Werewolf35b ago

“minor attracted person"

Uh, it's getting really really really close to that 'get the strap' moment, and heading over to your local synagogue......

UnrealMcCoy ago

Many of the elite have engaged in these ritualistic practices for centuries. Since it is now finally impossible to conceal, they have to normalize it before they are fully exposed.

truthwoke33 ago

Welp, notice anything?


fatpeoplehateishomo ago

If you guys were anywhere near as tough as you talk on the internet in real life this website is without a doubt bar none home to the biggest gathering of elite ex special forces folks on the www

youareivan ago

the logical progression from critical theory/cultural marxism's tenet that "there is no objective truth" is "nothing is wrong."

tibstibs ago

Seems to happen in waves. They tried to ride the LGBT rights movement in the past, and now they're hanging on the coat tales of the progressive movement. Hopefully, they get kicked off once again.

ardvarcus ago

Pedophelia is being normalized. And if the liberals have their way, it will happen. Don't think it won't. It happened with homosexuality. One year no one would admit to knowing a homosexual, let along being one, and a decade later homos were having sex on television during family hour. The "progressives" want pedophilia normalized.

TheOmniscientOne ago

Emboldened by the fact that we are still sitting on their indictments until we can get all of them. Thinking they got away with it.

cuello_rojo ago

Sigh. Quit deluding yourself with that indictment shit. Look Jeff Sessions is about to get FIRED because he won't do anything.

TheOmniscientOne ago

I checked for myself on the actual Government sites when they were around 9000, which is already a high number.

They are there.

cuello_rojo ago

Then you found something that an actual lawyer investigated and could not find.

Kerry Lutz of Financial Survival Network is an attorney who used to practice in New Jersey. He investigated this. He found nothing like what has been described. You an go to his site and listen to a podcast he did on it. He still thinks there will be indictments, but he does not believe this 24,000 or 9,000 or whatever it is.

TheOmniscientOne ago

I am a visual learner. I believe podcasts/videos are generally a much easier way to disseminate misinformation. But I would be willing to check it out if you can provide more context. I see some podcasts from this person but also a woman shows up in those searches?

Here is the evidence:

"While it seems like an outlandish claim, #QAnon believers do have one very real piece of evidence at their disposal: the existence of sealed indictments is public. They can be found by searching the U.S. government’s court documents access system, PACER."

And this site is very reputable, based on their title font. [joke]


boekanier ago

They'll soon have the official status of a protected minority. Fags also started that way.

HighEnergyLife ago

Because we've let them

MegaDouche ago

Not to mention the pedo who is running for office in VA.

looking4truth ago

They wouldnt dare. yes they want to normalise it but they know very well it will never happen. They are going to take huge risk. Dont fuck with peoples children unless you want to get murdered. People will start hunting them down. If society becomes so corrupt and lawless then nothing is stopping people from hunting the pedos down.

ardvarcus ago

Dont fuck with peoples children unless you want to get murdered.

They are already fucking with peoples' kids. They are teaching anal sex in schools to kids as young as five and six. If parents don't like what they are doing to their kids, these bastards take the kids away from them. Because, as the Hillary-bitch says, "they belong to the community" not to the parents.

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

LIttle on the nose with the "I love pizza" shit there, eh pedo?

BentAxel ago

Why did the Philly magazine put the "I 'heart' pizza" in the photo? Why?

The second photo is fucking frightening. Isn't the idea to look feminine and womanly? Not like a fucking freak of nature?

Lobotomy ago

Honestly, the fact that they are so emboldened is the best thing to happen. Just makes them easier to spot.

Ghetto_Shitlord ago

Is this place an asylum? What pedophile.

Choose, ridicule, or explain, my money is on ridicule.

Mr_Dusk ago

"Which is why, perhaps, his TED Talk, in which he advocates for using pizza (What toppings should we get?) as a healthy metaphor for sex"

Does he class pineapple as a topping on pizza 'rape?' what about anchovies? onion? bell peppers?

Mr_Dusk ago

"A successful, holistic sex education reaches from elementary school to graduation. He talks to fourth-graders about puberty, to fifth-graders about romantic crushes, and with preschoolers about issues like fairness and gender."

Wait what the fuck? Keep that shit to high school!

