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WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Hey all ... let's try to forget that we got fooled by a russian psyops camgpaign and we voted for the candidate our ENEMIES wanted.

Everyone here needs to look up what cognitive dissonance is you treasonous pieces of shit

guinness2 ago

You're gonna have an 8 year Autistic screeching tantrum.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

He'll be gone in two. Impeachment proceedings will probably happen the first week of office.

edistojim ago

They said the same thing about Dumbo, we see how that turned out.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Obama is a Harvard law graduate and taught con law at one of the top law schools in the country. Trump once saw My Cousin Vinny.

Trump is a dumbfuck and theres no way he will be able to divest all of his holdings within the next 13 days. On the 21st they should file impeachment charges.

edistojim ago

Nope, he was a lecturer not a Constitutional law expert, we know that from his trampling on it daily. He has also turned in his license to practice, some say disbarred but we do know he surrendered his license to practice, something no one does in their right mind. Trump is a businessman with a degree or two himself, and, no one just walked up to him and gave him 5 billion dollars. He doesn't have to divest himself, he has to have his affairs handled by someone else, a trustee. Might better go brush up on the law, maybe you can get in Harvard via Affirmative Action.

Obama's net worth went from nearly zero in Chicago 8 years ago to 12.2 million now, does it sound like he divested himself to you? Go suck some more liberal cock. Its suits you. Dumb fuck.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Nope, he was a lecturer not a Constitutional law expert,

Educate yourself and STFU:

Univ of Chicago explicitly states he is regarded as a professor. He taught courses in constitutional law.

He has also turned in his license to practice, some say disbarred but we do know he surrendered his license to practice,

More stupid bullshit and half-truths.

no one just walked up to him and gave him 5 billion dollars. He

No, his dad gave him a million dollar loan, and then his dad died and he got the whole inheritance. Except, you know, if he just put that money in the stock market he'd be even richer. Some fucking great business man he is. He actually lost money if he just put it into an index fund. And how many times has he had to declare bankruptcy? How many times has he been sued?

Obama's net worth went from nearly zero in Chicago 8 years ago to 12.2 million now, does it sound like he divested himself to you?

Oh my god you're too fucking stupid to try to explain to you why you're so fucking stupid and why this is pure demonstration of your raw ignorance and infantile child like brain.

Jesus you stupid fucking republicans really do have an IQ of about 90

edistojim ago

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid you fucking moron.

Your math skills also suck as with most liberal fucktards mainly because no one knows how much he is worth, it could be as high as 10 billion and as low as 2.1 billion, either way he's rich and he didn't get that way be being a moron. Do you have any idea about diversification? Any at all? Any knowledge about investing? So tell me one more time about Obama "divesting"? Way to change the question fucktard. Trump inherited 30 million and turned it into 10 Billion and he didn't do it with index funds, that was part, real estate was part.

Constitutional Law Professor with no license to practice. Any argument there? And also his wife, no license to practice either. Both nearly disbarred…..opps, license surrender…….right. So many criminals floating around you Democrats its easy to get confused. You fucking idiots. Care to discuss Hillary or Bernie's wife bankrupting Burlington College and his new vacation home? You ever heard of "social promotion" , its how you got to second grade.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Do you have any idea about diversification? Any at all? Any knowledge about investing? So tell me one more time about Obama "divesting"?

Considering I have a master's degree in it, quite a lot. The issue isn't about Obama divesting you fucking idiot. The issue is that Trump has to divest many of his business holdings within 13 days or he is going to be breaking constitutional law.

Trump is a sociopathic liar and you are falling for his bullshit because you're a dumb gullible ignorant little child. He'll be out of office within the year.

Care to discuss Hillary or Bernie's wife bankrupting Burlington College

Care to discuss how Trump is accused of rape by his ex-wife, and a 13-year-old-girl? Sander's wife wasn't going to be running the country. But yeah, I bet your tiny little animalistic brain just wants to follow Trump The Rapist because you see him as an alpha male. Betas love to follow the man they perceive to be the alpha because that is what betas do. And you, you're a master beta.

edistojim ago

Notice how all the rape bullshit came up just as he was running against Hildebeast for President? Notice how it just disappeared when he won? Notice how Bill Clintons rape charges just keep on going? You are so concerned about Trump's alleged charges did you forget about Biden the pedophile?

You silly fucking liberal, go get another mail order diploma.

WhiteSoIMustBeRacist ago

Notice how it just disappeared when he won?

Disappeared before he won. He probably paid her off under the table. That's how corrupt republican politicians deal with their sex crimes. Just like Denny.

edistojim ago

Paid off? I'm sure you have a citation for that, right? Your party knows about pay offs, ever heard of "pay to play", coined by Hildebeast and Bill the Rapist. How about pedophile Creepy Uncle Joe? Does he pay off too? Get ready because you fucktards are going to be kissing Trump's ring for the next 8 years, mainly because of Dumbo's last 8 years. There, see how that turned out? Tell me about your mail order "Masters" one more time…………idiot.