edwardmyersuk ago

I enjoyed studying your articles. This is truly a outstanding study for me.Write My Essay

Crensch ago

You're about one step from really fucking up here. If you want to advertise on Voat, purchase a fucking advertisement.

Saufsoldat ago

Reminder that he was an 80-year-old obeast with previous heart problems.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Crensch ago

Sometimes a Jew is a Jew.

kyleawift192 ago


RightEdge ago

oh no! don't you know that WE are different from those who've done such evil things? /sarc

ready-ignite ago

After everything we know how about the lengths these people went to to rig the election, they thought they had it absolutely locked up. You can almost see them becoming giddy with the idea of an assured Supreme Court pick, turn it to the globalist cause and game over West. Minutes from midnight? Shit. We were that close.

Psalm144-1 ago

How about the Podesta emails right around that time... super sketchy.

CPT_Ahab ago

The dude was a fatty, that mother fuck ate bread sticks dipped in Alfredo sauce at least 5 times a month. He lived good, and when you live good like that you don't get to live long. Fat ass old man died early, if there was an assassin it was that dude's diet.

beece ago

No autopsy !? The cremation came super fast as well.

RoundWheel ago

The Podesta emails made reference to his location and "wet works." "Wet works" is traditionally used to be a metaphor for someone's murder.

speedisavirus ago

He was old and out of shape. He died because that's what old out of shape people do. More is someone can murder that Jew ginzberg we would be ok

AssKing ago

but he was found with a pillow on his head

speedisavirus ago

No he wasn't.

speedisavirus ago

“It looked like he had not quite awakened from a nap,” Poindexter said.

He later told the New York Times, “His hands were sort of almost folded on top of the sheets. The sheets weren’t rumpled up at all.”

Sounds exactly like what one would expect from an old fat dying in their sleep.

Cheesebooger ago

Healthy young people fall dead every day too. Don't let that FatPeopleHate cancer into your mind

speedisavirus ago

It's almost like one is extremely rare and if they fall over dead they weren't healthy but the other is common. Fat 80 year old people die and it's pretty common.

newoldwave ago

I like how they coroner declared his death by natural causes over the phone. Sure

Cheesebooger ago

Wasn't he immediately taken to the incinerator?

DrWalterSobchak ago

I doubt that. Catholics usually don't cremate their their deceased loved ones. Plus pictures of his funeral clearly show a coffin not a casket.


newoldwave ago

cremated quickly so no autopsy could be done

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

And they used The Air Loom!

guinness2 ago

I bet a few more Surpeme Justices would have been Arkancided.

Can you imagine how much cash Hillary could have sold those "vacancies" to the Jews for?

If Hillary won, Israel would now control our laws, instead of just having a massive 33% influence.

Schreiber ago

If Hillary won, Israel would now control our laws

Yeah, not gonna happen m8, I know it doesn't fit your narrative but Israeli govt prefer Trump much more than Hillary, just like how they prefer Harper than Trudeau. Their PM circle of friends is like the whole ultranationalist populist elites from Berlusconi to Orban.

Many people don't get it but Israeli govt not equal to jewish globalist bankers. Fucking bankers don't need Jerusalem.

You do know that all of the Israeli govt foreign agents are all deeply entrenched in Western "political right" scene? Everything from The Daily Wire to the Kushners are all working for the Israeli government to undermine the "banking" families.

Everywhere it's like a proxy battleground on the wars between jewish globalist bankers (reform judaism and liberal atheists) and jewish right-wing nationalists (ethnocentric conservative jews). Everywhere from Tel Aviv to America, Saudi Arabia, and Syria is a fucking proxy war between the jewish elites who are fighting each other for power and control.

One is pushing for the progressive agenda and one is pushing for the anti-progressive agenda.

It is correct that every political left and right in every country is funded by the jews , but different jews. The key here is different group of jews. Soros and co spend literally all of their money on "progressive western nations," while the Israeli state is courting "politically incorrect nations."

guinness2 ago

I know it doesn't fit your narrative

To be fair, I agree.

I hate niggers, but I accept that many nigger-unicorns exist. I'm met a handful in my life, especially those with military training.

I hate Muslims, but I make no exceptions for that. There are no good pedophile worshiping members of the Islamic terrorist ideology.

And as far as kike-unicorns are concerned, yes - I know of a few who are good people. That said, Jews have proven time and time again to be toxic, thieving, lying, nepotistic piece of shit... so much so they are the most exiled people in human history.

The Jew trillionaire globalist communist elite are attempting to destroy western civilization with their globalist agenda... so FUCK EVERY LAST KIKE! I'd happily genocide every last kike, including the decent ones, to protest my birthright. Also, fuck you.

Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

Guarantee that Scalia was basically their litmus test for everything (likely not expecting the year-long delay in a new Justice appointment), and that every judge right of Hillary's political beliefs was going to get killed off in quick succession once the "election"/"coronation" was over, all being replaced with leftist judges even more radical than Obama's desired replacement.

