Tallest_Skil ago

Given that he’s a jew, there’s no reason to watch it.

sguevar ago

He actually protects your ignorance XD but ok.

Tallest_Skil ago

Nah, he does no such thing, you filthy kikeloving son of a bitch.

sguevar ago

Well he defends the freedom of speech of far right winged ignorants like you. And I am from the right. So you might want to watch the hearing because though he is an orthodox jew he does believe in your right to say the stupid things that comeout of your head. That is enough for me to believe he truelly defends the 1st ammenment.

Either way have a nice day, Jehova will judge your hate in the end not me.

Tallest_Skil ago

Well he defends the freedom of speech

He doesn’t, in fact. At all.


Prove it, motherfucker. Prove your claim or don’t make it.

And I am from the right

lol, no you’re not.

So you might want to watch the hearing

Seen it. He’s a kike shill pandering like all kikes do.

though he is an orthodox jew he does believe in your right to say

He does not believe this, because he is an orthodox jew. Either he is a jew or he believes in freedom of speech. The two cannot overlap. You know nothing about jews.


Prove it, motherfucker. Prove your claim or don’t make it.

Jehova will judge your hate in the end not me.

No, satan has no power to judge me. I don’t bow to a kike’s god (the antichrist).

sguevar ago

Rofl you are so funny with you claims all your answers are proof of your ignorance. God will judge you.

You don't even know what a shill is since you misuse the therm.

sguevar ago

XD I never said the jews were God's people. That was your dumb assumption. I already know the Talmut and know that they are proud of having Jesus crusified. That has nothing to do with what I am saying that is why you are funny and ignorant. Because you can't understand a simple statement as the fact that Ben Shapiro is a constitutionalist...

But your hate will still be judged :).

Tallest_Skil ago

XD I never said the jews were God’s people.

See here.

That has nothing to do with what I am saying

It does, in fact.


Prove it or commit suicide.

Ben Shapiro is a constitutionalist.

He is a jew. He is by definition not a constitutionalist. Stop shilling your kike.

But your hate will still be judged

I’ll get a gold star in heaven for hating jews. You’ll burn for eternity for supporting them.

sguevar ago

you sure are funny XD But ok whatever serves to your convenience.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Kill yourself, jewlover.

sguevar ago

hahahahaha so much hate an anger XD. Reported? You sure are funny!

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for spam.

sguevar ago

Hahahaha you sure make me laugh son. The only one that started spamming is you with your insults and so on. Though you provided some good information the spammer here is you. I just shared an interesting hearing on the attack on free speech that is currently happening on the College campuses in the US and you call that spam. You sure are funny, Is like me saying to you that you are a piece of shit and then reporting you because you insulted me XD. What a funny character. Keep kissing Hittler´s crutch on the poster you have XD

Tallest_Skil ago

lol u spam not me lol

ignore that I'm shilling my jewish subversive lol u are the spammer

You're going to need a new account now that this one is compromised.

sguevar ago

Please keep going! XD

Tallest_Skil ago

$0.05 per post for you really adds up, doesn't it?

Thanks for admitting that your jewish shill does not stand for free speech or the US constitution. You confirm this by replying to this post.

sguevar ago

You and your assumptions are a heck of a show please keep going :)

Tallest_Skil ago

Bingo bango, illiterate. We're done here. Your jew will never win.

sguevar ago

You clearly need the last word so I promise this will be my last answer to an ignorant hateful person like you. I hope you are able to come back to Jesus and learn how to behave but if you can't you can always wait for Jehova's judgement. Have a nice hateful life until that comes :) Thanks for the laughs

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey I'm still fucking shitposting my PROVEN LIES about jews!

lol hate is bad goyim you must love THE ACT of raping children, not even just the people who do it

lol people will trust and believe me now!


10018506? ago

This isn't Reddit you ignorant fuck. Stop abusing the report system just because someone hurt your feefees.

Tallest_Skil ago

Stop being wrong and you'll stop being reported. Seems pretty simple to comprehend, doesn't it, shlomo?

