WarTracker1776 ago

Lol too easy right.

NeedleStack ago

Goddamn Sli.mg. I had used them for all the images in that post and because sli.mg is dead they're dead too. I'll dig around on my old computer and see if I still have those images and will post them in this comment so the old post will make sense.

conestoga_dragon ago

Did anyone ever find out what happened to slimg and techman90?

Nana66 ago

It was killed because v/pizzagate was using for evidence storage.

conestoga_dragon ago

I had heard this but was unsure if it was verified. It sounds like a very likely reason.

Mylon ago

I had a really good one from a website that shows the most downvoted posts of reddit. Day of election, 24/25 were /r/politics. Day after, only one was. For that day, /r/poliics was a surprisingly civil place full of organic discussion. Then the next day it went back to complete cesspool.

conestoga_dragon ago

It's been said a million times but how do real users on Reddit not realize how controlled/corrupt that site is? It blows my mind.

Nana66 ago

There are people on Reddit who don't give a crap about politics so they have no idea.

Mylon ago

How do people who watch the MSM not realize it's a well orchestrated brainwashing operation?

conestoga_dragon ago

I completely agree. MSM contradicts itself daily but people eat it up. They love it. I can only attribute it to herd mentality because taking the redpill can be social, career suicide.

Crensch ago

The Sli.mg Shoah wounded us all, I think.

Adminstrater ago

Not really. If anything it taught all of us goats a very valuable lesson, and allowed others (multiple people) to form their own services that anyone can freely utilize. Adapt and Overcome.

Crensch ago

Much was still lost, and I posit my original statement stands alongside your second sentence.

Adminstrater ago

Alright. You be the pessimist, and I'll be the optimist, today. We'll switch when it feels right.

Crensch ago


The Sli.mg Shoah wounded us all. It taught all of us goats a very valuable lesson, and allowed others (multiple people) to form their own services that anyone can freely utilize. Adapt and Overcome.

Is the above pessimistic or optimistic? It seems rather realist to me.

Adminstrater ago

It hurt us or it helped us. It can't have done both. I'm a sith - I deal in absolutes, apparently.

Crensch ago

The two aren't mutually exclusive. A burn from a stove both hurts and helps a child, does it not? A friend thief in our childhood takes our property, but teaches us a valuable lesson for the future, no?

Adminstrater ago

I understand, but the quantitative value of the setback can be greater or less than the quantitative value of the lesson. If the child loses the arm to the stove, or a childhood friend steals our innocence, the value of the setback is much greater than the value of the lesson.

I believe that the death of slimg happened at an early enough time in voat's existence that didn't hiccup the community; Where as if the community were larger, more established, the death of slimg could have had a greater damaging effect, and caused a strife among the community of voat as a whole. This is purely hypothetical, and ignoring the existence of reddit/imgur.

Btw, I only half believe what I just wrote, I am just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Crensch ago

I understand, but the quantitative value of the setback can be greater or less than the quantitative value of the lesson. If the child loses the arm to the stove, or a childhood friend steals our innocence, the value of the setback is much greater than the value of the lesson.

I merely stated it was a wound. Despite that, even calling it a "setback" is not innacurate, IMO. I don't believe many would think I was referring to a high degree using either word.

I believe that the death of slimg happened at an early enough time in voat's existence that didn't hiccup the community; Where as if the community were larger, more established, the death of slimg could have had a greater damaging effect, and caused a strife among the community of voat as a whole.

I recall a bit more than a hiccup. Much of both the informational, political, entertainment, and voat-specific images were lost. If it were the only trusted source now and disappeared, I would definitely characterize it as more than a hiccup, but that comparison was not something I endeavoured to make.

This is purely hypothetical, and ignoring the existence of reddit/imgur.

I find the latter to be utterly satisfying in most cases.

Btw, I only half believe what I just wrote, I am just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Happy to spar with you on the subject.

VoatSearch ago

'It took me less than 5 minutes to expose the head of a 'volunteer' Democratic Party activist group as being paid by Correct The Record (lots of juicy details below)' was posted in v/politics on August 6th 2016 by @NeedleStack and received 218-4 = 214 upvoats and 63 comments.

Every day, the Search Voat History Bot reposts a highly-voated submission from a year ago, just for the karma nostalgia. More information at v/AYearAgo.