Random101 ago

The link doesn't support your title. Gladio B (according to Sibel Edmonds) is derived from the underlying strategy of Operation Gladio, which was directing the actions of violent extremists, not of refugees.

fusir ago

Who needs violent extremists when you have refugees? Also who says you can't direct some of them?

Random101 ago

Who needs violent extremists when you have refugees?

The difference is that one group is an overt threat and the other isn't.

Either way these people have realized long ago that it is in their interest to reduce public safety to make their wants more secure.

There's no basis for that generalization.

captainstrange ago

Operation Gladio first came to light in Italy in 1990, after over 40 years of clandestine operations

"9/11 was an inside job"

Fwww.. No group or operation that big could be kept secret for that long

fusir ago

I never said it was an inside job. I think it was a coordinated job involving state actors beside the US. Also it can be kept secret. I know secrets involving Dick Chaney that maybe seven Americans know. The data is hidden in SAP so it's not like even people in the intel community can dig it up.

monkeytoe101 ago

I thought this was interesting:: In Francovich's documentary on Gladio, he described the aim as to ‘destabilise in order to stabilise’… ‘To create tension within the country to promote conservative, reactionary social and political tendencies.’

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Can definitely see the "creating tension" validity, sans violence. They created their own, but there is value in exposing already existing behaviors that are unwanted in your society. What we see today is many crimes against us are being suppressed or hidden, as to prevent tension being created until it's too late. A potential problem with creating your own "tension producers" is that the almost inevitable exposure at some point will negate any actual validity to your intent.

Note all the jews and blacks creating all that anti-jew/black graffiti, and "hate crimes" in general. People are beginning to see those in the same way we all see "rape" now. "Probably fake, or only under some bizarre technicality that has no basis in reality."

albatrosv14 ago

Finally someone names the true middlemen who are arming muslims.

Botornot ago

Technological singularity promises utopia Powers that be wouldn't be required anymore...can't have that Divide and conquer

White_Phillip ago

"War is Peace"

ZenAtheist ago

"Diversity is our strength"

8_billion_eaters ago

The fucking Jews (at least that's what we resistance have been conditioned to call them) have played us forever. They play humanity like a violin. Wars on an international scale. Taxes on our earnings. Take just enough from each of us and openly spend it on projects like immigration and welfare that is destructive to our society morally as well as physically at the same time conditioning the weak-minded to accept it all in the name of peace. Peace on earth and good will towards your fellow thrall.

Well, at least we have enough to eat. For now. Happy Thanksgiving.