck, WOAH A NIGLET APPEARED! Time to run.

This is why you will see blacks driving erratically, because they can't grasp the future farther out than base needs.

This is why they shoplift, nigs want someting, but money means working and postponing, just take it its already there.

Tack on emotional instability and low intelligence as a result of trying to fulfill base needs.

CassandraKilledMe ago

I'm in the same boat. Could be part of our programming.

Johnnymemeonic ago

What do you expect when white societies have all been run by gook-tiers since 1776?

Whiteflourguy ago

See I would not say I hate Niggers. I just don't want there to be any. :)

Naught405 ago

Miscegenation is ethnic genocide

no need to align with a single race/ethnicity on this one, it is true of any race.

Whiteflourguy ago

Just as Liberalism is a mental disorder so is Nigger loving.

Simpleusername ago

It's almost as if you are saying we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Workman ago

What? No, that would be a preposterous statement, you vile racist.

SOTW ago

Day of the rope when?

Tallest_Skil ago

Miscegenation is child abuse.

The children of race mixing have medical problems and suffer from psychological damage and confusion as to what they are. Check it out.

outside-the-box ago

That's probably more a case of correlation does not equal causation, and it's growing up without a father that does the real damage.

notenoughstuff ago

I have talked with mestizos that both seemed extremely sad and bitter that they were "mixed from all over the place", as I recall they said, and were overtly and openly jealous of non-mixed Europeans. They did seem to want to mix with Europeans in Europe, so they fully wanted to make things worse. I don't think all mestizos are like that; but there are definitely some, and I have no idea whether it is a small or very small minority, a majority, or almost all of them that are like that.

GoBack2AfricaNiggers ago

That's probably more a case of correlation does not equal causation

Incorrect. Mixed race people have trouble getting bone marrow transplants, organ transplants, and they absolutely DO have identity issues because they are not accepted by either of the races that they spawn from. I see too many trying to wipe away inconvenient facts with "correlation does not equal causation" its a copout

outside-the-box ago

It's not a cop out. I was making a logical argument that it could be fatherlessness causing those identity problems.

Fairteapot ago

(((They))) have been forcing us to use aluminium adjewvant for our vaccines since ww2. Whilst (((they))) will only use calcium phosphate for themselves. That isn't genocide though.its straight up murder. Do you nicely tell the mosquito not to bite you? Or kill without hesitation?

geekpuk2 ago

Incels that cant compete in the global marketplace complaining that Tyrone is better than them

Never change incels

Octoclops ago

People are just sick of paying for Tyrone's crotch spawn. You can't claim to "compete" in the marketplace when you're subsidized.

geekpuk2 ago

The global meat marketplace is brutal but meritocratic. 6'4 Tyrone will slay more than 5'7 incels

fuckmyreddit ago

Tyrone will not slay a 5'7 weenie if the weenie has brains and a decent income.

Octoclops ago


I don't think you know what this means. The ability to fuck trailer trash fatties in a welfare state is not a meritocracy. Go try to get laid somewhere they don't pay you and your bastard offspring just to live. I fucking dare you. You're not a competitor, you're a charity case.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Thread summary right here.

Black guy that fucks unsatisfied white wives here, give me my downvotes!

Octoclops ago

Let me guess, they're all 45+ and fat? Nobody cares, cuck.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Sometimes, best mouths.

sore_ass_losers ago

How many do you have going at a time?

outside-the-box ago

Black guy that fucks unsatisfied white wives here, give me my downvotes!

I'm guessing by this pitiful grammar that you mean you are a black guy who fucks white wives. I would kill you if I caught you. Pray you don't run into someone similar.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Sure buddy, you'd kill me and go to jail for your own inadequency.

Lol, best retort is grammar

KnightFalcon ago

you always see the non-white genes in the child, be that black, Asian, Latino, Indian, whatever. There are biological reasons for that, the white genes are recessive genes and the non-white genes are dominant genes. Look up "recessive genes" on the web or in your biology book. White will ALWAYS be recessive, genetically.

