Twitter $2 Billion in Losses Over 10 Years Prove It's Not A Real Business / It's a CIA Brass Plate Fraud For Supressing Free Speech and Spreading Propaganda (
submitted 7.4 years ago by Oh_Well_ian
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MasivGam3 7.4 years ago
Why CIA?
Why everyone here is so obsessed with CIA?
CIA is a government agency. They are old, big and ineffective! They are a fucking bureaucracy!
Oh_Well_ian 7.4 years ago
retarded and uninformed comment
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MasivGam3 ago
Why CIA?
Why everyone here is so obsessed with CIA?
CIA is a government agency. They are old, big and ineffective! They are a fucking bureaucracy!
Oh_Well_ian ago
retarded and uninformed comment
MasivGam3 ago