Simpleusername ago

  1. Climate change...if you believe that bullshit, you haven't read an iota of data.

  2. Who gives a shit? OMG christians don't think it's right to kill baby's...yet, you get the fuck over it pussies. Oh, some cunt makes it inconvenient? Try not to be such a whore...

  3. Fuck you faggots. Guns are here to stay...don't like it? Try to take them and see what happens to you. I suggest reading the 'war college' studies on Modern American rebellion, insurrections, and repatriation. The worlds combined military is outnumbered, outgunned, outskilled by JUST those who once served in the US military...add 100,000,000 armed citizens owning over 500,000,000 guns and estimated 12 billion rounds of ammunition. Oh, and you can't flim flam the zim-zam...Zimmerman for PM Israeli/Mexico 2020!!!

  4. Obama created ISIS/ISIL, murdered/slaughtered innocent women and children with 'double-tap' drone strikes...continued a war in Afghanistan, started new ones in Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc...Dude is more responsible for terrorism than Osama Bin Laden.

  5. Benghazi...Ambassador Stevens was murdered. 5 Admirals quit because of it. Rescue teams were told to stand down...America trained and armed N. African Al Qaeda to overthrow a soverign, stable and peaceful country...leaving it in ruins. Obama should have been impreached over it...Hillary should have gone to prison. If you think differently, go talk to a serviceman...they all know what happened. Stevens was going to bring down Hillary/Obama... he got the 'clinton special.'

wesofx ago

Bot investigation required!

thetruthoftensux ago

The squeaky wheel and all that. Most people fall in the middle and are more focused on being successful and getting ahead. The truth is the person in office, or congress, or the senate means almost nothing to the success of an ambitious person. Learn the rules of the game (what ever society you're born into) and play by them to win. The rules are not the same as the laws (as we've seen with the rich and powerful breaking them).

All the screaming from the fringes is designed to keep people distracted. Distracted people lose the game. You can't have people who win if no one loses.

Bfwilley ago

LOL new shill is like old shill and a tool to.

nuworldblue ago

To be fair, ideologies that are considered "far"-anything are often dangerous and delusional. Left and right fringes are each terrifying in their own respect.

That being said, the writer of this article is full of shit and makes some really poor, half-baked arguments.

meltingpotofhambone ago

OP is a FAGGOT kick his ass back to crumbling Eddit. Fucking guns in the home have a higher chance of death? WTF but pools, cars, balconies, kitchen knives are totally safe? or does the benefit outweigh the cost of death? Fuck off!

TheGatekeeper ago



They've been triggered all night, bro. So funny. Lol.

7even6ix2wo ago

I thought the dangerous delusion was to pretend that the political spectrum is 1D

TheGatekeeper ago



rspix000 ago

More on Byron Smith here]( You know, even I think this article sets up quite a few "paper tiger" conservative arguments and justifiably deserves mocking. Think about that the next time you see a meme on the front page that says sumpin like: "Liberals just can't understand . . ."

ConservativeDev ago


BoiseNTheHood ago

Leftists are truly pathetic, having to resort to using upvote bots and multiple accounts to fake the popularity that they'll never have organically on Voat.

Cannonfodder ago

I've been on voat for almost 2 years. I have never seen so many upvoats and downvoats for any submission EVER! Op clearly overestimated the population of voat to claim so many upvoats. Nothing has triggered voat to give out so many upvoats, the amount of downvoats are accurate voaters calling bullshit, Especially with ops length of membership. Voat will not stand for this horse shit, we are more discerning than you give us credit for, that is the beauty of free speech and anti censorship. We can call and see bullshit immediately and will not fall for it. Long live voat you butt plugging faggots!

RexKramer ago

No.5 Amanda must have no internet search skills as this is easy to find: "Obama blames Benghazi on anti-Muslim Video "

NotWearingPants ago

A complete misunderstanding of how conservatives view those issues. Or willful ignorance.

theoldguy ago

Why the federal government would make up climate change and then bribe scientists to lie about it was left unexplained.

