hunter3 ago

what are sci and sap?

sorosh8 ago

Sounds like blockbuster information.

Judging from the sparsity of views and up-votes this post accrued, OP, I have a hunch that most people here are like me, in that the post's title went right over our heads. I get the general gist of what you are saying, though, having now clicked to this page and read your explanation.

You know, it is a sad indictment of the public at large that most people don't even know what the central criminal issues of the Hillary's email scandal are. We are a low information processing group, and so are other populations around the world. This is why democracy doesn't work out as well as it should.

Anyway, interesting post but what you say is speculative. Hillary and Bill have for years now seemed to be influence peddling - and therefore perhaps influence purchasing or bartering - criminals. I think the FBI is corrupt because they never followed through on Israel's involvement with the 9/11 attack. I think the FBI is ultimately controlled by ZOG, or else they would do this basic police work. In other words, I think they need not worry about busting themselves, and that Hillary through the CFR and the Zionists or other shadowy cabals simply traded her way out of any penalty. And perhaps more importantly, she is the shiksa meat puppet that the Zios want in the Oval Office. I think that's why the FBI stood down. They don't have the clout to fuck with ZOG.