Fairteapot ago

99.9% is not always.

PersonOfLight ago

I don't have a problem with a white girl having a black child if it happens organically and naturally through the woman's own derangement. What I DO have a problem with is the media pushing white women with black men every five minutes. Can we boycott the companies using this brainwashing bullshit? Is there a list of companies that use these commercials to genocide the PoL?

BearDolphin1488 ago

What the fuck is going on with voat lately? Why are there so many the Donald niggerfaggots here now?

You don't have a problem with a white girl and a bigger ape baby? Why not? Cut it out with the faggot civic nationalism be. The weirdest part to me is that if any of you "muh constitution" faggots read any of the founding fathers materials, youd see they would think you lower than dirt.

BigMatteson ago

The down votes mean you're telling the truth.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Yeah, it kind of makes sense. Reddits censorship is getting out of hand so the blind cucks who stayed this long definitely either are shitskins themselves or are trying to justify the black dick their gf sucked one time in college when they were drunk teehee

Think Donald cucks, every time your whore of a wife kisses your child, she uses the same lips she wrapped around other men's cocks lol

Tallest_Skil ago


It doesn’t happen at all outside of propaganda.

spookybm ago

It's because dumbass white folk be talking about BBC to where a white slut gets curious and tells her friends and then the nigger loving gets viral

Octoclops ago

BBC is mostly white and paki sandnigger nonsense. I think you're thinking of this one

spookybm ago

Wasnt talking about the news station

Octoclops ago

Then what are you talking about?

Korinthian ago

considering white women and black men have one of the highest divorce rates after 5 years, this is retarded.

You might as well say "I don't have a problem with running after rainbows, if they actually find a pot of gold at the end" IT DOESN'T FUCKING HAPPEN. Stop pretending there's any legitimacy with whites fucking nogs.

And no, you can't boycott them. They're a monopoly, you'd be boycotting the entire media. That doesn't even work. Do you know what does work? ANTI-TRUST LAWS. THE ONES ALREADY ON THE BOOKS. That, and killing the kikes in charge of the lugenpresse.

mattsixteen24 ago

What about a cup of milk and two gallons of cottage cheese?

KnightFalcon ago

that's called gay feminist.

mattsixteen24 ago

No, I think you're thinking of milk of magnesia.

bisteot ago

I don't have any problem with eugenics and taking what is best of each race.

I would be equally concerned about the low iq of a nigger and the low quality genes of a fat white (most of usa at the time being).

The real problem is that our success as species is letting the weaker ones survive and spread their seed

IDintDoNuthin ago

Im super human, being White/Asian because Whites and Asians are superior races and with their powers combined Im the Captain Now.

fuckmyreddit ago

White Asians are the best combo. I grew up in Hawaii for a while, where I saw a lot of race mixing. We won't save the blonde hair blue eyes if all of you marry Koreans, chinese or japs, but Asian and white is a fabulous combo for looks and for brains. It won't save the white look but it's a handsome combination.

Octoclops ago

Im the Captain Now

No you're a supreme gentleman, get it straight.

ShartistryInMotion ago

The real problem is that our success as species is letting the weaker ones survive and spread their seed

Then why aren't you going out a breeding with a nice white woman?

Tallest_Skil ago

What kind of retarded bullshit is that, kiddo? You think he’s going to fall for your loaded questions?

bisteot ago

Maybe I have, maybe i haven't.

Who knows?

ShartistryInMotion ago

Past tense is for race traitors. The Hispanics are immigrating more, reproducing more, and are (relatively) rapidly closing the academic achievement gap. (

You're being replaced. If you don;t have a wife, get one and start putting babies in her.

anoncastillo ago

This is pretty much my views. Gas everyone with an iq below 85 and review everyone with an iq between 85 and 100 to see if their other traits are quality enough to keep them out of the ovens.

