boekanier ago

CIA, a state in the state.

Inaminit ago

Hands down, the CIA has has done more to harm the United States than any foreign aggressor... Ever.

badruns ago

He's so close to the subtly I like! Ben I know you read these so get ready for my critic: You didn't need to label the dog as CIA in in the first 2 panels. Having it on the collar in the last panel was enough. Having the reader wonder what the dog represents till the last panel would increase the "ooohhhhh" moment at the end.

Still love you faggot. Still a great comic.

sbt2160p ago

The dog should be biting Kennedy's head off, no?

GODFREY1096 ago

The (((CIA)) unleashed

wellendowedduckling ago

this guy is seriously red pilled.

ZX4jBXu ago

I beg you guys and anyone who is interested in such a thing to WATCH THIS. It's a rather long but amazing documentary called "JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick".

It's incredible.

MadWorld ago

X-D Marvelous, always with a precision!!

dirtykitty ago

Leftist Ben Garrison is the best Ben Garrison.

10567342? ago

One letter would have made this a masterpiece... Good GOY

NuclearCode ago

Wasn't Truman involved with Majestic 12?

NuclearCode ago


SparkS ago


newoldwave ago

Seems to be another case of best intentions gone wrong. Truman created the CIA to ,well, centralize the intel network in the US where various intel agencies weren't talking to each other.

shrink ago

The problem being he apparently didn't craft any robust oversight for it.

10569803? ago

So, if some prison doctor wanted to run a few experiments, hey, its for the government!

dirtykitty ago

He created it as an purely intelligence agency, without understanding all the dirty trick and operations side stuff that entailed. In Truman's defense he was pretty scathing in his CIA criticism immediately after JFK was assassinated.

XSS1337 ago

... OLD ..... YELLER .... /THREAD

lord_nougat ago

Too late, it's become CUJO!

twerkin_for_trayvon ago

At least post the original.

GuannaRue ago

Also, CIA and Uncle Samael are on the same side.

Do not be deceived.

knightwarrior41 ago

the jews are just lost with their kabbalah

shrink ago

Finally, I was wondering when someone would post the non-edited version

PsyOp ago

Much more accurate. Thanks for posting that correction!

guinness2 ago

Fun-fact: President Trump wasn't intending to bury 30 ISIS fighters when he dropped his MOAB on the Nangarhar province in Afghanistan, he was actually destroying the CIA's opium fields and sniper nests so the Afghan military and special forces could retake the area.

I suspect this is the reason why President Trump doesn't want to complete withdraw from Afghanistan: not because he's a neocon, but because he doesn't want either ISIS or the CIA to return, which is just how ISIS was created after we left a vacuum in Iraq.

The Afghan government is more that happy with US keeping one foot in their country: which is why they recently approved of President Trump's strategy!

ZX4jBXu ago

Fun-fact: President Trump wasn't intending to bury 30 ISIS fighters when he dropped his MOAB on the Nangarhar province in Afghanistan, he was actually destroying the CIA's opium fields and sniper nests so the Afghan military and special forces could retake the area

100% False.

I'm sorry, but just watch the damn video of it hitting. Not an Opium field in sight. I support Trump mostly now just as I did 8 months ago but this is totally incorrect to it's very core. It hit on the edge of a small mountain valley which you can clearly see. You can't grow crop on the side of a rock mountain. Spreading false info is more damaging than a 100 SJW faggots shitting on Trump around the internet.

So many people are either shills or completely blinded by Trump to realize he's not some super hero and it's looking more and more like he's playing along with the Globalist kike.

ShineShooter ago

Hi new niggerfaggot.

PsyOp ago

You are correct, Donald Trumpstein is completely, 100%, allied with the (((NWO)))...Trump was secretly converted to Judaism before the presidential campaign ever began.

CowWithBeef ago

In that last link it says their president approved of it and he is anti Taliban, not anti cia drug cartels. The Taliban aren't the ones who want massive opium production, that's an industry created by the USA.

Locked_Account ago

It found an an evil hat?

PsyOp ago

The hat represents Jewish influence...most rabbis wear hats like that.

8Ball ago

The hat might also represent Mossad.

PsyOp ago

You are correct, sir...that's why I stated that it represents Jewish Influence.

Naught405 ago

The CIA is essentially a rogue entity, it is guilty of many treasonous and seditious acts, it does not work in the interests or at the behest of the state.

Mylon ago

It never was anything else. The first two panels are junk.

Muh-Shugana ago

I'm worried that it may be worse, it's becoming more well known that the Rothschild's legally own all the land of the U.S and i'm guessing that they're using the CIA as our direct handlers to keep us under control while they milk us for resources, like our whole country is a combination of a plantation and a blood-diamond mine.

Also Ben's got it wrong here actually, the CIA was never under control like the first panel.

The predecessors to the CIA were the OSS, and they pulled the exact same type of fucked up shit all the way back then.

The1andonlymeat ago

Rothschild's legally own all the land of the U.S


watitdew ago

The national parks are part of our collateral for our non-gold backed currency.

10567562? ago

this here is parallel to an presumption I've been exploring;

slavery is just immigration and many on voat know the two most popular narratives of racism are full of lots of shits.

this fucked up shit is druid/kabalah none sense. CIA, OSS—whatever group, was just an evolution of the rituals practiced by ancients in order to transmutate.

but back to now—they're not even operating at this level anymore. they're companies of ex-agents, and worse. they're not even officially working for anything other than themselves. they fuck with the market. start companies to help fund other agent's endeavors (black budgets) and sabotage any other plans that deviate from their own.

10566226? ago

Now this is a really nice one. Painfully real.