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gazillions ago

It's certainly somebody's tool for propaganda and brainwashing.

JohnCStevenson ago

You mean how Voat spreads Trump propaganda, and censors people they don't like?

Oh, but you don't care, since it's your side. Trump supporters are fascists.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

So your view is that there are literally tens of millions of fascists to be found amongst US citizens? I guess the corollary argument would be that [fill in the blank with a prominent Democrat] supporters are communists?

KosherHiveKicker ago

You need to get that near-terminal case of chapped ass checked out..... and you might want to also review the actual definition of Fascist.

Naught405 ago

John, censorship is when the platform prevents you from speaking, not when you get called out for being a beta cuck faggot.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

I downvote you because I'm a homophobe!

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

You get downvotes because you're a whiny bitch. If you made a sensible argument against Trump, and didn't just spout dumb phrases like "Trump supporters are fascists" - you might find people are willing to engage in discussion. Why would anyone want to have a discussion with a whining mouthpiece like yourself? Your victim mentality just invites downvotes.

elitch2 ago

What censorship? We've got beta faggots like you all over the place. Nice try, commie.

gazillions ago

Trump supporters are WINNERS you fucking dork. Get that through your psychotic little pea brain. YOU'RE A FUCKING LOSER. And you'll be a loser for the next 50 years. You'll die a loser. Hillary will go to jail.

Those right wing death squads keeping you up at night? Those no blacks allowed signs you see everywhere bothering you. Blacks being lynched in every neighborhood making it difficult for you to get around? Women being fired by every corporation making you fret? You must be on the run from Trump's collection of every democrat voter for the gulags. Poor you.

Mylon ago

If you had something meaningful to contribute you wouldn't get downvoted. Instead all you have is empty ad hominems.

On the other hand, your posts are still here. They're harder to see, but you're not being silenced. If your posts on reddit or twitter or facebook were commiting wrong-think they'd be deleted.

Drop_Nukes_On_Israel ago

People on Voat aren't censored, nigger. Just downvoted. On Reddit, you get downvoted THEN censored.