Your salvation lies in working with Jews, not against them. Plenty of us are against Globalism on the basis that one world government is a certain path to a global tyranny for all peoples. Does not mean we need to be friends assholes. Or maybe you think there will be some white man awakening and a 4th Reich, in which case, far be it for me to interrupt your fantasy. (*Grabs Popcorn for when your fiction meets reality)
Crensch ago
The 3rd Reich would have been successful if you kikes hadn't already infiltrated the U.S. Why can't there be a 4th? Because some kike said so?
Enjoy the last couple decades of your race's existence. Those of you that didn't voluntarily castrate yourselves and murder your own kind from within will have your remains fed to pigs. Those of you that did will have footnotes in history books about "that one Jew that overcame his biological programming long enough to help humans destroy Jews, what a guy".
Those are your options.
Crensch ago
Called it.
Cheesebooger ago
Oh this paid kike shill again. YOU. WILL. FAIL. HERE. Us White people will save ourselves from you jewbags.
Within the next ten years you become public enemy #1 in America. Israel may have about 20 years left. Its over.
ExpertShitposter ago
@FreeSpeechRefugee lets start with 100% of your peoples from around the world moving to Israel, and funding nationalist NGO's instead of multiculturalism NGO's then we can maybe talk about turning off the gas.
MisterNeptune ago
Here's all I have to say to you, kike
Flour ago
All the negativity that surrounds Judaism and Jews is really weird. You don't seem like a bad guy, but fucking hell man, quit virtue signaling that just because you're a jew means we should trust you because you're a "good goy" just like us. If you actually wanted to help you'd do it from the inside of your own organizations and tell them to quit being a bunch of Kikes.
AndrewBlazeIt ago
Point to a single Jew who has ever held a position of political power who didn't favor Jews and fuck everyone else over.
That's not why my people say brahhhhh....
WhitePriviledged ago
A Jew is a Jew . And a Jew is also a rat. A nigger is black, and a globalist is a a fat cat. But a Jew is always a Jew.
KosherHiveKicker ago
Typical Tricks Schlomo?
Jews Push For Immigration And Multiculturalism
Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda
The Kalergi Plan - White Genocide?
"Our whiteness - a democracy problem" -- Irena Pozar, Social Media Manager at Bonnier Magazines.
Norway is TOO WHITE! According to the President of the Jewish Community in Oslo
EU Minister: “Europe WILL be diverse!”, “there is not going to be” a White Europe in the future.
Ronald Barazon - “Austrian” Media Jew Calls To End White Europe
Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies
Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration
Red Ice Live - Israeli NGO Helping Migrant Boats Reach Europe's Shores, Instructs Them Where to Go
The Oded Yinon Plan - Greater Israel - The Jewish Plan for the Middle East,
((( Heidi Beirich ))) openly admits that the SPLC is plotting against White Americans, and their culture.