You've seen them, they are everywhere. In every market, for every product and service, there has been an inundation of commercials featuring Blacks. Although only 11% of the population, they have become grossly overrepresented to the point of ridiculousness. Furthermore, they are depicted as Upper Middle Class with strong family ties. In reality, the data of the Black demographic is far removed from the utopian exaggerations. What makes it even more over the top is the elimination of depictions of Whites who overwhelmingly make up the majority of the demographic of Middle to Upper Middle class with strong family values.
Now... if this were only specific sections of certain markets by certain known SJW led corporations, it would hardly be noticed. But it's not, it is in fact, ubiquitous. It's not about revenue, either, because they are placating to a group that doesn't exist in reality, and alienating actual consumers of their products and services.
This is a massive psyop on the American people being led by Fortune 500 companies and their conspirators on Madison Avenue.
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BentAxel ago
There's a shitton, right?