ScientiaPotentia ago

Who wants to bet that Leo Frank is a descendant of the Jewish Messiah Jacob Frank?

Awful-Falafel ago

I'm not sure this is the same Leo Frank. Different birthday and date of death:

ikacer ago

If anyone wants to lean about the case, here is an excellent podcast on the topic:

MelatoninDreams ago

Leo Frank was probably innocent. The real rapist/murderer was a black guy. That's why you don't hear much about Leo Frank anymore. If it had been a white guy who had really killed the girl, we'd hear about Leo Frank every day.

Fetalpig ago

The only JEW to be lynched...that shit has got to change.

Kannibal ago

Today, the consensus of researchers on the subject holds that Frank was wrongly convicted.

Your mileage may vary.

verdict first, trial second

GaydolphNiggler ago

The False Memory Syndrome Foundation's founder also molested his daughter. No pattern here...

RaptorJesus ago




All ways of spelling dirty _ _ _.

mememeyou ago

"The following twenty-one grand jurymen, of which four were Jews, unanimously signed the bill of indictment against Leo Frank"... - He also bribed black man to take the fall, and in accounts I've read Leo sounds just like Weinstein

EyeOfHorus ago

(((Hollywood))) is too busy making Nazi movies to find time to make a Leo Frank movie?

mrgreenjeans9 ago

'the good old days'

iforgottheotherone ago

(((Leo Frank)))

EarnYourRedPill ago

"Today, the consensus of researchers on the subject holds that Frank was wrongly convicted." JIDF editors on wikipedia

Those "researchers" failed to note that every appeal since then has affirmed the murder conviction.

Podge512 ago

So horrendous were poor Mary Phagan's injuries, that many think it was a modern case of JRM.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh yes. That jew pedo hanged.

Xax ago

Hanging might not have been the worst. He may have been condemned to hell for all eternity for his Jew crimes against his fellow man upon whom he looked at with disdain.

The ol’ God’s Chosen People farce for these modern day Jews. It’s the greatest trick ever played by the devil. Hype up a bunch Tartar-Turks to make them think (((they))) have a license to steal, lie, rape and kill without sin and then when (((they))) meet (((their))) Judge and Maker, it’s the trap door to fire.

It’s got to suck but well, well deserved.

HidiotKojima ago


StatusQuip ago


BigMatteson ago

It was founded to raise money for Frank's legal expenses.

european ago

Federal Reserve Act 1913

Herbvendor ago

Never Forget

Xax ago

Let’s be frank about Frank. When someone brings up the ADL as if it were a bastion of virtue we must never mention the name ADL with attaching the phrase “founded by the pedophile, Leo Frank.”

BigMatteson ago

Frank didn't found the ADL, it was founded to raise money for his legal expenses.

Xax ago

Oh, even better. “Are you talking about the ADL that was founded to pay for a pedophile’s legal bills?”

BigMatteson ago

You mean the group that organized to pay for a pedophile murderer's legal fees in a case where he raped and murdered a 14 year old girl that worked in his factory and then tried to frame a black janitor for the crime?

Or, You're aware that the ADL only exists because of a pedophile rapist murderer that raped and killed a 14yo girl that worked in the factory he managed, right? So much for women's rights, eh jews?

Awful-Falafel ago

Great take on the ADL by a based talking cat.

Blue333 ago

This was great thank you!

mrgreenjeans9 ago

fucking fantastic

Newmemba ago

thanks for the reminder! Fucking kikes need their noses rubbed in this shit. BTW was there any relation with Otto Frank the dipshit who wrote the Anne Frank fiction?

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Yeah they were also heavily supported by the Jewish mobster Moe Dalitz, the sole purpose of the ADL was PR for Jewish criminals from it's onset. Did a damn fine job too, between them and the Jewish mob blackmailing J. Edgar Hoover......... Motherfuckers straight owned a bunch of shit, and pointed the finger at the Italians.

TheSeer ago

BTW, when the media talks about the (((Russian Mafia))) guess who they are really talking about?

CrudOMatic ago

Kikes really hate that - it shows their true nature through and through.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

#1913, n4g