I got that far before I stopped reading. Carbon tax anyone?

irishredfox ago

I like how openminded and accepting voat is of other opinions. What I like more is how people express their opinion in a calm and intelligent manner. It is in no way a hug space.

deadmanwalking1984 ago

Are they trying to place Trump supporters into a neat little box so that they can more easily package their trite accusations and manipulations? I think so. This town needs an enema. We need to purge the Big Six Mass Media Corporations from our lives. There is only one way to accomplish that. BOYCOTT. Hit them where it hurts, in their bank accounts. Until we starve them of our money, they will continue to use our money to whip us into a shape they consider desirable.

TittyThief ago

This guy has two left wing posts on the front page at the same time and they're his only submissions. Fucking shill.

undertheshills ago

Abortion- State right issue. The only way the constitution could be interpenetrated is pro life if you take it from the states.

Climate Change-America is as clean as it gets. the free market is correcting the problem globally as we speak.

Gun rights. You are a pussy. Americans have a right to own guns, libtards need to stop oppressing their citizens in cities like NYC DC CHICAGO LA

I stopped reading after those becuase Im sure the rest is more bullshit left wing talking points.

derram ago

Seems the first archive fucked up and the site is still returning it instead of the slightly newer one.

Ina_Pickle ago

Wait... youre a real person, derram? Mind blown.

Norm85 ago

There must be some CTR terrorists hiding amongst all the reddit refugees

hamans_revenge ago

Every rapefugee is a terrorist m8

HeavyBrain ago

And that why I hope Ivanka will correct Chelsea's record good.

HeavyBrain ago

Ah its nice to read a balanced quality piece of to notch journalism.

HeavyBrain ago

Dont throw accusation out like this, could be a CRT shill who didnt got the message that there will be no more money.

TheGatekeeper ago

Dont throw accusation out like this, could be a CRT shill who didnt got the message that there will be no more money.

Ah, HeavyBrain, still using calculated projection to misdirect people away from your true identity as a paid shill, I see? A pity the voters on this thread have seen right through you. Clearly your Nazi innuendo needs some work.

HeavyBrain ago

Hey mate I already admited being a Nazi, atleast per your definition a nazi is anyone who isnt a cuck.

amyshulk ago

time for the daily propo already?

Runaway-White-Slave ago

You know it's connected to Pedophile Gate..... They're scared, and lashing out in impotent rage, apparently only children get it up for them, and incidentally they're the only humans they can defeat. But SPAM they must!!!

gazillions ago

Wild_Bill_Hickock has a bot that kicks the voats up by about ten when he gets a down boat?

gazillions ago

It was at 60 up voats, I downvoated and it flipped to 80 up voats. Someone's fucking with something?

BlackLabel ago

Blatant vote manipulation.

gazillions ago

With a bot maybe?

BlackLabel ago

Possibly, if you keep track of these threads that are showing up you can see they always maintaining a certain ration/threshold of upvoats/downvoats.

shakin_my_head ago

Wow. Somehow a leftardis Maximus troll figured out how to navigate away from reddit. Is that you Pao?

cmor88 ago

Come and take my guns, you fucking pussies!

bachayio ago

fake! not good

Kommander ago

Look mom a fag


CTR Has come to VOAT

mrrabe ago

99 upvotes, 64 downvotes (60.74% upvoted it) ...what? And no comments from anybody claiming to like the article.

orange_viper ago

Anyone who goes against the grain here is downvoted to oblivion and most new users are trying to keep the ccp

edit: see.

jerry ago

That's just you being a ccp tryhard. Go back to Reddit gallowboob or Unidan or whoever you want to be . Ccp means nothing except to jackasses like you lol

orange_viper ago

Means something for the first 100 until you get restrictions lifted. Think I've proven it means nothing to me as I don't censor myselfself to fall in line.

voNIKONov ago

The gun one was great. He trapped the kids in a murderous plot.....and was convicted of murder. Also I didn't know that you were more likely to be murdered if you have a gun in your house. This would be funny if there weren't people out there that read the whole thing just nodding the entire time.


Amanda Marcotte is a politics writer for Salon

I don't even know why the fox logo is on this, but they should apologize. "The right gets guns wrong" (phrasing) The right is all about 2a, I mean WTF?

