fogdryer ago


MercurysBall2 ago

Thank you.

MercurysBall2 ago

Luciferase reaction:

  1. Andenylation
  2. Oxidative decarboxylation


Adenylylation,[1][2] more commonly known as AMPylation, is a process in which an adenosine monophosphate (AMP) molecule is covalently attached to the amino acid side chain of a protein...Enzymes that are capable of catalyzing this process are called AMPylators.

Formation of Aminochrome Leads to Cardiac Dysfunction and Sudden Death -

Oxidation Process of Adrenaline in Freshly Isolated Rat Cardiomyocytes: Formation of Adrenochrome, Quinoproteins, and GSH Adduct

Adrenochrome is the most studied aminochrome due to its stability (Heacock, 1959, Rupp et al., 1994). ..

High concentrations of circulating biogenic catecholamines often exist during the course of several cardiovascular disorders. ..this work aimed to study the toxicity of adrenaline either alone or in the presence of a system capable of generating ROS ..Meanwhile, a time-dependent increase in the rate of formation of adrenochrome and quinoproteins was observed...Noteworthy is the fact that the exposure to adrenaline alone promotes a higher rate of formation of quinoproteins and glutathione adduct, while adrenochrome formation is favored where ROS production is stimulated. This study shows that the redox status of the surrounding environment greatly influences adrenaline's oxidation pathway, which may trigger cellular changes responsible for cardiotoxicity.