Jixijenga ago

It's only been ten days!!!!

Tough shit. Either do something all the way and do it right or don't do it at all.

Full stop, hold the horses and hang up the phone not banning the people responsible for the DEADLIEST TERRORIST ATTACK ON OUR SOIL is inexcusable. Saudi Arabia did that, they funded it, they supplied the people, they even made the organization that bombed our embassies, the USS Cole, and the WTC once in 1993 before 9/11 took place. That was all straight out of the Saudis, they have been shitting all over America for decades and they weren't banned. You can't defend that. If you do you're surely deepthroating that greasy Saudi cock.

Do you know how many people died in the WTC? On the Cole? In the embassies? Pentagon? A childhood idol of mine died when those greasy sons of bitches, those fucking savages, plowed a plane full of innocent Americans into the Pentagon. I found out about it a year later. Every fucking Saudi I have ever met makes me think of that; they're all fat, arrogant, lazy and disgusting and I wouldn't bat an eye if they were wiped from this planet.

Is that transparent enough for you, motherfucker?

Trump got a black fucking mark in my book when he didn't include them in the ban, I'm keeping score for 2020 and if he doesn't deliver then I'll be voting to boot his fat ass out.

Jixijenga ago

So this is what Inigo Montoya felt like. What am I a shill for? The Constitution? The United States? You fucking bet I am.

If Trump can't stand up to criticism then he's bad for America. Period. I like some of the stuff he's done and honestly the only issue I have with his "Muslim ban" is that it wasn't enough and that he didn't go through Congress. He skipped over the grandaddy of them all: Saudi Arabia. Tough shit if you don't like that you bootlicking cocksucker, we don't need any more Muslims in America and we definitely don't need fucking Saudi influence in the government.

Every time I see your posts I get the impression that there's a fat, greasy Saudi kiddie fucker on the other side angry I'm calling out his shit. Prove me wrong.

Jixijenga ago

So this is what Inigo Montoya felt like. What am I a shill for? The Constitution? The United States? You fucking bet I am.

If Trump can't stand up to criticism then he's bad for America. Period. I like some of the stuff he's done and honestly the only issue I have with his "Muslim ban" is that it wasn't enough and that he didn't go through Congress. He skipped over the grandaddy of them all: Saudi Arabia. Tough shit if you don't like that you bootlicking cocksucker, we don't need any more Muslims in America and we definitely don't need fucking Saudi influence in the government.

Every time I see your posts I get the impression that there's a fat, greasy Saudi kiddie fucker on the other side angry I'm calling out his shit. Prove me wrong.

Jixijenga ago

I just said flat out if it's necessary it's necessary.

lmao nice to know I made you so mad you're tagging me all over voat. How aren't you a SJW again?

Jixijenga ago

??? No if it's needed it's needed, I'm not going mince words for your feeling's sake you goddamn baby.

The courts stopped him, if it's okay it'll go through if it's not it won't. This isn't necessary for impeachment though.

greyhunter4 ago

We gave Obama 8 years to do what he said he would do. Less than two weeks and people are giving Trump shit? It's amazing how fast he's moving.

rIckHAMIn ago

People can literally hold their breath if they want. It'll work if they do it while they lean over the edge of a body of water.

CrudOMatic ago

> 1.3 days

> random number username

> knowing what happens 3 months in

theoldguy ago

Tell it to the crybabies in r/EnoughTrumpSpam.

Kannibal ago

I recently saw this pic


The Snow Flakes are Gathering

TheonGreyjoy ago

And when the heat starts, they melt.

uvulectomy ago

"...including the corruption investigations"

This is the part that's got them running scared, and why they're so desperate to do anything they can think of to somehow delegitimize him.

BB-3 ago

My point is that they'll do an even better job of making it look like an accident and/or framing someone. They've had time to improve.

the_magic_man ago

So he's not doing exactly what he said he would do.


Trump supporters should downvoat that shill/idiot/fool into oblivion!

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

Leftists ridicule the building of the wall and limiting muslim immigration but I can only think, "whats the harm in implementing it if it will have no effect then?"

Ive said it before and I'll say it again, I would support a ban on any country if we were at war with them. Isis just so happens to be special because they are invoking an entire religion to go to war much like the japanese commanded japanese in america to go to war. It is not about skin color but ideals, if you are in america then you should hold america above any previous home or values you may have had.

Unfortunately leftists are to eager to let in the trogan horse that will allow for attacks within our walls, and I can only look on with horror at the arrogance and stupidity that I see in their blatant disregard for the safety of the people of america. All for an ideology that mandates that you be as racist as the most hardcore racists of the past. Fuck these people and fuck Social Justice.

CrudOMatic ago

Islam is the last cudgel that Marxists have to beat America with. They were in desperate times after the collapse of the U.S.S.R., but then 9/11 happened, and they been clamoring to flood the West with Muslim radicals since.

nobaloney ago

What *we *have to do is keep a congress loyal to Trump. He can only be impeached if we elect a liberal congress.

moonlaundry ago

What does "real deal" mean?

jxfaith ago

To be fair, the type of liberal that hangs out in /v/politics for the discussion isn't likely to be the type of liberal whinging over the Trump presidency.

the_magic_man ago

Why did he not include Saudi Arabia on his list of countries?

green_man ago

Leftists everywhere are calling for it, they really don't have a reason other than their a sore and leaking anus. The funny thing is that was actually caused by the 2 foot dildo they routinely sit on.

gauss_markov ago

They still think they're going to find some secret smoking gun shit connecting Trump and Russia. They still think Trump is some power hungry narcissist who doesn't care about America.

I think they're just projecting, since all they care about is personal power and since they don't really give a shit about America. Half of them were ready to flee to Canada after the election, so clearly they don't really have a vested interest in us.

green_man ago

I don't think anyone can run for president if they're not a power hungry narcissist. Ron Paul was probably the only one that ran that wasn't.

Aldo ago

I think he thinks people want to impeach Trump for his latest executive orders and policy proposals? Not the fact that he may have business conflicts that reach into the Emoluments clause of the Constitution. Hard to say but its worth investigating.

Fitblue ago

Except the President is exempt.

green_man ago

Thank you for giving actual reasons. No idea why you're being downvoated for giving facts though.

Kannibal ago

he's getting downvoated because he IS giving facts

It violates the Voat Red Pill Safe Space

Mr_Meesek ago

That's a good point.

All this gridlock bureaucracy is where they thrive. It gives them time to feel out what's going on, and inject their influence.

Shekelstein6M ago

And anyone who realizes that needs to remember what happens to politicians like that. 1st week is over, we need to start preparing for what they'll try to do to him.

FuckYourSafespace ago

A true master paralyzes his opponent, leaving him vulnerable to attack.

DontTreadOnMeMAGA ago

No my friend, they need to start preparing for what we will do to them if they hurt Trump.

BB-3 ago

Like we did with JFK, right?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

they've been trying to assassinate his character for some time. it works on the sjws retard nigger-lovers but is just red-pilling the rest of america

next step is cia assassinating trump, but i don't think they'll actually do that for fear of civil war. there's a lot more gun-loving patriots than there are cia

zubr ago

There wasn't an open rebellion when they killed JFK

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

they were able to successfully pin it on oswald

nowadays i don't think people would accept a story like that

bosticetudis314 ago

That's a scary thought. I hope it does not come to that, but I'll prepare nonetheless.