FingerMcGee ago

Does anybody else think that COVID-19 is being used to catch pedophiles? All of the well-known people (and less known people) who seem to have caught it also are people who have been suspected or caught child traffiking?

fogdryer ago

well that depends on your definition

septimasexta ago

No. Way.

They are all faking it to control the narrative. The so-called tests are unreliable....

"“EvergreenHealth is providing care for one of our physicians who has a confirmed case of COVID-19. He is in critical condition but stable. Out of respect for our patient’s privacy and that of his family, there is nothing more we can share at this time,” says a brief statement issued by the hospital on Sunday.

The physician, who is in his 40s, has been admitted to the intensive-care unit and could be the first front-line health care worker in the state to TEST POSITIVE for the disease, said Dr. Liam Yore, the immediate past president of the Washington Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians.

Yore is an emergency room doctor who works primarily at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett but is also on staff at EvergreenHealth. He spoke to The Seattle Times on behalf of his professional organization and not as a representative of the hospitals.

“THERE WAS AN INITIAL TEST ON TUESDAY, AND THAT CAME BACK NEGATIVE,” Yore said of his EvergreenHealth colleague, who he described as “a dedicated and selfless physician.”" (EMPH. MINE)

carmencita ago

Yep. It sure is possible. We have Justin Pretty Boy Trudeau AKA Son of Fidel. We have outed Oprah who as of yet does not claim to have virus. I’m waiting for her and Gayle. I could be wrong. Keeping fingers crossed 🤞

plancktonne ago

There's stuff on Twitter re Hanks and some radio show out of Omaha. The Twitter commenters make points about the room in which Hanks was quarantined — that it's not a hotel room but possibly a military base or some detention place.

Hanks posted a pic a few days ago of an old Corona brand manual typewriter that he claims he brought along from the US to Australia. Who in their right mind, no matter how rich, would bother to lug a very heavy typewriter along? How would Hanks know in advance he'd contract Corona Virus and need that particular brand of typewriter for one of his famous mysterious / joke pics.

"(check this twitter thread for a tom hanks update. if true its not good for tom and others.)"

[Twitter Re Hanks]

There's something weird going on, the link above was originally in a comment on a totally unrelated CDAN gossip item apparently about Rita Ora, which was on CDAN's front page, but in the last few minutes disappeared there and exists only in CDAN's sidebar index. Also the link itself went to a much longer Twitter thread that included allegations by someone who claim's her father sold her to Hanks at age 13. That's also gone now.

MercurysBall2 ago

The film was produced by Gary Goetzman

Hanks with Goetzman and Steven Spielberg

In 1993, Goetzman was executive producer of Demme's Philadelphia, starring Tom Hanks, beginning a working relationship with Hanks. Goetzman co-produced Hanks's 1996 directorial debut, That Thing You Do!. The two then co-founded The Playtone Company in 1998. Since then, Goetzman has produced hit films including My Big Fat Greek Wedding, The Polar Express, Charlie Wilson's War and Mamma Mia!. Goetzman has also received several Emmy Awards for HBO mini-series Band of Brothers, The Pacific, John Adams, Game Change and Olive Kitteridge.

MercurysBall2 ago

Chet Hanks, the son of Rita Wilson and Tom Hanks, appears in a bit part as a pizza delivery boy. Rita also has a supporting role

carmencita ago

Another example of letting us know what’s coming. They get a kick out of making these movies with their little secrets. They think we are to dumb to get it. Its like a joke to them. But It’s becoming more obvious all the time. We have woken up pedos. Look out.

fogdryer ago

hidden in plain sight

carmencita ago

Yes. As always.