smallpond ago

No immediate plans. When are you going to visit their place and decrease your ignorance?

smallpond ago

As I said, if true, they shouldn't have let him in. And yes, I'm one of two people in this thread not interested in mutual masturbation.

smallpond ago

Was there? If so they stuffed up letting him in. But then who would trust the word of a stupid racist off the internet... Remember Josef Fritzl? Perhaps a half-wit like you would advocate demonizing all Austrians because of him?

Or maybe pointing out a particular bad person who belongs to a race, in order to discredit the race as a whole is just screaming "I'm a jibbering retard who probably struggles to tie my own shoes"?

smallpond ago

I've visited one Muslim country properly (stopped over in others)... people were very hospitable, food was amazing. I really liked how family ties and networks were closer and more important. You should do the same, would stop you thinking they're all demons or something.

SeptemberVirgin ago

Nice try.

SeptemberVirgin ago

Technically yes, but I am not assigned to Voat today. I am just here on break to keep tabs on the GayPedo

SeptemberVirgin ago

Unlike you I don't have to fill out a captcha and switch accounts every 10 comments.

And here you claim to be the great advocate of free speech, but you are actively aware that the speech of unpopular people is limited. If you want to support free speech, then speech must be equal for all people. Which proves you are a massive hypocritical piece of shit.

Now run off and support your causes you are willing to support free speech on like man-boy love GayPedo.

heroinwinsagain ago

seriously though you racist fucks, where are the women and children?

seems odd refugees only come in once size, adult male.

SeptemberVirgin ago

You literally have no argument

It's almost midnight. I'm off the clock. I'm just doing this pro-bono.

SeptemberVirgin ago

What is racist or xenophobic

Look in the mirror and pick one. And realize you're the other one too.

Fiacre54 ago

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

palmitespo910 ago

Nigga shut that lamp off I don't want anyone showing up to my door.

SeptemberVirgin ago

What about the rights of US taxpayers?

And there you go ... the racist exnophobe comes out.

SeptemberVirgin ago

I am a true American patriot who stands up for the rights of others. Unlike yourself you unamerican piece of shit

SeptemberVirgin ago

I don't work for Putin. I do this for free.

How pathetic you are to sell out your country for free. You must be really filled with hate and anger.

thellama01 ago

Look how many are fighting aged males

SeptemberVirgin ago

You never told me how much Putin pays you

SeptemberVirgin ago

If you actually believed your bullshit about Freedom of Speech you would be actively against the system design that throttles the speech of people with negative CCP.

This is how I know you are full of shit to the core. You support free speech only for the things you care about: racism, and pedophilia.

junesunflower ago

Did it make your peepee wiggle when the accused pedophile Lying Donald Trump won GayPedo?

junesunflower ago

Oh look, GayPedo is getting upset.

I don't know GayPedo, how much does Putin pay you? Let's compare salaries.

StanFarley ago

The term "shit" should be re-designated as a pan-brown-person racial slur instead of a disparaging reference to feces, which can actually be recaptured and used as compost and which doesn't flood into first world countries and make little third world colonies in them, in addition to voting for trash governments that don't like consistent property rights and make all sorts of rules about what you can do or say; and feces also doesn't pathologize other populations for imagined grievances wherever it is in the world.

Gorillion ago

I can see a few, but less than I originally thought. The ones with hoodie things on seem to be dudes after all. I legit think whoever takes these sorts of photos either chooses an angle to puts any stray females up front or brings their own to join the crowd briefly.

junesunflower ago

So you are a gay pedophile defending the worst of humanity being the worst of humanity.

Die. Please die.

junesunflower ago

Aren't you the gay pedophile who defends the racists of Voat? Weren't you all in support of the pedophile content by claiming it's free speech?

junesunflower ago


There's no reason to be tolerant to Nazis and racists.

Gorillion ago

There's no reason to be tolerant to Nazis and racists.

Said the fascist racist.

junesunflower ago

Be happy to pull the trigger and shoot you dead if the opportunity ever presented itself. I'm quite certain I'm a far better shot, and probaby quicker too.

The best thing you will ever do in your life is die.

