Candygram_for_Mongo ago

It's a witch hunt from the moment it was hatched by Hillary. We now have had several high profile Democrats and federal departments say there was no collusion. It doesn't matter if not true, this is there way to handcuff him, to stop his agenda.

FuckYouReddit- ago

Why don't you shut up and be a good little MSM sheep? That's what they're saying to you.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol wow you lie because i say so wow that makes it true wow

Thanks for admitting you're a paid shill.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol drown yourself kike

strange_69 ago

There is more evidence that Trump was spied on than this Russian crap.

Kukbahlam ago

The DNC had a big problem following the release of Hillary's emails. With irrefutable evidence of corruption and primary rigging they faced a internal revolution. The plan to retain control was two pronged. Short term, blame it on an outsider. Russia was the only boogeyman organized enough to be plausible. The second prong is what we are experiencing now. Blame the "purists" that call for party reform. Both have been successful in that despite the obvious corruption, the same people maintain control of the DNC. If DNC leadership is overthrown, the oligarchs are in real trouble. Both parties would then be uncontrolled. Campaign finance reform would most likely follow and they would be reduced to the failing method of manipulating public opinion via the media. What is often misinterpreted as "The Left" is more often the established controlling interests. Just look at the illusion that "the left" now loves John McCain.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

It takes 20 years to build trust, but 5 minutes to destroy it.

This is why those billionaires are starting their own news networks, they smell blood.

pray_the_gay_away ago

One of these days we will capture that mythical liberal unicorn, and we shall name her Evidence.

TestForScience ago

Till then I guess it's a Mystery...

Onlio ago

Comey and the FBI won't ever say that there is nothing to the story. They are actively keeping the story alive.

Shekelstein6M ago


Ah, good to know.

lokfort ago

And there wasnt a single document showed to back up the CIA "LEAK" about the Russian conection unlike all the other leaks against Clintons wife and podesta and comey and huma abedin. But hey if a rumor is enough for you to base your argument on than youre just a gullible as every other leftist a have ever met.

remedy4reality ago

lol you have the TV view of the CIA, obviously. In REALITY, they primarily target the American people, including the President.

The fucking LEFT IS NOW SUCKING CIA COCK !! hahahahaha !!

Joker68 ago

$0.25 has been added to your account

Fambida ago

Is $.25 actually a going rate for shill posts somewhere? Like, I could shit out 4 shill-posts a minute easy for $60 an hour in extra cash.

$60 a day for spending an hour basically trolling people would be fun and provide extra cash towards my next gun.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

There are marketing firms which will provide posts, upvotes, downvotes, etc. The prices depend on the site. I would think the $.25 per post is more what they charge customers than what they pay their shitposters.

Joker68 ago

Good morning split resplit magicman and the brand new miggles40. Have a shariablue day!

remedy4reality ago

The Left in America sucking CIA cock...

I thought I'd never see the day.

OKythen ago

Has there been any release of any sort of evidence?

Joker68 ago

guinness2 ago

The FBI have conducted a total of three investigations into Donald Trump's possible ties with Russia and tampering with the election.

Feel free to scream and cry about it if you want, but it is true.

guinness2 ago

And Comey himself said that the accusations were based on the fact that Putin hates Hillary Clinton. That is all.

Investigation have been going on for 7 months... and absolutely nothing has been discovered.