Mr_Dusk ago

ok that image is fucked up

Food_Stamp ago

Because the kikes think they've already won (they might be right) and there is nothing to worry about.

RockmanRaiden ago

They're trying to preemptively control the court of public opinion before the real bad stuff comes to light. Their days are numbered.

sugamari ago

because they can see that obviously satanists are in control everywhere and the other ones, like hillarious, are completely immune to any charges by the government. It's like the freemasons protecting their brothers by getting into places of power. Oh wait...do you think?...no way...really?...

Simonbelmont27 ago

Castration is certainly an option.

0rion ago

Doesn't solve anything at all...they will simply use different items to penetrate. It's deeper than sexual pleasure with these people.. it's about control, and destroying and somehow consuming the victim's spirit.

My father worked in a prison his entire adult life. He has seen every stripe of criminal, and thus has some pretty interesting stories to tell. From what he has told me, sex offenders who have been chemically castrated often end up back in prison for committing the same types of offenses that landed them in prison in the first place. However, the key difference ends up being that they use different objects to penetrate. One particularly gruesome fellow my father told me about used a ball pin hammer to rape and kill a woman. This was after he was chemically castrated, and thus was thought to be harmless to society.

I have a far better solution: shoot em in the head like the animals they are.

Simonbelmont27 ago

Well dang ... figured without the balls it would render the whole thing inert, but sounds like it's way more than that. Sounds like I'm on-board with your solution.

tanukihat ago

Remember when people said "slippery slopes aren't real"?

Ken_bingo2 ago

Slippery slope is a LOGICAL FALLACY. However, humans are incapable of being purely rational or logical. It is impossible to be so, so logical fallacy or not, it is still a reality of human behavior.

tanukihat ago

"Logical fallacy" is a label applied to arguments that the other person doesn't like. There's nothing wrong with constructing a strawman if he illustrates your point. Watch this: Only faggots complain about logical fallacies.

ShinyVoater ago

He's technically right about Slippery Slope being a logical fallacy; what we're witnessing is the logical conclusion.

ardvarcus ago

Remember when people said "slippery slopes aren't real"?

And the thing is, it will happen. All the people who have embraced homosexuality as normal will soon embrace child sex as normal. Their minds are that easy to control.

Wahaha ago

People still say that.

lord_nougat ago


tanukihat ago


SkippyMcSkipperson ago

When pedophiles become accepted is when I finally snap for good and become murderous

EyeOfHorus ago

At what temperature does a lobster know it's cooked?

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

They don't know until they are cooked, I'm not cooked yet though, and I know I'm boiling

0rion ago

I'll be right there with you, brother.

Wahaha ago

Is what our grandfathers said about homos. Before dying.

cuello_rojo ago

Because pedophilia is the next thing on the agenda. We have homos. We have trannies. We have gay marriage.

Some new frontier needs to be explored. Pedophilia is the next frontier and we are headed there.

Look for "decriminalization" of pedophilia under certain conditions in the near future.

They'll probably sell it as "children's rights" to determine their own sexuality without being repressed by closed minded old fashioned parents and other adults.

That's progressivism. Always have to be "liberating" somebody from some opressor for the betterment of society. Funny how it always results in deeper levels of degeneracy and depravity. But it's all good because people are freer right?

0rion ago

Has that happened before in history? I am genuinely curious... civilizational history seems to be cyclical, and so I would imagine this is one of the final major changes to happen in a society before it falls.

ardvarcus ago

Has that happened before in history?

The Roman Empire, in its decline and fall. We've reached the same level of decadence and perversion. The good news is, a society with this degree of corruption and decadence does not last long. The bad news, it's our society.

jthun2 ago

the other bad news... the people invading the empire are low IQ black and brown idiots with an IQ of 82 on average (or less)

At least the visigoths (etc) had brains.

cuello_rojo ago

Has that happened before in history?

The Greeks.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago


ChosenUndead ago

Because jews are degenerate creatures that should be exterminated without mercy

YamaMaya ago

I swear if this shit gets legalised I'm moving somewhere so remote they can't reach my kids.

cuello_rojo ago

You can't get away. We export our degeneracy. I'm not kidding. The US Govt puts pressure on other countries, like those in Africa, to grant more rights to homos. They make aid contingent on homo acceptance.

They'll do the same thing with pedo rights when they come along.

