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mynewaccountagain ago

You post about this so often that I genuinely wonder why you're so interested.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You're questioning why someone is interested in ending child sex abuse? wow..

I genuinely wonder why anyone has a problem with others identifying widespread child predatory behavior.

I also wonder why anyone would brush off the notion that people should care about protecting children.

Yeah... it's pretty clear you're engaging in classic ALINSKY pedophile behavior >> 'Yeah... people fuck kids, who doesn't know that? Let it be, already. '

Diggernicks ago

If you cry hard enough on the internet problems you post about magically go away.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you're worthless and the internet is the only place where you feel relevant, shitbag. but yeah... keep up the pedophile protecting, you faggot.

Diggernicks ago

You must be ex special forces by how tough you seem to post on the internet.