ShinyVoater ago

It's from 2014, so Fox was the far right in most people's eyes. The alt right didn't reach national consciousness until midway through the Republican primaries, if not later.


I didn't even notice...thanks. (I'd upboat you, but I am limited at this time)

CrudOMatic ago

([{Amanda Marcotte}])

Sunnybrooke ago

Most Goats see through this type of low iq-low effort propaganda, Mr wild shill hickock. Gtfo!

wgtt911 ago

I know. ain't it kewl.. coming from a hour old reddit fag account....

chmod ago

Member for 2 hours. Checks out.

jinbnters ago

What the fuck is this shit

edistojim ago

That the conservative movement is built on a bunch of misinformation, strange fantasies and outright lies has been the subject of thorough documentation, particularly in the past few decades.

Obviously the author of the dribble hasn't met the Democrat Party. The article is total bullshit from back to front. That shits not fit to wipe an ass with. Take that crap back to Reddit, they'll swoon over it.

CrudOMatic ago

([{@$%!Amanda Marcotte!%$@}])

KoKansei ago

Amanda Marie Marcotte is an American blogger who writes on feminism and politics.

contributes to Slate, The Guardian, Salon,...

A cancerous article written by a cancerous spinster who works for some of the least reputable (((media))) organizations out there. Anybody who wants to preserve conservative values should do exactly the opposite of what is suggested by this article.

Also, fuck you OP for not archiving this cancer.

WhatWouldDonaldDo ago

Fake and gay

Grunge ago

What a horrible opinion piece. Basically your plantation masters telling you what you should want.

not_shadowbanned_yet ago

jesus, how much wrong can you fit into one article?

thetruthoftensux ago

While I can write up lists of shit on the left that are retarded, aside from the guns I didn't find anything really wrong with the list. Most of it was shit I've had to listen to for 20 years (or more) coming from the right. The far right is just as noisy as the far left. They just scream about different issues (many of them on this list).

Not trying to be contrary, but people really need to listen to their thoughts before making a statement. Otherwise we simply become the noisy extremists ourselves.

spookybm ago

Jesus, how many bots can he have to upvote him this quick?
Probably explains the API crashing so much...

TheGatekeeper ago

jesus, how much wrong can you fit into one article?


not_shadowbanned_yet ago

lol, you must be new. unless that was a compliment.

Jizzmaster3000 ago

No. 4 especially. The author seems to ignore the amount of open and back-door support Obama, and particularly Hillary has provided to Terrorists in both Libya and Syria to fight those Shia governments that Saudi Arabia dislike.

DrHugsyMcFur ago

So has every President since Woodrow Wilson. If Trump were any different I'd shave my head and eat my hair.

Even Reagan sold weapons to the Contras (SA terrorists) and gave that money to the Iranians (Islamic Terrorists).

I'm not saying it's right or that I support the policy of arming different non state groups, but it's not just a problem with the Left.

thetruthoftensux ago

Absolutely true. Most people on this site are far too young to have proper perspective on issues beyond their fee fees.

guinness2 ago

After reading the article I can only conclude that Amanda Marcotte has the dumb.

Broc_Lia ago

First time huh? Marcotte is the one who called anyone who defended the Duke Lacrosse team "rape loving scum." After it was proven that they were, in fact, falsely accused, she deleted all blog posts related to the incident and refused to ever talk about it again.

derram ago

I have this bookmarked under "head up ass" and link it anytime Marcotte is mentioned -w-

Master_Foo ago

Thing is, there are plenty of things the Right gets wrong. It's just not (most of) those things.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago


derram ago :

5 of the Most Dangerous Delusions of the Far Right | Alternet

'<a href=""> <img style="width:300px;height:200px;background-color:white" src=""><br> 5 of the Most Dangerous Delusions of the Far Right | Alternet<br> archived 16 May 2014 20:20:00 UTC </a> {{cite web | title = 5 of the Most Dangerous Delusions of the Far Right Alternet | url = | date = 2014-05-16 | archiveurl = | archivedate = 2014-05-16 }}'

This has been an automated message.