Godwillwin ago

Has high level insider done a q&a since 11/26? Or is that the last one? None in December?

CaptnMeowMix ago

One interesting bit that stood out:

You are surely aware of the Clinton involvement in the CIA drug running. Do you also grasp that this is important to national security?

We control the value of the dollar by soaking up excess currency through the drug trade.

I am not telling you it has to be this way or that it is the best way. But if you want to do otherwise, you need a legitimate plan.


Think about what a joke it is to say let's stop having the CIA traffic drugs - if that is as far as you go. You've just put a serious kink in the monetary order without any ideas about how to compensate for that.

This actually makes sense. For anybody not aware, the US Dollar is in serious trouble and on the verge of collapse due to a variety of factors:

  • Deflation: A poor economy is causing people to hoard money, and thus causing the value of the dollar to rise above what it really should be, due to a lack of 'supply'. Watch this for more info.

  • Inflation: Excessive printing of dollars by The Fed, in attempts to stimulate the economy/end the deflation, and in order to "pay" back debts. This excess supply of dollars will become obvious and bite us in the ass as soon as the wave of baby boomers withdraws all their pensions/social security and start spending the cash liberally. More info.

  • Manipulation of Alternative Currencies: Despite the paranoia about inflation, the government definitely doesn't want the dollar to lose value against uncontrollable 'currencies' like Gold, and seems to be actively preventing it from happening.

  • Oil Trade: Middle eastern oil is only sold in USD, regardless of which country buys it. Thus the US effectively has a monopoly on oil prices, and several smaller countries have been slowly realizing how inconvenient/un-economical that is for them. Here are a couple fun trivia facts - Before Saddam Hussein was taken out, he was trying to negotiate a way to trade for oil using Euros; Before Libya was torn apart, they too were looking into buying oil with something other than USD; and guess what Iran tried to do right before all the anti-iran propaganda started hitting the US? Learn more!

  • Devaluation by Other Countries: due to all the above, various other foreign actors have begun to question the value of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, to the point where countries like Russia and China are slowly hoarding Gold and liquidating USD, and France, Russia, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar, all held a "secret" meeting to discuss the future of the currency markets, without inviting the US.

  • And several other reasons

The collapse of the USD will be especially catastrophic, because it's the world's reserve currency, and the valuations of many currencies actually depend on it, using it for a ton of trade that doesn't even involve the US. So going through ridiculous measures like that to preserve the US government actually makes a fair bit of sense. Albeit in a totally fucked and twisted kind of way.

It should be noted that this problem actually started around the time of the Vietnam war, when the US' excess spending/inflation caused countries to convert their USD to gold, thus prompting Nixon to eliminate the Bretton Woods/'Gold-Exchange Standard' system that the whole financial world was on. Hmm, I wonder when the CIA began it's shady drug trade operations...

BlackManOnVoat ago

Maybe this is the reason why Trump had that sour face during his briefing after he won the election. I mean a lot of this has been known (mostly the fact that the Dollar has been in a LOT of trouble, and that the U.S. has been meddling in the Middle east for a while) The thing is, This plan to destabilize countries, drug trade etc etc is not something that is sustainable, what were the planning to do once the gig was up and the Dollar crashes anyway? Start/engineer WWIII for a global reset? I've kind of always been afraid of this, and hope that Trump could fix it (although my fingers aren't crossed)

Also @realfuckyoumagic would it be possible to copy+paste this here? I cant view this on the sites at work. If it takes too much times Ill just do it when I get home, so I don't really want to pressure you if it will take too much time out of your day. Thanks!

Also, what's the worst-case scenario for all of this? How should I (and others) prepare to weather any storms from what is being planned?

realfuckyoumagic ago

They're anywhere from 4-10 pages long.... each AMA transcript. File sharing each one was my best plan, but I'm open to suggestion.

He's not worried about the dollar collapse. He mentions another financial crisis ahead, probably not until Trump has had enough time to drop policy on which to assign blame. Trump to him is as much establishment as Hillary; however he's I think a little less disgusted overall with his dealings (although he does view him as woefully unprepared for eventualities). He seems to be unconcerned that there's any giant horrible life-threatening event coming though. He did mention maybe having 10 days emergency food etc for your family in case of a natural disaster, but he seems assured that there's no benefit to any nation or group to collapse the system.

It gets really crazy when he describes the factions of elites and whom belongs to what. Excerpt:

/pol/: >There are more than two materially different factions in the world.

Can you give us an overview of the different factions? Three seems to be the US-centric techno-rationalist cyborg faction. What are the features of the others? Which one is the most powerful and which one is the most interesting?

**HLI: The major power factions in the world are analogous to dark priests, good priests, kings, and (in theory) meritocracies.

Dark priests - these people believe that beauty emerges from contrast. Evil is necessary for good kind of thing. They are not necessarily pro-evil, but pro-contrast.

Kings - generally less intelligent than dark priests. Much of their code of behavior derives from a belief in the past that you need a slave class to sustain an enlightened class.

Meritocracy - they believe in something similar to democratic rule, but only with votes for the initiated, because the masses are hopeless.**

He goes on to name names.

CaptnMeowMix ago

Start/engineer WWIII for a global reset?

WWII did prompt the Bretton Woods Conference that created the Gold-Exchange Standard, and WWII itself started only after Hitler made his changes to Germany's monetary policy. So it's definitely not improbable. I mean, what other reason would there be for the media/establishment pushing anti-Russian sentiments so hard, without any concrete evidence of anything? Sure, Putin is a Nationalist and the Globalists don't like that, but why start all this now?

It's bleak and depressing, but it is effectively a whole government/financial structure fighting for its survival, as retched as it is. And nothing injects money into an economy and boosts spending/profits like a good war!

Also, what's the worst-case scenario for all of this? How should I (and others) prepare to weather any storms from what is being planned?

Your guess is about as good as anyone's not directly involved with the huge power structures at play here, unfortunately. But by the looks of it, especially with that secret meeting that happened, it seems that migrating to Asian countries with currencies/economies not too heavily invested in the USD might be the best bet. My personal picks would be Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia, though they'll all probably still be more affected than mainland China. But anywhere with a growing GDP and a currency not heavily pegged to the USD would probably be ok.

The other option of course is to invest in Gold/Silver/Bitcoin (which people should do anyway), but unless you have the funds to accumulate enough of it to last you through the transition period, it might not get you much on its own without completely relocating somewhere with a safer currency (sadly).

As for the worst case scenario: imagine something along the lines of a global-scale EMP/nuclear bomb going off, but only affecting everything to do with money and finance in the western world. So stuff like what happened in post-WWI Germany, or what's currently going on in Venezuela is not unlikely.