Twitter $2 Billion in Losses Over 10 Years Prove It's Not A Real Business / It's a CIA Brass Plate Fraud For Supressing Free Speech and Spreading Propaganda (
submitted 7.4 years ago by Oh_Well_ian
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ComfortablyCaucasian 7.4 years ago
Murdoch bought Myspace to replace it with Facebook. All social media is MSM. Every major site is a tool for the elite. Their cataloging our faces, our voices, our interests, our connections, and our opinions.
elitch2 7.4 years ago
And you are absolutely correct. DO NOT USE "FREE" SERVICES.
Oops. Thanks.
There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
Heinlein, The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
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ComfortablyCaucasian ago
Murdoch bought Myspace to replace it with Facebook. All social media is MSM. Every major site is a tool for the elite. Their cataloging our faces, our voices, our interests, our connections, and our opinions.
elitch2 ago
And you are absolutely correct. DO NOT USE "FREE" SERVICES.
ComfortablyCaucasian ago
Oops. Thanks.
elitch2 ago
There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
Heinlein, The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress