1Sorry_SOB ago

If you've been red pilled the next step is becoming familiar with Jewish names and being able to wiki people you are not sure about.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Anybody want to give me a TLDR?

NorwegianBlackMetal ago

Wow thats a lot of jewish names? Ties to Israel search anyone?

I have never seen any proof of jewish overlording, even during ww2 germany. It just keeps piling up, are these people seriously trying to control us? The death of them seems like its ending the monetary system... but how do we do that :|

bbylon ago

Sees list of 20+ jews connected to the Guccifer leak.

One of them has a German name.

Fucking conspiracy theorists sees jews everywhere.

allthecoolkids ago

Don't tell me Cohen is a Jew..!

IAmYourDad ago

You'll never see this on Leddit.

OhBlindOne ago

Just to point out, this was done by Guccifer 2.0, not wikileaks.

Btw the password is: (GuCCif3r_2.0)

Doc_Cochran ago

its guccifer 2.0, not wikileaks.

Nutark ago

So, have they managed to recover from that holocaust thing yet?! Not doing too bad for 0.22% of global pop. Imagine if there was no holocaust! How rich would've been rich enough?

1Sorry_SOB ago

This election is about the Jewish establishment vs. the last gasp of a white America.

epsilona01 ago


pw: (GuCCif3r_2.0)

Jackson5 ago

78% of Jews vote left. All Jews are the problem... Well 7.8/10... My mistake. Only 78% of Jews are the problem.

Expel them all to Israel and then let Iran nuke them.

Bindlestiff ago

I'm wishing hilter never committed the holocaust or persecuted the jews. that way when he decided to take over the world einstein would have helped germany develop the atomic bomb and wipe dumb fucks like you off the face of the earth.

jewsbadnews ago

Thats what I have been saying. Kick all jews out of America and you will see a massive improvement within days. And a lot less Hollywood movies. lol

Jackson5 ago

How many more documents do you need that show you that Jews control Western civilization? I don't even read this shit anymore because I already know what Jews are all about. Hitler was right and they were hated and killed for good reason.

hunter3 ago

is this the october surprise? or is there more to come?

lord_nougat ago


Deplorable_Me ago

Hah, jeez! I just snorted so hard, that came out of my nose!

Meatloaf would approve: "♪ But I won't do that ♪".

BentAxel ago

I saw someone that donated $150,000 and their career was Homemaker. WTF?

hats_ ago

Nancy Koppelman | $1,038,100 Total Raised | Self-Employed | Activist

Fourteen years ago, Koppelman and her banker husband Larry moved to Montecito from Orange County, where she had owned a sailing school and yacht charter company for nine years. After spending four years building their dream house here, they knew no one except their contractor and the painters who worked on their seaside home. They also adopted a 9-year-old girl from foster care (their daughter, Renee, who is in her last year of college in Chicago).

...Oh, go on...

Since 2007, Koppelman has been a member of the Democratic National Committee's National Finance Committee, and has served on President Barack Obama's national finance committee since he launched his first campaign in 2007.

Oh, I see...

The nonprofit Global Neighborhood Fund, which she co-founded three years ago with Montecito residents Connie Smith and Sandra Tyler, is a giving circle with a focus on grassroots-to-grassroots efforts. Their belief is that "the world is our neighborhood. We have no boundaries or borders."

Suddenly it kinda makes sense.

Edit: If you really want for some sick reason, here's the article ... only thing I could really find about her in a quick search. (and I'm pretty sure that's her)

BentAxel ago

HA! "the world is our neighborhood. We have no boundaries or borders."

BULL FUCKING SHIT! No one in OC wants a neighbor. And Montecito? Are you fucking kidding me? The median home price there is over $3 Million. We are talking about Democrats, Right? What fucking liars.Orange County CA is full on Capitalism and Republicans.The only democrats come from the blighted areas. Santa Ana and Garden Grove. I would tend to believe more of Money Laundering than a Sailing school and Yacht charter business.

Tell old Nancy Koppelman she has to put people up in her $5Million Dollar Home. See how giving she is then.

count_fagula ago

Clearly they build and sell houses.

BentAxel ago

Ah see. I never thought of that.

homemaker - a person, especially a housewife, who manages a home. AKA Wife. AKA Mom. If only I wasnt a Man so patriarchal thinking the answer would be so clear.