10018844? ago

I'm not the parent poster you dumbfuck. And the report button isn't because you think someone is wrong. Go back to Reddit where you can censor people who hurt your feelings.

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m not the parent poster you dumbfuck.

  1. Don’t care.
  2. I already knew that. Nothing I posted was contingent on you being him.
  3. You have no response whatsoever to the content presented here.

And the report button isn’t because you think someone is wrong.

Thanks for asserting something that absolutely no one questioned.

Go back to Reddit where you can censor people who hurt your feelings.

Facts aren’t feelings, you filthy fucking yid.

10019231? ago

Uhoh, with a numbered list like that I'm getting scared you might hit the almighty report button! Am I making you as upset as you were before when you first made that impotent little threat?

Learn to use the site you're on.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. You have outed yourself as a paid shill many times before. You have admitted that you have no argument and nothing to add to the discussion. Your pathetic little friend was beaten down like the dog he is, so he called you in for backup. Unfortunately for him, you’re just as retarded as he is.

10020097? ago

When you click the report button do you feel a little thrill, like your worthless opinion is somehow worth something extra?

You get one vote per item like every other user, so shut the fuck up and accept it. All you're doing is wasting the mods' time.

Tallest_Skil ago

truth is a matter of opinion

Reported for confirming you're a paid shill.

10020324? ago

You didn't answer the question. And it seems you're now quoting whatever you hear inside your head, though I'm surprised it's not full volume autistic screaming, Amalek

Tallest_Skil ago

You didn’t answer the question

Explicitly answered it.

And it seems you’re now quoting whatever you hear inside your head

Quoted you directly, moishe.

10020648? ago

Are you going to report this too, fuckstick? Maybe if you hit the report button enough the mods will take pity on you and give you a special flair. "Sugar-coat your opinions, please. Baby needs his safe space." Or maybe, "Will quote you with things you didn't say." Or how about just "Indistinguishable from Amalek."

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for being a jew-supporting paid shill who is physically incapable of replying to the topic of discussion.

Cry harder, yid. No one gives a fuck about your demons.

10024226? ago

Let's keep it going. How far can you drag out your impotent rage? Keep using the report button. Obviously you're upset that someone upvoted me and you're still in the negative, so you have to resort to using your "secret weapon." Oh no, I've been reported!

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for being a self-admitted paid shill.

10024918? ago

I can't wait to see your reasoning for reporting this comment then. Do it.

Tallest_Skil ago

You're a self-admitted paid shill, so that's both the illegal and spam categories. You refuse to reply to anything in the actual conversation, so that's the spam category. You're derailing the thread and its topic of discussion, so that's the spam category.

Cry harder, you stupid fucking jew.

10025557? ago

You're now just making shit up. You use "paid shill" more than SGIS. Cry more or GTFO

Tallest_Skil ago

you made it up because I said so

no i don't have to prove it

I'm right because I say I am

Hi, kike.

10026720? ago

You know that > doesn't mean you can just invent whatever you want, right? I wouldn't be surprised if you're confused, considering you don't know what the report button does.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reply to literally ANYTHING I have posted which is on topic to the discussion or refute ANYTHING I have said. I'll wait.

10026822? ago

Pointing out that you abuse the report system when people respond to your bait is more valid than your forum sliding.

Tallest_Skil ago

reporting paid shills is abuse of the report system


you can slide voat


what you say is bait because i say it is

Reply to literally ANYTHING I have posted which is on topic to the discussion or refute ANYTHING I have said. I'll wait.

10026848? ago

Maybe when you learn what > does and you stop spamming reports to get people censored, you dumbfuck.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reply to literally ANYTHING I have posted which is on topic to the discussion or refute ANYTHING I have said. I'll wait. You won't. ..

10026935? ago

Oh no, I broke him!

Tallest_Skil ago


Reply to literally ANYTHING I have posted which is on topic to the discussion or refute ANYTHING I have said. I'll wait. You won't.