MyWaifuIsNotASlut ago

it's already been there you retard. wrong think has been getting right-of-center people fired for a long time without even requiring "real" sexual harassment. as a result conservatives keep anything controversial to themselves and avoid being offensive if they'd be risking a job they need.

the only thing liberals have to not do to avoid this is not sexually harass people, which is easy for all except the elite (jews) in the media apparently.

Tallest_Skil ago

Don’t fuck children and you won’t have a problem with people who will kill you for fucking children. If that’s difficult for you to understand, you might be jewish.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago


goatfuckit ago

Who are you molesting

voatHatesTheFirst ago

Your wife.

goatfuckit ago

aaahaaahaa! your mom molestor