Gorillion ago

Lord, this is embarrassing.

Angry Liberal + Gun = Every Watchlist Ever because they know you faggots can't separate fantasy from reality.

junesunflower ago

I propose this idea instead. We backtrace the IP address of ever Voat racist. We go to their homes. We kill everyone present. Give homes to new immigrants.

AOU ago

I propose that you get culturally enriched live on CNN.

swinston79 ago

LOL! Bring it fag.

Gorillion ago


Also, you just reduced the tax pool with your perfect plan. So again, typical leftard not knowing where the money comes from or how things get paid for.

Impulsive ago

All the brand names represented.

aria_taint ago

You sound like the Swedish government you nigger loving faggot.

Impulsive ago

The Swedish government recommends clothing brands?

Boyakasha ago

The first question that I ask is "how will these people benefit this country or make it better?" With these people, there is no answer.

smallpond ago

Poor-looking people standing on a crowded barge. If they were pasty Europeans your hearts would go out to them, but because most of you are stupid enough to judge people based on skin shade, they're shit. Perhaps some of them shouldn't be let in, others are probably much, much better people than you retards.

InSideThePerson ago

When ahmed shows up at your door, just drop your pants and invite him in.

smallpond ago

That's very Ironic... I'm about the only person in this pitiful retard circlejerk with my pants still up.

edistojim ago

^ found the liberal fucktard.

smallpond ago

Come on... try again. Perhaps you can insert just a little meaning or discussion into your insult?

edistojim ago

See my earlier comment. These people produce nothing but death and destruction. We as a whole are better off without them.

Does this look familiar? How about this?

smallpond ago

Well, baby steps.. .. there's a picture of some people who look Muslim burning a flag and looking angry. And some retard has gone to the trouble of inserting words onto an image of a Muslim-looking guy who's shouting with an angry face. You know, your conclusion "These people produce nothing but death and destruction" might be extrapolating just a little? No?

edistojim ago

So you haven't heard about the spike in crime in Europe? Nothing about the rape, theft, murder, honor killings and general mayhem? Not a word? Its not fake news. We have enough problems with the niggers here to import more of it.

smallpond ago

Hey, I'm all for vetting refugees carefully... if they go and rape someone that should be some sort of breach-of-contract. But de-humanizing all people of a particular race/skin shade/religion is just plain stupid.

Apathy ago

Someone uh, point out the women and children.

FuckYouReddit- ago

Nah, they're upgrading dude. Movin' on to raping WHITE women and children.

SubspaceDistortion ago

They were told there are already too many woman and children at their destination.

guinness2 ago

No problem was ever solved by adding niggers to it.

junesunflower ago

It solved your mother's inability to reach an orgasm.

swinston79 ago

We found the nigger.

guinness2 ago

Hey - leave my fat, whore of a mother out of this!

Anonymous_User_69 ago

Cotton farmer shortage?

library_of_stupid ago

That's not true.

The problem of empty mass graves could be solved by throwing niggers in them.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

They don't have enough nutrition in them to fertilize the earth

ShitsInPringlesCans ago

Fouls the soil.

Molo66 ago

Throw em in compost bins.

basedputin ago

it's okay first generation will only ask for food and riot and leech off welfare. 2nd and 3rd generation will start raping and killing white europeans. (just like haiti, zimbabwe, south afrika etc)

uvulectomy ago

At first glance, I thought they were all standing around in a dry-dock for some reason, and I was thinking "just open the doors and solve that problem in a big hurry."

kcamstar ago

No reason to be humble... if it looks like shit, smells like shit, walks and talks like shit, then it must be shit.

meltingpotofhambone ago

A country fails when its people that have the potential to help are shuttled out as refugees while the rest of the country falls into chaos. Yet this is the right thing to do in a liberal's mindset. Fuck Merkel, they have to go.

smallpond ago

So you're saying they're good people.. but we should throw them back into horrific life-threatening environments for the benefit of their country?

edistojim ago

They should solve their problems, not add to ours.

smallpond ago

There are innocent people on that barge who cannot be blamed for the state of their counties and cannot solve their countries' problems. A sincere refugee is just a fellow human being fleeing for their life - if you open your mind a little it's not too hard to imagine yourself in their shoes.

edistojim ago

Open my mind? You mean open my wallet.

