YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Q isn't a credible source.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

right. just trust Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein....Soros...and Jorge Ramos.

laserpewpewpewpew ago

It's not either or brainlet

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

I'll trust none of them nor Q.

dooob ago

Format your post, these low quality Q submissions should be considered spam, intentional or not. Formating is important. Also, it would be best to contain Q only submissions on v/GreatAwakening and not post it where you like, not all people are Q believers.

Oh_Well_ian ago

The Great Awakening

The Great Slumber

Stop pushing blue pills @dooob

dooob ago

Wow, do you really not know what bluepills are?

Oh_Well_ian ago

' it would be best to contain Q only submissions on v/GreatAwakening and not post it where you like, not all people are Q believers.'

You don't, obviously.

dooob ago

Lmao you respond by linking a wiki article? Bahahahan

Oh_Well_ian ago

so? what is your point?

oh.... I get it... Wiki is unhip and linking it somehow undermines the fact that you have no idea what a Blue Pill is...

Stop being a Jew fag, Jewboy. Most of all, stop telling people where and what to post on this site, you gatekeeping cunt flap.

dooob ago

Answer me this question, do you find a wiki a trustworthy source?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Let me ask you this question.. if something is factually true, do you question the source ?

Wiki is shit when it comes to history, politics and anything about Jews.

It's a good and quick source on pop culture.

Why are you such a fucking faggot and a nagging little bitch?

dooob ago

How was my original comment bluepilling then? Or are you just trying to assasinate my character?

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

Please stop spaming other boards with this.

jesus_is_lord ago

or what

Kekalicious ago

I can quote from that book too." Jesus quote "I come at you not in peace but with a sword." "Stone your disobedient children" "Happy shall ye be who casts the little ones upon the stones."I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent." And to the nameless one here at Voat. 'Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.' " (God is a bit of a bastard, Just sayin.)

jesus_is_lord ago

why would you quote something you don't believe in?

Kekalicious ago

Why would you quote something that you personally did not witness, sheep.

laserpewpewpewpew ago

I'm a Christian and you're deflecting. Stop being a faggot.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

What's with the childish attitude?
I'm not threating you.
I'll do what I can and reprt your comments as spam as the content of your comments are not related to the post.

jesus_is_lord ago

who said it has to be related and just because you don't see the relevance, doesn't mean others wont

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Actual sources or GTFO

Mikel777 ago

My benchmark is seeing Hillary go to prison. When that happens, then I might take it seriously.

FortressOmega ago

Looks like your upvoat brigade works

the_magic_man ago

Didn't q say Mueller was actually investigating hillary? He's full of shit, people who believe him are idiots

FortressOmega ago

Good try cunt now fuck off and let the adults talk.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Q never said that

gentlemanadventurer ago

My assumption, in order for your benchmark to happen they will have to remove any support she has embedded that might prevent prison via tampering. Any hint of cooperation must be removed first.

BlackGrapeDrank ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

that's like catching the last 5 minutes of a 2 hour movie and thinking you know what it was about...

you Q denying cunts are the fakest fucks on VOAT

Ken_bingo2 ago

Q uses the same methods as palm readers and fortune tellers. It is ridiculous. It is also sad that so many people fall for that shit. Actions and results are all that matters.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You are completely full of shit. Why are 29 Republicans including Paul Ryan, Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz retiring? Why are 36 former Military and Intel officials running for office under the Democrat Party? Why have 600+ CEO's, COO's, CFO's and Board Members resigned from Fortune 500 Companies? Why has the entire MSM turned into an Orwellian hit squad on the President? How did we get from the brink of WW3 with North Korea to a historic peace in less than a year? These events were all predicted and confirmed by Q.

ardvarcus ago

Hillary in orange would be nice, but I'm waiting for the one-two punch of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch making the perp walk. I'd love to see Obama behind bars but we know that isn't going to happen.