Whitemail ago

It seems like they're trying to section things off, so they can keep Marxist and normalfags in this state of mind where anything on those alternative sites is unreliable garbage or heretical and evil.

moarzor ago

I like that he included Pepe.

JastheMace ago

Soros driving himself, I think not.

ardvarcus ago

Ha, this is great. Garrison is going to sell a few of this one.

anon_poaster ago

Bitchute.com has potential as a free speech alternative to Youtube.

freshmeat ago

what happens when bitchute goes the wasy of slim.ig

theoldones ago

they have plans to survive on the same backbone as torrents iirc

Talc ago

socialist media

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

While I may not credit you, I'm going to remember that for future use.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

It's amazing how blatantly they have become about censorship. YouTube studies users browser history and see if you go to right-leaning websites, then what videos you watch on YouTube. Then they delete those video contributors account.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

It's because our Breiviks have yet to appear, if they will at all.

(and of course, comments like this get added to my permanent file at google, and elsewhere)

Turn_Coat ago

Well, they can come at me, bro. Alt-tech is outside their filthy grasp.

ardvarcus ago

The left is completely without shame, and without self-inspection. They firmly believe, on faith, that they are better than us, and not only this, that they have the duty to correct us and control our lives. It's the same fanatical fascism of the communists in Russia under Stalin or under Mao in China. Yes, I said fascism -- fascism can occur on both the political left and the political right, and right now, it is all left.

JastheMace ago

Fascism is actually left. The creator of the word, Italian thinker Giovanni Gentile, actually described fascism as "socialism with a nationalist identy"

Scald85 ago

Yes, fascism was to the left of monarchy, and like any other location on republicanism's slippery slope it couldn't last.

MadBro ago

How do you know this?

People make a lot of assumptions about what some software is doing. As a programmer this is always cringe inducing.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

YouTube programmer spilled the beans. Cognitive dissonance is tough for logic-minded people.

MrKequc ago

You're a programmer and you don't know how computer systems work especially in the social media arena? They store absolutely everything. Then they pass it through algorithms that sort out the madness for whatever purposes they want to. That isn't confusing, or even controversial at all.

Twitter put it in it's terms of service that it would be monitoring users on and off the site. Google has been doing it forever.

MadBro ago

What is "computer systems"?

These are individuals making decisions as to what data is worth storing, and how to interpret it. There is no "computer systems in social media".

I'm constantly hearing about Google/YouTube's algorithms as if they were facts, when in reality the only one that really knows is the guy that programmed it.

I'd like to see some leaks or something before people make assumptions.

MrKequc ago

Dude computer systems work by copying data. Even when you listen to a cd there's a computer reading that data copying it into ram. Sorage costs almost nothing and these companies have billions of dollars. All of that money comes from targeted advertising. They target advertising by storing data and mining it for information it's literally the fucking business model you chump. I appreciate that you like evidence but it's not hard to figure out yourself.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

These are individuals making decisions as to what data is worth storing, and how to interpret it.

Exactly. Don't know about you, but if I had the ability to store every keystroke made by the users of my major social media platform for later analysis, I'd be all over that. If possible, I'd make deals with other platform owners to share or pool the data to better feed the megalomaniacal tendencies that helped me reach this position in the first place. As a programmer, you probably don't fit that personality profile.

MadBro ago

Id think that would be a minority of software engineers, in my anecdotal experience.

It sounds a bit like someone with a marketing degree is running the show.

mightnotbearobot ago

How will the end of net neutrality affect this?

tendiesonfloor ago

Spoiler: It won't. Net Neutrality the principle and Net Neutrality the regulation provided no protection for political speech.

JastheMace ago

Actualy hurts speech. Title 2 control means the government can choose who gets a license to be a website, and they can control what you say. Look at radio, you have to get a government license, and there are words you are not allowed to say. That's why they invent a 'label' like net neutrality so people think it is something they want, instead of something they don't.