The countries are in the condition they are in because the citizenry let it become that way. These are muslims, its what they do. Look at the Middle East as a whole, they produce nothing but oil, they are the least productive countries on the face of the earth save for a few African ones, still, they produce no great scientists, no ground breaking medical procedures, no inventions that benefit mankind whatsoever. No works of art or literature. Music is nonexistent. In general they are oil factories that the civilized world uses to better ourselves. Will these rise to the top and benefit us as a society? No. Will they better themselves ? No.

smallpond ago

No, I mean open your mind - you must have heard of the concept of empathy, they are people. Of course if let in some will better themselves and their host countries. Seems like you don't know many Muslims, and haven't bothered checking for scientific contributions of scholars from Muslim countries.

edistojim ago

We do ourselves no good helping people that hate us. We also do no good giving money to a country that hates us. This whole debacle will come back to haunt us just like it has Europe, look at the state they are in. Its quite easy to see what will happen and it happens everywhere they go. Instead of working to change their country they'll be plenty willing to try to change yours. Those are facts. Islam is poison.

smallpond ago

Look, I'm not a fan of religion in general, but people from Islamic countries are just people, whose characters vary like those in western countries. Since you're such a nice guy, here's just one example of a contribution of someone from a country 'poisoned' by Islam.

swinston79 ago


smallpond ago

Oh, I'm sorry that one normal person in this rabid crowd of drooling brain-damaged racists has upset you so much. I can't even reply back most of the time because voat censors people with unpopular opinions like mine. Being such a delicate snowflake, perhaps you should look for an alternate website that restricts free-speech even more than this dump?

swinston79 ago

Found the Reddit Fag.

smallpond ago

Come on retard... say something with information content. You're happy with this place marketing itself as a bastion of free speech whereas anyone with a glimmer of intelligence can see you're all hypocrites?

edistojim ago

So you've now been censored? Tell us about it.

smallpond ago

This website was designed to be your safe-space.. are you so stupid that you didn't know?

edistojim ago

OK, you found one, now please explain what she is doing here, went to Harvard, Stanford…………..What about her countries great halls of higher learning? She won an obscure award given for research no one of average intelligence has one clue about and it will hardly make a difference in their lives in general.

Mirzakhani won the prize for her "outstanding contributions to the dynamics and geometry of Riemann surfaces and their moduli spaces".

smallpond ago

My incredibly dim friend, you're missing the point. I found one, you could easily find another 10 or 100, just use google. Iran in particular puts out a large number of very impressive scientists, probably due to their competitive and relatively high quality education system.

edistojim ago

Dim maybe, but I'm a realist. Look at Europe, you do know whats going on there correct? Would you want that here? Simple question, because if you do want that you'll get it as soon as you start the influx. Those are facts. I could give a damn about some one in a million scientist that hardly relevant to these facts.

smallpond ago

There is no influx that can't be easily stopped. Any country has control over who it accepts as refugees, and I agree it sounds like some European countries need to vet more carefully, or put sensible conditions on residency. There are not-retarded arguments one can make for restricting refugee intakes.. but this thread seems to be full of incredibly stupid people so desperate for self-worth that they're hoping it comes automatically with white skin. So many of those refugees are better citizens than you.. it's not a high threshold.

edistojim ago

Nope, mines not really high, all you have to do is work, be a good citizen, pay your fair share in the form of some community service and taxes, be productive and be a generally good American. Take care of your family where I don't have to. Thats not incredibly high do you think? thats all quite unlike whats happening in Europe right now. And you want that for here? You're insane, have you learned nothing?

smallpond ago

Not high at all, it's what I expect as well, and it is what's happening in Europe. You really need to find some immigrants from Muslim countries and get to know them: start working on that ignorance. The horrific stuff in the news, even in Europe, applies to a minority of immigrants - most easily exceed your expectations. We both agree that the minority who are committing crimes need to be better dealt with.