Groff ago

Trump is no Messiah. - just another politician sucked into the swamp under the weight of his own lies. You are deluded.

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Hitler was a true leader. Trump is just trying to survive the deep (jew) state.

Cid ago

Go back to reddit and (((shill))) for your war. We're not buying what your merchant-ass is selling.

Alopix ago

Anybody who disagrees with me is Stalin


you are literally Khrushchev

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

America is not the same thing as ZOG. That much is true. But now it looks like he's being subsumed by the swamp, because we know he did not put America First tonight. He ignored the will of We The People tonight. He went against MAGA tonight.

fl3x ago

ZOG != American.

US Government != American.

The People = American.

Free Speech = American.

Go Fucking Yourself = Highly Recommended.

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

Hope asswipes like you are preppared to die in a draft.

Diggernicks ago

I'm too old now to be eligible. Get off my lawn young whipper snappers!


I would gladly go and protect America's interests.

Cid ago

I'm suuuuure (((you))) would.

Never again, kike.

TheUltimateQuakerII ago

Hope you get maimed for pissreal!

Diggernicks ago

Hope in one hand shit in the other. Let us know which fills up first.

goat404 ago

you like sucking kike cock.. How is that working out for you?

Tallest_Skil ago

Eat shit. Go hero worship on reddit. You can’t trust people to be your heroes. It’s important to remember that you never truly know your heroes. Heroes are just people. People change. People are bought. People lose sight. People die. Never forget, no matter how it happened, that whenever you lose a hero, the things you believe don’t stop being true. The people you believed in weren’t the physical embodiment of whatever it was for which they had stood. If they betrayed you or turned their back on their ideals, the ideals themselves are not any less valid.

This is because it’s not the person in which you believe. They didn’t make you believe those things–you already knew those things were right. You saw a strong person working toward your ideals–or one who had a clearer, fully conceptualized idea of what they were. In that moment, you knew they could be realized, because another person–fallible, like yourself–sought to achieve them. They only thing they really made you believe in is yourself. The reality is that since you never really knew your hero, they were always just an idealized projection of you. With them gone, you can choose to let those ideals die, or you can choose to pass them on yourself. A hero is just ideals with action. Choose to be your own ideals and you choose to be your own hero. A hero is just a focal point for the self.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Eat shit. Go hero worship on reddit. You can’t trust people to be your heroes. It’s important to remember that you never truly know your heroes. Heroes are just people. People change. People are bought. People lose sight. People die. Never forget, no matter how it happened, that whenever you lose a hero, the things you believe don’t stop being true. The people you believed in weren’t the physical embodiment of whatever it was for which they had stood. If they betrayed you or turned their back on their ideals, the ideals themselves are not any less valid.

This is because it’s not the person in which you believe. They didn’t make you believe those things–you already knew those things were right. You saw a strong person working toward your ideals–or one who had a clearer, fully conceptualized idea of what they were. In that moment, you knew they could be realized, because another person–fallible, like yourself–sought to achieve them. They only thing they really made you believe in is yourself. The reality is that since you never really knew your hero, they were always just an idealized projection of you. With them gone, you can choose to let those ideals die, or you can choose to pass them on yourself. A hero is just ideals with action. Choose to be your own ideals and you choose to be your own hero. A hero is just a focal point for the self.

This is the side of @Tallest_Skil that people don't see often enough.

dooob ago

That is some intense shilling, gj ShareBlue worker.

Tallest_Skil ago




Way to prove every single thing I said is correct, yid.

dooob ago

Working overtime, did ShareBlue have cutbacks? Did your friends manage to delete a sockpuppet or are you still experiencing the problem?

Tallest_Skil ago

So why are you shilling for the jewish narrative?

dooob ago

Which Jewish narrative? I think US should pull out of Syria, Assad is the right leader.

Do you deny you work for ShareBlue?

Tallest_Skil ago

I think US should pull out of Syria, Assad is the right leader.

So shut the fucking hell up when I say exactly the same thing, you inbred illiterate kike.

dooob ago

Shareblue faggot, there will be no WW3, Trump is playing the media. 25k

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you have absolutely no fucking argument, are openly shilling the newish narrative, and have admitted to spreading proven jewish shill lies.

dooob ago

Jews are anti-war?

Tallest_Skil ago

Jews are strawman. Thanks for exhibiting yet another jewish trait (two, in fact; you’re utterly incapable of substantiating your claims).

dooob ago

Nice deflection, what jewish narrative am I shilling? Will you deflect this comment too, ShareBlue?

Tallest_Skil ago

Already answered, you illiterate kike. Thanks for continuing to prove me right.

dooob ago

Cite it if you already did it, ShareBlue.

Tallest_Skil ago

If you’re too brain damaged to see it yourself in your own thread, that’s your problem, paid jewish shill.

dooob ago

Lmao, having a hard time finding your answer?

Tallest_Skil ago

No harder than you, self-admitted jewish paid shill.

dooob ago

Sigh, can you post the proof again?

Tallest_Skil ago

Neck yourself, self-admitted jew shill.

dooob ago


Tallest_Skil ago

lol, ironic

ninjajunkie ago

The last guy saw me as an ant. The new guy sees me as a peasant. Possibly a peasant with needs. I'll take this deal.

Tallest_Skil ago

“Lesser evil” bullshit is a kike lie, man. Don’t fall for it.

ninjajunkie ago

Recognizing it is different than choosing it.

Tallest_Skil ago

You literally fucking just said “I’ll take this deal,” you goddamn idiot.

ninjajunkie ago

That's called acceptance. I didn't pick it, but I can accept it's better than it was. This timeline is definitely not what I would choose.

fl3x ago

Take a long hike off a cliff.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re literally insane. Kikes still control every branch of government at every level, all media in all forms, all banks, and all major companies. Nothing has changed in any capacity. All jewish plans are still in effect. All jewish propaganda is still in print. Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out. Next you’ll shitpost about your ✡Q-LARP✡ bullshit, pretending that the ZOG will arrest the ZOG.