The mere fact that the RINOs pretended to care about their party's conservative agenda (likely so that they could get at least 1 of their friends onto the rigged court after Hillary took charge) ended up saving our Supreme Court from the nightmare that currently infests the 9th Circuit court system.

guinness2 ago

That poor bastard never had an autopsy and I'm sure his family were threatened not to make a fuss by the Clinton crime syndicate.

jwm5514 ago

Or he possibly overdosed on drugs and his family wants him to keep his dignity? I’m not saying you can’t be right, but if you’re so absolutely sure he was murdered, you’re not considering enough possibilities

guinness2 ago

I'm fairly certain that suspected drug overdoses ABSOLUTELY require an autopsy to be performed...

jwm5514 ago

So it isn’t possible that his family knew he went up to his room to do drugs and they found him dead with drug paraphernalia lying around? Sure it’s possible someone like snuck in his room somehow and injected him or something, but that still wouldn’t show anything different on an autopsy.

NakatomiBaby ago

No, his family wouldn't....since he was murdered on a ranch in Texas.

guinness2 ago

No, I don't think police would forgo their legal requirement to perform an autopsy just because the family asked nicely.

jwm5514 ago

Just like they never forgo their responsibilities for anything regarding the clintons? The guy was a Supreme Court justice, I’m pretty sure that falls under the “protected class”.

But go ahead and downvote my legitimate supposition because it doesn’t match your “absolute” theory.

guinness2 ago

I'm not down-voting you, but I am interested in you substantiating your claim about "protected class" people dying of unnatural causes and not receiving an autopsy.

Can you name even one other similar case where a high-profile person died mysteriously and there wasn't an autopsy?

That said, if your argument is valid then it also strengthens my argument that police didn't perform an autopsy because a "protected class" asked them not to... not necessarily the judge's family buy someone even more "protected" by the mainstream - the Clinton crime syndicate or the CIA.

TL;DR: Your argument is fail.

Womb_Raider ago

I think, considering where he died, it's very likely he was whacked

the_magic_man ago

Proof? Wanting to believe someone doesn't make it true

BlackGrapeDrank ago

@the_magic_man raped me when was 2 years old and he fucks goats. he molests small children and it's all real in my mind. I forged a yearbook he signed for my 3rd grade graduation.

It's all true because I wrote it. he should resign from voat.

FuckYouReddit- ago

I don't have proof that you eat dicks every afternoon behind the local Walmart, but everyone knows it's true.

Seriously, do us all a favor, and post to Twitter that you have proof that Hillary killed Seth Rich, so you can be Arkancided too and save us all the headache of listening to your bullshit.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

Wetworks at the ranch?

Just nonsense words to you?

the_magic_man ago

So, that's zero proof. A fat 80 year old American with high blood pressure and heart problems couldn't possibly die. Has to be murder. Proof is the words "Wetworks at the ranch".

auggs ago

Also the discrepancies of how his body was handled after death. I believe a sheriff changed the reports of finding a pillow over his head and odd markings around his neck. Couple that with news of CIA being able to shoot heart attack-inducing darts at the time, and there is a suspicious trail worth following.

the_magic_man ago

Hold on, you seriously think that if the cia were going to the trouble of murdering a supreme court just by putting a pillow over his face in his sleep, they wouldn't think to remove the pillow once he's dead? Seriously, just think about what you're saying.

Womb_Raider ago

So you don't find the circumstances suspicious?

the_magic_man ago

No. Any link to the suspicious circumstances? The pillow one was absolutely nothing

Womb_Raider ago

I've never heard about this pillow. I just know about the wetwork email, which was shortly before his death at a place they described. I find it very suspicious. If you don't, I don't know what to tell you.

auggs ago

No it's a sign of distress while in bed. Obviously he wasn't suffocated but a heart attack may cause pillows to go awry. Either way the sheriff lied about it so it IS suspicious of authorities wanted to hide that info.

Crensch ago

Your scp and ccp is a good start.

Saufsoldat ago

Silencing dissent as usual, huh?

gramman74 ago

Reminder that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered.


PaulBSmith ago

This is a baseless conspiracy theory. Antonin Scalia was an obese man who died of natural causes. When you post simple-minded nonsense such as this, it allows Russian trolls to directly influence the minds of the American people. You can see a prime example in the latest Alabama election, where over a thousand Kremlin-linked accounts followed pedophile Roy Moore after he tweeted support in favor of Putin. By allowing fake news to spread over social media platforms such as Voat, Reddit, and Twitter, you are helping Russia to undermine our democracy. I cannot wait for the day that Trump is impeached.


AnarchicAlpaca ago

Yes, suffocated with his own pillow.

neurotica ago

r/politics is leaking

cointelpro_shill ago

He was fat

Cheesebooger ago

Yeah skinny people don't die huh? FPH is cancer

cointelpro_shill ago

He was also old for how fat he was

Cheesebooger ago

I've known a few fat people who lived to be very old. Fuck look at Roy Clark!

cointelpro_shill ago

I feel like Scalia was about 1.5 Roy Clarks

brightfuture4Merica ago

True, but you still can't go around killing fatties if they're Supreme Court Justices especially if they're sort of on our side.

cointelpro_shill ago

Lol. Tell that to his close friend Ronald McDonald