ToFat2Fish ago

Being a hose whore is a profitable profession

Deplorable_Me ago

I've got my popcorn.

Mr_Quagmire ago

For what? Do you really think the MSM will cover this in earnest?

MedicalMountainGoat ago

If they were worth half a pile of horseshit then this would be all over the news. Anyone in the news game would be talking about this shit 24/7 and would have investigative teams digging through all the documents to find the juicy bits. Its really unfortunate our media is totally corrupt.

Deplorable_Me ago

Thank you.

Troll ago

Alert! Alert! This news is about to make Hillary have a seizure of seismic proportions!

common_sense ago

Anything juicy?

New_years_day ago

It's literally nothing, just DNC finance contributions donations from a shitload of Jews and ambassadors and federal administrators. Nothing big.

gazillions ago

It isn't nothing. We're too accepting of this shit because we're so used to their crooked, lying thieving ways.

New_years_day ago

that was sarcasm

MoonMansWay ago

I wasnt able to tell either.

Echo_of_Savages ago

Fyi sarcasm doesnt translate well over text. Gotta tag that shit with an "/s"

New_years_day ago

ok /s

Echo_of_Savages ago

How cute /s

jaceame ago

Boy that is a lot of Jewish names. Not a conspiracy theorist, but wow. No wonder the government never gets anything done, they're on holidays for half the year and golfing the rest of the time.

Mr_Quagmire ago

Not a conspiracy theorist

There's nothing wrong with being a critical thinker who doesn't accept information at face value.

Echo_of_Savages ago

Holy shit they released the addresses and phone numbers of all these people

New_years_day ago

They as in, Guccifer, yes. You can thank him by sending him smokes since he is already in prison.

lord_nougat ago

Pretty sure they don't let you smoke in prison anymore, because they suck.

KosherHiveKicker ago

The number of ((( Donors ))) on that list is mind blowing.

New_years_day ago


New_years_day ago

I bet Mr.Barzun and 3 other current ambassadros gunna have some splainin to do

solar_flare ago

At least McCarthy was a patriot that tried to actually weed out the traitors.

rspix000 ago

You may be the last of a dying breed that thinks so. History has judged him far less charitably. http://alumni.berkeley.edu/california-magazine/just-in/2016-01-29/reconsidering-socialism-younger-voters-no-longer-see-label

solar_flare ago

A lot of those morons don't even know what socialism is.

rspix000 ago

But they've sure learned about crony capitalism, haven't they?

solar_flare ago

I suppose, which is a far cry better than socialism. When it got down to it most of them would probably identify as social democrats, but they're too ignorant to understand where their political ideology fits in.

rspix000 ago

Your comment made my eyebrows twitch. Here on voat, seems like few (even Sanders mixes them up) actually know that there's a difference. I'mma tag you about knowing the diff. Thanks.

YoungerX ago

Here is the direct link to the files!

Ivegotredditcancer ago

Downloaded it but it all shows corrupted files

s7itch3s ago

so what's the password?

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

1 Matthew Berzun … Ambassador to UK

2 Julius Genachowski … Former chairman to FCC

3 Frank Sanchez…. Under secretary of commerce

8 Kirk Wagner… Ambassador to Singapore

9 Alan Solomont … Ambassador to Spain

11 John Roos… Ambassador to Japan

12 Nicole Avant… Ambassador to Bahamas

13 Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe … Ambassador to the UN

Campaign donations are being exchanged for appointments to important federal positions


17 Don Beyer – Ambassador to Switzerland

21 Don Gips – Ambassador to South Africa

22 Howard Gutman – Ambassador to Belgium

24 Cynthia Stroum – Ambassador to Luxembourg

27 Mark Gilbert – Ambassador to New Zealand

31 Norm Eisen – Ambassador to Czech Republic

37 Bruce Oreck – Ambassador to Finland

43 Tony West – deputy Attorney General

45 Bill Kennard – Ambassador to EU

PIcasso54 ago

Is this illegal?

daskapitalist ago

"Pay to play" is the verbatim terminology in both their emails, and the law prohibiting it.

Mr_Quagmire ago

Would it matter if it was?

klobos ago

Nope. Should be though. Both parties do it.