PhilaFerret ago

I want my Obama PhD!

PhilaFerret ago

I want my 0bama PhD! Where my doctoite?

Alopix ago

Yes, it's very dangerous to them that people are becoming aware of their attacks

Oveneise ago

Oy vey.

lord_nougat ago

She examines it SO CLOSELY that she becomes it!

MrKequc ago

"White people say they are being discriminated against, but that's just more white power privileged nazi bullshit."

culofiesta ago

Keep it up. You'll see a lot more than tiki torches next time

lord_nougat ago

Let's burn a lower case 't', to imply 'tiki torches' with just the first letter!

Behuvius ago

Huff post is right up there with occupydemocrats as the biggest liberal echo chamber fake news site in existence.

shitstartercarter ago

The thing about this "social change" is that people do remember when America was predominantly a homogeneous society and how much better of a place it was then. Now because of countless decades of politicians opening the floodgates and illegal immigration our country isn't recognizable. My question is, when were we asked if we wanted this massive change? Oh yeah it was forced upon us.

Naught405 ago

Wesleyan lol

"our academic opinions matter because our feelings matter. we matter guys."

basedmangod2015 ago

white people aren't really under attack.

jthun2 ago

the only group that can be openly mocked, called out for genocide, discriminated against in job applications, etc etc.

depends what you mean by 'attacked'. Even if you mean violence, the black on white crime stats kind of give an argument.

if you mean discrimination, they clearly are.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Congratulations, faggot. You received my first down voat. Kikes have been attacking whites for a long time. They ramped up their attack ten years ago and more so over the last 5 years. Paybacks are hell

basedmangod2015 ago


welcome to the cult of white victimhood.

it's not going to fix your shitty life for you.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Within ten years jews will become public enemy #1 in America, and rightfully so.

basedmangod2015 ago

even worse than muslims? what about illegal hispanic immigrants? what about neo nazi fucks like urself? are Jews really whats making your life so bad?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Jews are behind flooding white countries with illegal invaders. Jews use niggers as a tool against white folk. Jews and muslims work together to subvert. They are of the devil.

Plavonica ago

The entire MSM propaganda machine is geared towards gaslighting.

goatfuckit ago

She will be with the first to go when they come for guns

PhilaFerret ago

She's a PhD:

My research broadly examines prejudice, stereotyping, and the self.

jthun2 ago

in short, she spews crap. bets that her main research method is autoethnography?

Rey4 ago

There is so much projection right there

1Sorry_SOB ago

"Social Change. "

We like social change too. We're changing it back.

torhent ago

"Social Change" is code for "Whites need not apply". My favorite cunt is Walmarts Sam's Club CEO (Black Cunt) she was negotiating with a company and because the representatives for the firm was white she told them to get some colored next time she meets or the contract goes elsewhere. Fuck the cunt. She's essentially assuming that the firm doesn't hire blacks she's not taking into where the firm is, what the firm makes and frankly that a lot of blacks are NOT going to move to the country to be around a bunch of white people just to make her "diversity" quota. Fuck the racist cunt. Might as well put out a sign "Irish need not apply". Its why I shop at Costco and not Walmart.

scorpiosis ago

When she said colored/diversity she only meant black. Just like NAACP, the C stands for Black, not Colored. She probably prefers Irish girls to fuck niggers and make nigger babies to increase our diversity quota.

antiliberalsociety ago

The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

0110001111 ago

All white people must die

White people are not being hated on

Seriously, do they hear themselves at this point?

voltronsdicks ago

they obviously don't hear themselves because we haven't spoken up enough. If some crazy cunt with a psych degree is deemed qualified to psychoanalyze the white race then we've failed to backhand idiocy somewhere along the line. let's change that.

VoatIsForTimmy ago

Another example of libtard double speak. Such fools they are.

mightnotbearobot ago

Oh no those poor white people. When will they finally catch a break?

mightnotbearobot ago

Golly gosh I had no idea how bad it was! Maybe we could start a charity? Could even have people in Asia adopting white kids to give them a better chance at life. How sad.

And in that third pic they are all white.

White-Supremacist ago

sees a pic of many jews, calls them white

mightnotbearobot ago

I didn't realise jew was a colour.

mightnotbearobot ago

Us white people really are pathetic

antiliberalsociety ago

White people built the very system you leech off of.

mightnotbearobot ago

I am white people, donut.

DeadFox ago

Literally noone believes you

mightnotbearobot ago

Who is Noone? He gets around.

badruns ago

Whites also built the system they use to complain about the system they leach off of, which was built by white people.

It's really just boiling frog at this point. Another generation or two will be "interesting" for lack of a better term.

Jaegerjaques ago

Stop hitting yourself