You might be safe if you go to Russia or some Eastern European country.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Nowhere is safe if the USA goes down. We must fight till we die or are victorious. Our back is to the oceans... (Sun Tzu reference) We will fight till we die, to every last patriot dies fighting or we overcome the false-Jewish enemy.

shadow332 ago

There are plenty of countries that don't support this degeneracy.

Podge512 ago

The attempted normalisation of paedophilia has now gone mainstream; it's not just social justice shitrags like The Huffington Post or Salon which are promoting child rape, but rather the New York Times, the BBC (the world's only publicly funded paedophile ring), The Independent, The Guardian and major social media platforms such as Twitter, which protects child pornography accounts and suspends those exposing them, as well as Facebook with its recent poll asking users if they wouldn't mind if the platform allowed adults to request nudes from children. It seems to me that the same playbook used in the normalisation of homosexuality is being employed in the normalisation of paedophilia. They appear to have moved past the 1st stage, what I like to call 'sympathy for the devil' (feel sorry for the poor child rapists who can't help what they are and lament how they're stigmatised and ostracised by our backwards, intolerant society) and moved on to stage 2, classifying paedophilia as a normal, natural, healthy sexual orientation. Indeed, the bullshit PC Newspeak terms are all ready to go, e.g. 'paedosexual', 'inter-generational love' and 'minor attracted person/MAP'. I recall opining back in 2015 that I envisioned a second front being opened up in this battle and it would be framed as a children's rights issue and sure enough, we recently had that Australian feminazi lunatic saying that parents should seek the consent of their babies before changing their nappies and should strive to create what she called a "culture of consent". We've also had the push to recognise a child's "right" to change gender. If children can consent to these things, what else can they consent to?

Warnos44 ago

I agree make a post of this. Also put sources for people to red pill others with.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

Yes this is postable. Make standalone post please. Not much high visibility of this concept and you have it well ordered it searchable references that make a strong case that this is intentional. If not posted in 2 hours I will steal this from you as if I said it. It is your duty now go.

shadow332 ago

All too true. You can make this its own post.. Normies need to understand this.

valk2 ago

They know their end game is about up now. With all the indictments they are pushing their agenda faster in order to get sympathy for their upcoming trials. That is my GUESS.

Get the public on their side before they face the gallows.

cuello_rojo ago

Dude, there are no indictments. That's just a pipe dream somebody trolled you and few million other people with.

Oh_Well_ian ago

this is the right answer ^^

It's simple, really. They and their political and business leaders are about to be revealed as kid fucking, murdering cannibals and Satan worshipers. This is an attempt paint themselves as victims of those who don't understand that pedophilia is 'natural' and has been proven by 'psychologists' ( glorified bullshit artists ). In other words, they are copping to a lesser charge and the people who will be calling for their heads for their crimes of torturing, raping, murdering and consuming children and infants, will be labeled as insane and blinded by hate and lack of understanding.

bourbonexpert ago


Crensch ago

(((They))) are getting more and more desperate, and they're moving too fast. Gotta destroy those goyim before they decide to fight back, you know!

RedditisPropaganda31 ago


Podd ago

Something is certainly going on. This will backfire worse than the fucking gun grabbers attempts to upend the 2nd. People are pretty divided on that even amongst middle of the roaders on guns but it takes a far far gone ideologue to think sexualization and exploitation of children is okay (in regards to @Podge512's post as well) by any stretch of the mind.

What could be coming down the pipe that would cause this ill-thought out agenda? Hmm...

cuello_rojo ago

That's why you won't hear about "sexualization and exploitation of children." Instead they'll talk about children's rights to control their own bodies and express their sexuality without being harrassed and oppressed by closed minded childophobes. They will say that parents do not have the right to enslave children and control their bodies. Etc.

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

All good parents will see right through the semantics and lingo. Nothing, and I mean nothing turns people savage more than fucking with their kids.

Warnos44 ago

You forgot, people have been taught to not think.

cuello_rojo ago

Some of them won't get it. Look at the parents who are turning their children into trannies today.

Crensch ago

Their extermination.

EyeOfHorus ago

There has been at least two instances of vigilatiasim against child rapists that were initially reported in media and then abruptly memory holed. Two that I read about in last couple of months. Certainly more than that. It's going on alresdy, just covered up by them.