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dooob ago

Format your post, these low quality Q submissions should be considered spam, intentional or not. Formating is important. Also, it would be best to contain Q only submissions on v/GreatAwakening and not post it where you like, not all people are Q believers.

Oh_Well_ian ago

The Great Awakening

The Great Slumber

Stop pushing blue pills @dooob

dooob ago

Wow, do you really not know what bluepills are?

Oh_Well_ian ago

' it would be best to contain Q only submissions on v/GreatAwakening and not post it where you like, not all people are Q believers.'

You don't, obviously.

dooob ago

Lmao you respond by linking a wiki article? Bahahahan

Oh_Well_ian ago

so? what is your point?

oh.... I get it... Wiki is unhip and linking it somehow undermines the fact that you have no idea what a Blue Pill is...

Stop being a Jew fag, Jewboy. Most of all, stop telling people where and what to post on this site, you gatekeeping cunt flap.

dooob ago

Answer me this question, do you find a wiki a trustworthy source?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Let me ask you this question.. if something is factually true, do you question the source ?

Wiki is shit when it comes to history, politics and anything about Jews.

It's a good and quick source on pop culture.

Why are you such a fucking faggot and a nagging little bitch?

dooob ago

How was my original comment bluepilling then? Or are you just trying to assasinate my character?