Fairteapot ago

By that logic i would be requesting to gas everone below 150 and review everyone below 175.

anoncastillo ago

That would eliminate 99% of humanity.

bisteot ago

I would study first the other characteristics.

It is not only iq, it is strength, longevity, muscle building, protein assimilation, diseases resistances, ability to take oxigen cells, iq, among many other things.

Each race has adaptad to their environments, and would be good to take for them those adaptations removing the unwanted ones.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

What if it's a Chinese girl and a Mexcian dude? Is that white genocide?

Tallest_Skil ago

If it’s a peninsulare or criollo Mexican, yes.

mralexson ago

They would just look asian from my experience

Atkho ago

Asian kids look like both parents. Half blacks look black with slightly lighter skin.

sbt2160p ago

Whatever it is, it isn't breeding away races that are on the verge of extinction in their own native lands. So it's not something to worry about, unlike white genocide.

mattsixteen24 ago

Mexican and Chinese are nationalities.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Okay...Latins and asians. How about now?

ShartistryInMotion ago

Latino is still an ethnicity, not a race.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

I don't know what you people want from me :(

ScreaminMime ago

You don't exist, you're just a collection of cells living in a homogeneous organism.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

That's fine.

mattsixteen24 ago

Latin is for people of Latin speaking countries and Asian is continental. There is only 3 races or actually 4. Caucasian, Mongoloid, Negroid, and Australoids. Mexicans are a mix. They have native American and European (Spaniard) blood. Spaniards can also have Arab or Berber in them since moslems occupied Spain for centuries. So they can have Arab features. You see this in all Mediterranean countries now due to their proximity of N. Africa.

Tallest_Skil ago

Five races. Caucasoid, mongoloid, negroid, australoid, and americoid. The Indioes (not “native americans”, because whites were the first to settle the Americas) are genetically distinct from mongoloids.

As for their genetic classification, caucasoid and mongoloid are sub-species of Homo sapiens. Negroids, however, are Homo africanus. Their FST is MASSIVELY different from whites/asians. Homo americanus exists, too. They’re far enough away from Asians to be their own species. Finally, australoids are just modern homo habilus.

Oh, and another thing. All whites are caucasoid, but not all caucasoids are white.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Oh geeze...This was a throwaway joke. I think it's dead now though :( Thanks Captain Bringdown.

mattsixteen24 ago

This is not a joke. This is for real.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

I made a joke you took literally. Not my fault. Everything is a joke.

mattsixteen24 ago

I know it was a joke, but I changed from joke to real stuff.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Yeah...that sucked. I had to make a sad face.

mattsixteen24 ago

We can't live in joke world forever Jimbonez. Gotta come back to the real world sometimes.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

That sounds like your opinion.

I'm all for having serious discussions (that's what I like doing on here), but I'm gonna try and make jokes about whatever I can, sometimes even in those serious discussions. Nothing is safe from or too sacred for bad jokes.

mattsixteen24 ago

No. There are certain things that are off limits. You can do what you want, but I don't recommend it.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Oh man, you've GOTTA tell me what's off limits. Please please!!

draaaak ago

Latin is an ancient European language, and Asia includes Russia and India, so, be more specific.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

I meant like Latinos, but I think that's just guys? cause girls are latinas? I don't know how they classify...I just went with my gut and did Latins. Like Latin Kings or something.

And I tried being more specific earlier and got chastized. See original comment where I said


Tallest_Skil ago

There are nine genetically distinct forms of “latino.” If it’s a peninsulare or criollo Mexican, it’s white genocide. If it’s a mestizo, zambo, castillo, chollo, or anything else, they’re a mix already and it’s white genocide one or two generations removed. The damage is already done.

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

I don't know what those words you wrote mean. Pffffft.....

Tallest_Skil ago

Old Spanish caste system designations. Only two are white; the rest are mixed. Mixing a “Latino” and an Asian depends entirely on the Latino.

Pawn ago

So it turns out you're a beaner eh Tallest_Taco.