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WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

This is fucking stupid. Social Justice Warriors don't ask what a person's race or gender is. Unlike conservative retards who can't think beyond two choices, they are accepting... oh i get it. That fat broad next to the pile of shit is an ignorant Republican cunt. Makes sense. Good likeness. Republicans, especially the old middle aged 'female' ones do tend to be fat, obnoxious, judgmental, ignorant, and dumping shit all over.

Justice is the slim, beautiful, young liberal woman on the left who is blind to trivial factors like gender, race, sex. I get it, bravo.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I've worked with a group of self identified SJWs on a documentary and they literally used race and sex as deciding factors of who to interview and what footage to include

eggmunkee ago

No! That would be shocking and appalling that SJWs would be hyper-focused on race and gender, not. I bet their responses could pretty much be arrived at by a small worksheet or flow chart, diagramming who's the most privileged to the most marginalized--with morality mapped only in someone's level of marginalization. This is how they arrive at conclusions like a minority can't be racist, for example, because bigotry is a function of power and privilege not beliefs and personal responsibility. Having any power or privilege makes you evil, unless you are using it all to push this narrative, then you get the "honorary Jew" oops I mean "Privilege checked" individual who knows 'zhe' is evil and is in submission to the cause. I took longer to explain this than it is complicated, but they remapped good/evil onto the power/privilege axis and pretend this isn't insane.

Antiracist10 ago

^^^ Literally takes cock up his butt.